Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

Richmond Hill Liberal, 5 Sep 1979, B12

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All petsons having claims against the Estate of Ivan Ellsworth Slsler. late of the Town of Richmond HI". in the Regional Mumcupallty ol York. who dled on or about the let day at July. 1979. are hereby notu. tied to send pattlculars ol same to the undersngned on (N before the let day of September. 1979. after which date the Estate WI“ be dlStll- buted. mth regatd only to the claims at which the underSIgned shall then have notice and the undetstgned will not be llable for any 'person of whose claim she shall not then have notice. DATED AT RICHMOND HILL THIS let DAY OF AUGUST, 1979 PEARL MARIE SISLER. EXECUTRIX OF THE ESTATE OF IVAN ELLSWORTH SISLER. BY HER SOLICITOR. ROBERT H BLACKBURN MESSRS STONG BLACKBURN 8: MACHONE. SUITE 206‘ 10350 YONGE STREET RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO. LAC 1C8. All persons havmg claims against the Estate of George Benedict Thompson. late ol the Town of Richmond Hill. in the Regional MuniCIpality of Yolk. who died on or about the 3rd day of August. 1979, ate hereby notified to send patticulars at same to the undetsugned on or belore the 16th day of Septembei, 1979. attei which datethe Estate wt" be distri- buted. with legard only to the claims 0! which the underSIgned shall then have notice. and the undeISIgned will not be liable for any DEISOH of whose claim she shall not then have notice. All persons havrng claims against the Estate at John Esmond Hamson, late of the Town ol chhmond Hrll. In the Regional Munrcrpallty of York. who died on or about the 17th day ol August. 1979. are hereby notihed to send particulars of same to the undersrgned on or belore the 29th day at September. 1979. alter which date the Estate wrll be distributed. wuth regard only to the claims at which the undersugned shall then have notice and the undersigned m" not be Irable for any person at whose claum she shall not then have I‘TOIICE DATED AT RICHMOND HILL THIS 29th DAY OF AUGUST. 1979. RHODA JANE HARRISON EXECUTRIX OF THE ESTATE OF JOHN ESMOND HARRISON. BY HER SOLICITOR. ROBERT H BLACKBURN. (1/0 MESSRS. STONG. BLACKBURN & MACHON. SUITE 206. 10350 YONGE STREET. RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO LAC 3B8 OATEOAT RICHMOND HILL. THIS 16th DAY OF AUGUST. 1979, EVELYN ISABELLA THOMPSON EXECUTRTx OF THE ESIAIE 0F GEORGE BENEDICT THOMPSON, Bv HER SOLICITOR ROBERT H BLACKBURN MESSRS STONG BLACKBURN & MACHON SUITE 206 10350 YONGE STREET RICHMOND HILL ONTARIO LAO 388 l JOAN MARGARET MaCGREGOR. EXECUTRIX OF THE ESTATE OF ALEXANDER MacGREGOR. BY HER SOUCITOR ROBERT H. BLACKBURN MESSRS. STONG. BUCKBURN & MACHON. SUITE 206. 10350 YONGE STREET. RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO, L4G 388 NOTICE TO CREDlTORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF ALEXANDER MacGREGOR All persons havrng clarms agarnst the Estate at Alexander MacGregor. late of the Town of Rnchmond Hlll in the Regronal Munrclpalrty of York who dred on or about the 13th day of August; 1979, are hereby notrlred to send particulars of same to the undersrgned on or before the 17th day ol September. 1979. alter which date the Estate erI be drstnbuted. wrth regard only to the clarms ol which the undersugned shall then have notice. and the undersrgned wrll not be hable lor any person of whose clarm she shall not then have nohce DATED AT RICHMOND HILL. THIS l 17th DAY OF AUGUST. 1979 JOAN MARGARET MacGREGOR. 8-12 â€"- THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. September 5. 1979 Thanks to you, our patrons, for twenty five years of support and encouragement. BOXS RICHMOND HILL L‘C 4X9 SUBSCRIPHON "CKET ENGUIRES $843703 The Curtain Club is situated at Elgin Mills and Newkirk Road. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF JOHN ESMOND HARRISON IN THE ESTATE OF IVAN ELLSWORYH SISLER 610 THE CURTAIN CLUB NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS The Lady's [Lot for burning Legal Notices by Ray Cooney 8 John Chapman September 27 to October 13 There goes the bride Christopher Fry November 29 to December 15 by Ira Levin January 31 to February 16 Dangerous Corner Veronica's Room 6 Rms RV Vu by Bob Randall May 29 to June 14 by J.B. Priestly Apri|3toAptil19 Presents C3W10 CM 9 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF ETHEL GALLANT ALL persons havmg claims against the Estate of Ethel Gallant, 'Iale o! the Town of Rnchmond HI”. m the Reguonal Mumc'pallty 0! York. who dled on 01 ab0ut the 19th day at March. 1979. an: heveby notified to send particulars of same ol the Estate of Ethel Gallant. by his Sollcuors. Messrs. Lawlo: 8. Le Claue. Barristers and Sollcntors. 10265 Yonge Street. Richmond HIII. Ontarlol L4G 382. (33* 9 to the undemgned on 0! about the lst day‘ot October. 1979. after which date the Estate Will be dlSIll- butedt With regard only to the claims of Wthh the undersngned shall then have notice and the undemgned mllI not be liable to any pevson to] whose claims she shall not then‘ have notice DATED THIS 17th DAY OF AUGUSl/79 RAYMOND GALLANT. Admmstralor THURSDAY EVENING. SEPT 13 AT 5:30 PM. 0F HOUSEHOLD FURNI- TURE. THE PROPERTY OF MRS L, DOWNEY. ‘ Will be held on the premises 3] Garden Avenue Richmond Hill. approx. 1‘7 miles south of Richmond Hill to Emerald Isle Motel. turn west. about 1 block (on the south Side) or just north of the lights at Langstafl and west Viking double door retrig. Enterprise electric stove Kenmore automatic washer. Viking dryer (all in good condition. all white) chrome table and chairs china cabinet. 4 dining room chairs. chesterlield and chair (nearly new) coffee table and 2 end tables. black and white teleVision small Duncan Phyle drop leaf table: tri light. floor lamps. 2 good table lamps. or. of marble lamps. dresser, 2 night tables and chest of drawers. bedroom smte. wooden linen chest. double bed, qu of 78 records. wicker clothes hamper. Belair electric sewing machine (good) car- penters tools. garden tools. electric lawn mower and many other articles. Terms cash or good cheque Sale IEHTIS cash. Cheques with ID only. Sale of furniture, shop Items, etc. including large executive desk. walnut custommade (extra nice and quite old); walnut heirloom cedar chest with legs; walnut bookcase, walnut tiltop table; Cooper French Provincial chesterlield, 2 old wicker arm chairs; teak diningroom table with 4 chairs; Brunswick Celebrity model billiard table (A-l condition) with counters and snooker balls; set of Belgium billiard balls; small pine blanket box; oil lamps one With bracket; electrrlied parlor lamp with painted china lront and globe; brass lire screen, dogs, Irons and mom; string ol cutter bells. other bells; set ol Stilliards; old wooden handmade scoup; 10" Craftsman table saw with 2 extensions; 12 in. Bandsaw, Craftsman floor model dnll press with 1/5" chuck; Beaver 6 in. planer; Ram bench minder, Skilsaw. Number of hand tools, 24 In. Tom No. 524, 5 hp, snowblower; 21 In. Lawnboy mower. etc. at 5:30 sharpf Reg, and Larry Johnson Auctioneers, Phone (705) 357-3270 Ium Wat ott No. 11 It Longbvidgu (lst south ot No. 7). Continue West to Rivmide than South to lst street. LAKE FRONT LOTS LAND-O-LAKES REGION (35 MILES NORTH OF LAKE ONTARIO SUNDAY SEPT 16.1P,M ~ Several large lake front lots from one to forty acres‘ adlacent to miles of crown land. on a beautiful three mule long lake, excellent Bass PM and Pickerel fishing. Call or wnte auctioneer to: tree descriptive brochure and maps. DUNN AUCTION SERVICE Box 777 OAK RIDGES. ONT, LOG IPO PHONE (416) 773-5952 INSPECTION DATES: SEPTEMBER 1 2, 3, 8. 9, 15 AUCTION SALE 610 FOR THE 1979-80 SEASON GORD ORR, AUCIIONEER 309 Legal Notices AUCTION AUCTION SALE SAT. SEPI. 8 12 NOON Fat Modq Kinnoo 23 Idlulifl DI. Auctions THORNHILL GAUSLIN, AUCTIONEERS To be held at the Stouflvulle Sales Barn. Household furniture and an. tiques‘ Numbef of tools. dishes. glassware. old pine cupboatd. num her 0' pressback chairs‘ coal oil lamps, numerous othe: articles. NORM FAULKNER. EARL TERMS CAHS INCOME TAX COURSE Classes Begin Sept. 17 H&R BLOCK will teach you to prepare Income tax re- turns In a special 13 week lultlon course. 0 COURSES COVER CUR- For details and class schedules please phone: RENT TAX LAWS O ENROLLMENT OPEN TO ALL AGES 0 NO PREVIOUS TRAINING OR EXPERIENCE NECESSARY 0 JOB INTERVIEWS AVAILABLE FOR BEST STUDENTS BOYS FIRST QUALITY STAN Fl ELD'S T-SHIRTS department stores 5447 Yonge St Willowdale Classes Held In Richmond Hill Now THURS. SEPT. 6th (Canada) Ltd. Phone: 226-9066 AUCTION SALE FIRST QUALITY H&R 87LOCK Only LIGHTERS Sizes 8-16 Assoned Colours 50% Cotton 50% Polyester ATS PM Reg. $3.50 $187 BIC DISPOSABLE Sugg. $1.39 66¢ Our Price ; 92m. EQNGE ST. Tammn 9" WORK BOOT MIDDLE age woman as companion for elderly lady 5 days per week. Cenlial Richmond Hill. Box 70. lhe Liberal. c-o Box 390. Richmond Hill L4G 4Y6. c2 wg Io babysn 2 young children. Fnday 0! Saturday evenings Good pay Please call' 884-9067 POLO SHIRTS MATURE WOMAN NOW $4487 $877 Doors open a16230 pm. Dancing 9:00 pm. to 1:00 am Bar Reg. $12.95 Only PARKWAY CHLORINATING lIQUID First Quality Sizes 8-18 5 Gallons for FOR CHlORlNATING YOUR SWIMMING POOL 012% Available Chlorine . “um"... M. FIRST QUALITY STANFIELD'S MEN'S BRIEFS . 2 GALLONS FOR '2.98 A ‘12.00 VALUE BRING YOUR OWN CONTAINER 2 GALLON CONTAINERS FOR “1.00 BOYS 50% Cotton 50% Polyester Sugg. $3.50 Only MEN'S FIRST QUALITY Selling Elsewhere ‘25.00 FALL FESTIVAL At Maple Arena Saturday, September 15, 1979 Featuring $1977 $199 CLEANING lady required for home on Yonge St‘, North‘ Phone after 7 pm. 884-5246. CLEANING lady required. Thornmll day weekly. 889-9731. 2 mornings preferred or ] fun day Reterences necessary. Please call 5‘“ Domestic Help Wanted CLEANING LADY $6.77 889-9932 Required 8"WORK BOOTS OIL RESISTANT, STEEL TOE, STEEL PLATE. CSA APPROVED SIZES 6 - 12 COMPARE $43.95 FOR PANTS 2844 sugg. retail 13.95 OUR PRICE WORK CLOTHES SHIRTS 14v2-17 am. W123?) OUR PRICE TUF - MAC BACK TO SCHOOL LEVIS CORD BELLS GET YOU WHERE YOU‘RE GOING WITH STYLE AND COMFORT TO SPARE. A WIDE VARIETY OF COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM . . . ALL WITH THE FAMOUS LEVIS FIT. DURAWALE PLUS BELL BOTTOMS ARE A SPECIAL BLEND OF POLYESTER AND COTTON CORDUROV THAT LIMITS SHRINK- AGE. GO CORDUROY. GO LEVIS CORD BELLS. MEN'S FIRST QUALITY Corduroy Bell Bottom NAVY, BEIGE, BROWN, BLACK CANADIAN MADE NAME BRAND PERMANENT PRESS COLORS â€" BLUE OR GREEN HOUSEKEEPER. 2 days per week. Experienced. References, Cléamn ironing, general housework. Central' Thornhill. Box 71. The Libelal. co Box 390. Rlchmond Hill L4G 4Y6. CZ W9 FIRST QUALITY STANFIELD'S Crewneck T-shirts 75% Cotton 25% Poiyester Sugg. $3.98 Only 1 day weekly‘ Central Richmond HI" Sugg. s24.95 CLEANING LADY $1697 222-2396 Bus 884-7135 Res $277 832-1154 832-2318 832-2618 832-2689 Come Early and Enjoy a REQUIRED * Dinner music during Buffet i Wine served with Buffet 6:30 pm. to 0:30 pm. $10.00 Per Couple 8" WORK BOOTS OIL RESISTANT COMPARE $37.95 FOR TUF - MAC Fat Tickets, Call: HOT & COLD BUFFET 1 GALLON Reg.‘4.50 now $2.77 0 Algiban Liquid Concentrate 1 GALLON Reg. 'a.95 now $7.47 0 MURIATIC ACID Merqbev - Canada Deposit Ins. Corp INTEREST PAID ANNUALLY 763-2291 2299 BLUOR ST. w., TOR. GUARANTEENINESTMENT CERTIFICATES IF YOU'RE LOOKING FOR VALUE IN A LONG WEARING JEAN, LEVIS JEANS AND CORDS HAVE THE STRENGTH AND DURABILITY YOU WANT FOR YOUR CHILDREN AND THE GREAT FIT AND STYLE THAT THEY LOVE. LEVIS HAVE STRONGER SEAMS AND POCKETS. LEVIS ARE AVAILABLE IN ALL SIZES OF CORDUROY AND DENIM IN BOTH WIDE LEG AND BELL BOTTOM STYLES. COME ON IN FOR GREAT VALUE IN LEVIS JEANS. $957 $857 Student's Washed Denim 11% $1 587 50 HEAW DUTY GARBAGE BAGS $1 487 Student's Cords 1'/z MIL 26"x36‘ $399 SIZES 7â€"12 COMPARE $16.95 NOW $1099 NORTHSTAB JOGGING SHOES FURNITURE REFINISHING s SESSIONS - 3% hrs. each MON. on TUES. EVENINGS EACH counse $40.00 #2: CONVENIENT YOAIGESTEELES 100/! no” CALL. MEN'S SUEDE WORKSHOP COURSES IN ls pleased to announce their re-opening by the new owner GAEL CARMICHAEL Small Groups Stanlng Sept. 10m 3. Sept. 18 ”All breeds, professional grooming for dogs and cats....r. AND RESTORATION 99 HENDERSON AVE. THURNHILL ’ 881 3247 SANDI'S GROOMING STUDIO 881 -0025 - 881-0000 Famous ”Gorilla” makeâ€" insulated sylflex tanned lea- ther-9" WORK BOOT NOW SIZES 36-46 PILE LINED, DETACHABLE HOOD. REG‘ '35.95 PARKWAY NOW CANADIAN MADE HYDRO PARKA MONDAY ll TUESDAY H WEDNESDAY 11 THURSDAY 11 FRIDAY 11 SATURDAY 10 16!! AVE. NORTH STAR JOGGING // SHOES HWYJ sron: nouns SIZES 1-6 COMPARE s15.95 NOW Suggl 1.75 100 ml $21 17 $999 for further Inlormatlon $4187 BOY'S NOW plus um" mlhrllll coll sugg. r0135! 59.95 996 o I - .I.|0 clIcIII

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