Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

Richmond Hill Liberal, 29 Aug 1979, B7

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fat, the rental 0! wmter malntenance equupment lot use on vanous Regional Roads. Tender documents may be purchased'fot the sum of ten dollals ($10 00) per set. (NO REFUNDS) and light hausekeepung, f0! 2‘ aged children LIVE m or out. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 13, 1979 for the supply and deliver of treated sand in stockpiles m the tollowmg rdlstncts: I DISIRICT A - East 0! Yonge Street In the Town of Amova and thtchurch- Tendet forms, Information to Blddels and Specificatlons may be obtained at the ottice oi the Engineenng Department, the Regional Municipality of York. on Woodbine Avenue. one and oneouarter miles north of the Aurora Side Road. (Postal addless: PO. Box 296, Newmarket, Ontario L3Y 4x1) DISTRICT 8 â€"West of Yonge Street In the Township 01 King and the Town of Vaughan, A marked cheque f0! the sum 01 One Thousand Dollars ($100000) shall accompany each tender‘ Iender documents may be purchased tor the sum of ten dollars ($10.00) w set. (NO REFUNDS) IENDERS FOR WINTER SAND CONTRACI N0. 1579-12 SEALED TENDERS. properly matked. will be recewed by the Regional Clerk until 1] 00 AM on StoufMIIe DISTRICI C â€"North East Section In the Township of Georgina. Towns of East Gwllllmbury and Newmarket DISTINCT D â€"Townsoi Richmond HI” and Markham Lowest or any tendet not necessarily accepted Tendevs shaII be delivered to the Clerk's Office. 62 Bayview Avenue, North Entrance. 2nd Floor. Newmarket, Ontatio. L3Y 4W9. Non-smoker. tor 2 preschoolers, In my home Thornhnl atea Mondays and Wednesdays (More days avaulable If the Sine: WIShBS‘ 881-5283 Roban '1. Vernon Regional Gal HARVEY. Helen Mary At Yurk Central Hospltal. on Wednesday. August 22. 1979. Nellie Poole. beloved wlle of the late John S. Harvey. dear mother of Frank, Vancouver. Jack. Mrdland, Willrrd. WIllowdale and Mary (Mrs. Murray Jellrlo). chhmond Hill. loved by her erghteen grandchildten and two great grandchildren. dear sister ol Zrta McLean. Betty Owen and the late Basrl. Maurrce and Chuck. Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home. Yonge St. chhmond Hrll. Funeral Mass was sard in St. Mary Immaculate Church. on Saturday mornrng. Interment Mount Hope Cemetery Memonal donations may be made to the Canadian Cancer Socrety. REQUIIE kmd middle aged to care for 2 school aged Whl‘e lather works nght keeping dunes and short F0: Interview please wnte SEALED TENDERS properly mavked WI” be recewed by the Regional Clerk until 11:00 AM, on Specifications. lnlormation to Bldders. Tender Forms and Tender envelopes maybe obtained at the olfrce of the Engrneerrng Department. The Regronal Munrcupalrty 0! York. Woodbine Avenue. one and one-quarter mries north of the Aurora Road (Postal address: PO Box 296. Newmarket. Ontarro L3V 4X1). The lowest Or any tender not necess‘anly accepted Tenders shall be delivered to the Clerk's Office. 62 Baywaw Avenue. North Entrance. 2nd Floor, Newmavket. Ontario. L3Y 4W9, IUDD. Ernest F; Suddenly. at Tullsonburg. on Sunday. August 19. [979. beloved father of Ernest. Jr.. deal son of Ernest Frederick Judd. bwthe: 01 Jack. James and WI"le Resting at the Matshall Funeral Home.Yonge St. Richmond HI“, after 7 pm. Wednesday. Servnce Thursday 1:30 pm. Intetment Elgln Mulls Cemetery. Robert N. Vernon, Regional Clerk SMITH. Emmet: Miltnn Al the Branson Hospital. on Friday. August 24. 1979, EM. Smrth. beloved husband of the late Marvella Ruth Hrll, ol erlowdale. also survrved by hrs nieces and nephews. Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home. Yange St. chhmOnd Hrll. Funeral service was held Monday afternoon. Interment-Rich mond Hrll Cemetery. (Retrred From Ontarro Hydro and a Member at the chhmond Hrll Masonrc Lodge), SHEPPARD, William at York Central Hospital. on Thursday, August 23. 1979. Willram, beloved husband of the late Laura Beatnce Cain, survived by hrs srster» mlaws, Lylia Turner and Velma Cain, Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home. Yonge St.. Richmond Hill. Funeral semce was held Monday mornrng. Interment Sandlord Cemetery. Libéral DEAD or Crippled farm animals picked up promptly. 705439-2421 Call anytime. Ed Peconl & Son‘ Woodville, Ont. Licence No, 324066 Free Pick-up "BABYSITTER' 884-4367 791 HOUSEKEEPER Babysitting BOX 72 THE LIBERAL c/ 0 Box 390. Richmond Hull L4C 4Y6 655 ,Farm Service Interment Mount Hope Memonal donations may to the Canadian Cancer Deaths middle aged woman school aged children works Light hause- s and shott weeks 5‘“ Domestic He|p Wanted TENDERS FOR RENTAL 0F WINTER MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER l3th, 1979 WNTMCT '10. 15-79-11 Evgs school ’ark ’ Mun/mp7?” a! 01" 7 77m flag/01ml Municipal/[y a! 7 The flag/anal Municipal/Q a! In my noose for 2 children 16 months and 6 years Paid holidays at ChHSImBS and Easter 830 to 884-9805 HOUSEKEEPER. 2 days per WEEK Expenenced. Reterencw~ Cleaning Ironing, general heusework Central Thornhill. Box 71 The Liberal. to Box 390. Richmond Hull L4G 4Y6 02 W9 MIDDLE age woman as companion for eldetly lady 5 days per week Central Richmond ‘H'IH. §0x 70. The Libelok 00 Box M Edmond-#4:" L4G HQ, c2 wg MOTHER‘S help. Thomhill. Live in 881-1357, HIII IN THE ESTATE OF IVAN ELLSWORTH SISLER All persons havrng claims against the Estate of Ivan Ellsworth Sisler late of the Town of Richmond HIII. In the Regronal Munlcrpallty of York. who died on or about the let day of July 1979' are hereby not:- Tled to send particulars of same to the undersrgned on or before the let day of September 1979. alter wthh date the Estate wrll be dlstn- outed. wrth regard only to the dams of whrch the underSIgned shall then have notice and the undersrgned wrll not be hable Ior any person at whose clarm she shall not then have notice DATED AT RICHMOND HILL THIS let DAY OF AUGUST. l979 PEARL MARIE SISLER. EXECUTRIX OF THE ESTATE OF IVAN ELLSWORTH SISLER BY HER SOLICITOR. ROBERT H BLACKBURN MESSRS STONG BLACKBURN 8. MACHONE. SUITE 206 10350 YONGE STREET RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO LAC 1C8 Cleaning Lady wanted 1 day per week. Royal Orchald area Own transportation. 881-2236 All persons havmg claums against the Estate at Alexander MacGregor, late of the Town ol chhmond Hill, In the Regronal Mumcrpality of York. who died on or about the 13th day of August 1979. are hereby notrhed to send partrculars of same to the undersigned on or before the 17th day of September. 1979. alter whrch date the Estate wrll he drstrrbuted. wrth regard only to the clarms of wthh the underSIgned shall then have nohce. and the undersrgned erI not be Irable for any person of whose clarm she shall not then have nohce DATED AI RICHMOND HILL lHlS 17th DAY OF AUGUST. 1979 JOAN MARGARET MacGREGOR EXECUTRIX OF THE ESTATE OF ALEXANDER MacGREGOR. BY HER SOLICITOR. ROBERT H. BLACKBURN, MESSRS. STONG. BlACKBURN & MACHON. SUITE 206. 10350 YONGE STREET. RICHMOND HILL ONTARIO. LAC 358 day weekly 610 CLEANING LADY BABYSITTER IN THE ESTATE OF ALEXANDER MacGREGOR 222-2396 Bus 884-7135 Res Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS REQUIRED Bob Fovl'lan Regional Chairman Centtal Richmond Bob Fuhan Chaimnn 509 Tenders SEALED TENDERS wrll be received at the Reception Desk. The York County Board at Educatron, Admlnrstratrve Ottices. 60 Wellington Street West. P.0 Bax 40. Aurora, Ontano, L46 3H2, until 4:00 pm. local trme on TUESDAY. September 11. 1979, Tender terms and specrticatrons are avarlable from the Purchasrng Department Low Bid or any tender not necessarily accepted Enqumes L. Schmman at 727-3141‘ 4782050. 8890660; 884-8131; 887 5931, Extensmn 254 W. D. Cousens Chairman All DEISODS havu Estate of Gearge late of the Tow In the Reguonali who died on SEALED TENDERS plainly marked as to contents will be received by the undersigned until: NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS m mt ESTATE or ETHEL GAlLANT ALL persons havrng claims against the Estate at Ethel Gallant. late of the Town ol Richmond Hill in the Reglonal Municrpalrty at York who died on or about the 19th day ol March, 1979. are hereby notilred to send particulars of same to the undersrgned on or about the lst day of October. 1979 alter which date the Estate will. be distri- buted. with regard only to the claims of which the undersrgned shall then have notice and the undersrgned will not be liable to any person to whose claims she shall not then have notice DATED THIS 17th DAY OF AUGUST/79 RAYMOND GALLANT. Admrnstratm ol the Estate ol Ethel Gallant. by his Soliators. Messrs Lawlor 8. Le Claire. Barristers and Solicitors. 10265 Yonge Street Richmond Hill Ontario, LAC 382 CM TENDER FOR 1979 SUPPLY & PLANT TREES CONTRACT NO. 79034 R H KRAFT P ENG YOWN ENGINEER TOWN OF VAUGHAN MAPLE ONTARIO L01 IEO of Mn have n Tender documents can be obtained from the Municipal Office. Engineering Dept. In Maple.’ The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted 610 THE YORK COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION The annual municipal enumeration will begin on Tuesday, September 4, 1979. During this month, an enumerator, carrying a proper identifica- tion card, will call at your residence for a few minutes to check basic information required in determining; 0 the allocation of education property taxes between'the public and separate school systems; 0 the distribution of provincial grants to local governments to help reduce local tax bills; - the preparation of jurors” lists; and 0 population information needed for other municipal programs. Flue-enumerator must record such information as the name, age, property status (e.g. owner or tenant), school support and residency of all members of the household. When the enumerator visits, please check that the information on the Enumeration Notice is correct. If it is not, revise it and verify the changes. If you are not home, a Notice will be left for you. If changes are necessary, please make them and mail the Enumeration Notice, as soon as possible, in the self addressed postage prepaid envelope accompanying the Notice. Forany additional information, please contact the local assessment office. THE ANNUAL MUNICIPAL ENUMERATION STARTS NEXT WEEK 3:00 PM. MONDAY SEPTEMBER 10th. 1979 Ontario Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS GLASS REPLACEMENT SERVICE CONTRACT Regional Municipality of York Ian W. McClung Regional Assessment Commissioner Ministry (416) 895â€"8644 (Newmarket) (416) 920-2372 (Toronto) of Re ional Munici alit of Halton- p,gI-IA Rnar‘h p y TOWN OF VAUGHAN ALL SHOWER CURTAINS l A 92?ng TENDER NO. 630 ‘WJ‘; BIRTHDAY SPECIAL S. L G. Chapman Director of Education Quasi-x Regional Municipality of Halton-Peel R. H. Beach Regional Assessment Commissioner (416) 270-8050 (Mississauga) mint/g3] “5 Notices august HILLCREST MALL 884-0288 mAINING. Keép your gob & learn m spare tune - you c0uld_ be on _th_e an In 5 months' News Sports, 0.]. Talk Shows Program Host. TV Commermals wnh placement service FOR RECORDED MESSAGE ON HOW YOU QUALIFY ANYTIME ~ 921‘2420 NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF BROADCASTING Mr. and Mrs, J. Scott. 01 Port Credit. msh to announce the engagement of the” daughter Beverly Ann, to Roderick Charles Waters, son of MI. and Mrs, W E Waters. 01 Thomhill. tormerly of Richmond Hill Wedding to take place Septembel 22. 1979. at St Georges On-The‘HIII. lsllngton. RADIO-TV AN NOUNCER INCOME TAX COURSE Classes Begin Sept. 17 HGR BLOCK will teach you to prepare income tax re- turns in a special 13 week tuition course. i COURSES COVER cun- RENT TAX LAWS o ENROLLMENT OPEN To ALL AGES t N0 PREVIOUS TRAINING OR EXPERIENCE NECESSARY 0 JOB INTERVIEWS AVAILABLE FOR BEST STUDENTS For deIails and class schedules please phone: 55° Career Training 5447 Yonge St Willowdale Classes Held In Richmond Hull FINAL WEEK 5‘5 Engagement (Canaqa) Ltd. Phone' 226-9066 Han BLOCK Thick thirsty towels in velvety sheared smoothness on rich terry... Plus co-ordinating mats and lid covers. 25% HOLIDAY HORSE AUCIION LabOur Day. Monday September 3, 6 pm at Stoutfvrlle Stock Yards. Hunters. jumpers. quarterhorses. ponies, etc. Large selection at new tack sold by auctron proceeding horses, Bun: your horse to the proven sale. We have the buyers! 5 percent commrssron. (9 years In the horse auction busrness wrth 30 auctrons a year. we get them sold!) Bill Simmons Auctioneer For information Phone 1-640-4198 0f good quality hunters. |umpels pieasme horses and equment to be held at the new Markham Fau glounds. A few conSIgnments open fur select horses For (urthev Inlor- matlon contact Vern 0! George Mason 416â€"884-3236. William F. Walkel auctioneer Equipment to be sold at 630pm horsesat800pm MOLLARD. John and Jane (nee Raven), are my proud to announce the birth 01 their daughter. Megan Anne, 440 pm. August 23. 1979, at York Centlal Hospnal. Happy brothers, Pete: and Andrew anxiously await her homecoming SECRETARIAL SERVICES Including typmg. mvoucmg. photo copying. Pickup and dehver 8849859 m5) Wishes to do typing m her own home 0REASONABLERA1ES' REFERENCES 8897653 AUCTION SALE 35‘ 565 Employment Wanted SEPTEMBER 5 6 30 PM EXPERIENCED TYPIST Livestock ‘35 Births OFF gmIlllllllllIlllllIIIIIIllIIIIIllllIllllIIlll|I|IllIlllllllllllllllIllll||IlllllllllllllllllllVlilllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllg filllllllIllIllIIIlIlllllllllIllllIlllIllIllIIIIIII|IIIIlll|I|lllllllllllIllIIIIl|||l||ll|l1|IIllllllIlfifill'lllllilillllllllllllllfi PRO BOWLING CENTRES LSUITE 211 COME, BRING YOUR FRIENDS THE FU/II’S 01v US! AT RICHMOND HILL'S NEWEST DISCO "RAFFAELS". .. r Black Hawk Motor Inn'x ' ‘ WOMZRMJWHLQRM. FORWWORMAWON PHONE SNACK BARS *877 WILSON NOW 20 LANES LEAGUE LANES STILL AVA|LABLE WED 9 PM FRI. 7 P M MR. KAT ES 638-1753 T‘NWIOZO STUDIO HUTDmfiTiC SCDHEHS Fingertip convenience in speed and light selection. Lifetime lubricated motors. Ducted models have 3-way discharge Ductless models have 2 filter sys‘ ‘ COLORS AVAILABLE ' WHITE â€" COPPERTONE , ALMOND, AVOCADO FOR ' FALL CLASSES NOW LIMITED NUMBER VACANCIES AVAlLABLE TUESDAY, SEPT. 4th WEDNESDAY,~SEPT. 5th NO COVER CHARGE SUITABLE ATTIRE REQUIRED PRIVATE ORGAN LESSONS REGISTER Now You’ve Got A Friend In The "T" ‘ - Plumbing _ Business.._ ‘ ' FOR EFFECTIVE VENTILATION TEN PIN BOWLERS Yonge St. 8. Elgin Mills Hillcrest Mall 884-9171 ' RANGE HOODS ALL 10 PIN LANES EQUIPPED WITH BROAN REGISTRATION DAYS REG. $79.95 AND UP THE LIBERAL. Wednesday, August 29. 1979 â€"â€" 8-7 *10593 YONGE ST. 24LANES10PIN- 8 LANES 5 PIN RICHMOND HILL PRO SHOPS 884â€"9366 HIU ’tors. arge. RICHMOND HILL POWER LANES BATHURST & FINCH 4915 BATHURST 5 PIN LEAGUE TIMES STILL AVAILABLE 225-7747 884-4634 Plumbing Fixtures Piping E: Fittings Electrical Suppliu Special Electrical Wira Jacuzzi Whirlpools Water Softeners Heating Supplies Faucets Er Repair Parts Pumps ‘ Fluorescent Lighting Bath Vanities PARKING PRIVATE STUDIO SIZE 30”

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