Richmond Hill Hockey Registrations at the arena 1 to 5 p.m. Skate and Equipment resale centre open at the same time. Info: 884-7353. Art in the Park at Mill Pond Park. Noon to dusk. Richmond Hill Group of Artists and guests. If it rains. it will be September 16. Richmond'llill United Church. 7.30 p.m. Induction of Very Reverend N. Bruce McLeod by York Presbytery. Reception follows. Info: 884-1301. HELPMATE INFORMATION COMMUNITY CALENDAR 883-2234 @ Cantabile Chorale 8.00 p.m.. Thornhill Baptist Church â€" 889- 1105 (starts Sept. 10) Lions Bingo at 7.40 p.m. Lions Hall. Centre St.. R.H. Duplicate Bridge St. John’s Anglican Church I2125 Yonge St.. R.H. 8 pm. -â€" 884-1689 York Philharmonic Choir Practice, RJI. Baptist Church. 7.30 p.m. New members needed for tenor & bass sections. In addition to their counselling services, Family Services offers an education program for the community. The purpose of education programs are to help prevent crises and to help perâ€" sons of all ages â€" from teenagers through retirement â€" to handle the many challenges of modern living and all aspects of Family life. ..... to be an EDUCATION ASSISTANT for the Richmond Hill & Thornhill Family Services. Programs are also provided for schools, parent events, mother’s morâ€" ning groups and a variety of other church and community organizations. Your community needs you With its very own uniform and a fun program, Pathfinders will be attracting all those girls aged 12 to 15 who thought Girl Guides were If you take a close look at the Brownie, Girl Guide and Rangers groups in your area, you'll probably notice something new. It's called Pathfinders! BAYVIEW SCHOOL OF BALLET 222-5111 YONGE Er FINCH SUNDAY This year there will be one course on MONDAY Guiding takes on a brand new look 16 0 8 WEEKS ODISCO 0 BALL- ROOM 0 GROUP . 34000 Scottish Country Dancing enrollments at Bayview Fair- ways School. 3.30 p.m. Info: 889- 8117. Along with the new groups will come changes in the other programs as well. The age levels will be lowered by one year too young and Rangers were too challenging for them. Guiding believes they'll find this new concept so interesting and just “grown up“ enough that they won’t be able to resist trying it. Richmond Hill Group of Artists meeting. 7.30 p.m. Crosby Public School. R.H. Public Library Pro-School Story Hour 10 â€" 10.45 a.m. Pre- registration Mother's Break 9.30-11.15 a.m Richmond Hill United Churc' 884-2671 Legal Aid Clinic 7-10 p.m. 884-9148 Alateen â€" Aurora United Church 8 p.m. â€" 773â€"4539 Craft Evening. St. Paul's United Church â€" 7.30 p.m. 773-5603 MONDAY TUESDAY Libéral 52am @@mmaï¬mflï¬y parenting and another on ageing. Education programs are planned and organized by volunteers: , ‘Volunteers are also needed to help with public relations (setting up displays and posters in Hillcrest Mall), presenting a prepared slidetape show to groups in the communityï¬tc. For an individual who is organized, self motivated and interested in Family Services education programs, this volunteer position is a great opportunity and challenge. If you are interested in learning more about the volunteer jobs available in Family Services, contact the Rich- mond Hill Volunteer Bureau at 883â€"2235. 10 This year will be the transition period for the new programs and some for both Brownies and Guides. A girl will soon be able to join a Brownie Pack at age six or a Guide Company at age nine. Rangers will accept girls 15 and over and the Cadet program for leaders-in- training will remain much the same. ‘ Curtain Club general meeting at the club house. 8.15 pm. North York Newcomers Club. Get Acquainted Coffee Party. Forest Grove United Church 8 One Parent Families Association. General Meeting, Thornhill Comm. Ctre. 8 p.m. Scottish Country Dancing Enrollment at Bayview Glen School. 3.30 p.m. Info: 889-8117. Richmond Hill Hockey Registrations at arena. 6.30 to 9 pm. Skate and Equipment resale centre open at the same time. Info: 884-7353. Golden Era Club euchre. 8 p.m. Patricia Kemp Community Centre. Info: 669-1851. Thornhill Newcomers Club Luncheon. Info: 889-2183. Mothers Break. 9.30 to 11.15 a.m. Richmond Hill United Church. Info: 884-4294. Mothers Break Registration 10 a.m. Thornhill United Church. Two programs: Tuesday and Thursday. 9.30 to 11.15 a.m. Call 889-6807 or 889-9620. 1 p.m. at Thornlea Secondary School. Info: 889-9620. Thornhill Community Band Registrations for new members. North York Newcomers Club. Executive Meeting. 8 p.m. 66 Laurentide Drive. Don Mills. Thornhi“ Barbershoppers Duplicate Bridge. St. John's Heintzman House â€" 8-00 p.m. Anglican Church. 12125 Yonge St. 633-5209. All men welcome _ 884â€"1689 Richvale Lions Drum Corps & €010“ Guard. Lions Hall. 31 Counterweight â€" at R.H. Public Spruce Ave- 7-00 - 8-00 P-m- Library. 7.30 pm. 2554421 Yoga â€" 7.15 â€" 8.30 p.m. beginner 8. 30 â€" 9. 45 p m. intermed. Rich- mond Hill United Church 884- 267]. TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY WEDNESDAY REGULAR EVENTS Districts will be moving towaf‘ds the change at a faster rate than others. The changes mav not be too obvious at first but eventually they'll be seen. Leaders in every unit will be trying hard to adapt to changes in ages and in programs. It‘s quite a challenge for them and their girls to meet. New leaders will be Wednesday, September 5, 1979 St. John Ambulance training session for members. Richvale Community Centre. 8 p.m. Info: 884-4204. llillcrest All-Stars. Market Court at Hillcresl Mall. 5.30-8 p.m.v Richmond Hill United Church Women. Evening Unit. 8 p.m. (‘hurch Parlor. Info: 884-3443. Thornhill Community Hockey League Registration. 6.30-9.30 p.m. Info: 881-3313. Richvale Guides and Brownies Registration. Richvale Com- munity Centre. 6.30 p.m. Cub and Scout Group Committee Meeting. 8 p.m. Weldrick Room, Richvale Community Centre. Scottish Country Dancing enrollment at German Mills School. 4 p.m. Info: 889-8117. Cub and Scout Registrations. 7-9 pm. Weldrick Room. Richvale Comm. Ctre. Info: 889-1627. George Sawa, Arabian Nights. Market Court. Hillcrest Mall, 5.30 to 8 p.m. Canadian Progress Club. ‘ York Central. 7 p.m. Call 884-3888. St. John Ambulance Training session for members. Richvale Comm. Ctre. 8 p.m. Info: 884- 4204. ‘ Thomhill Lions Bingo Thomhill Community Ctr 7.30 p.m. Scottish Country Dancing â€"- Adult classes. Royal Orchard School. ’I‘hornhill. 8 p.m. St. Paul’s Lutheran LCW â€" 8 Parent Concern Meeting 8 -â€" 10 p.m. Call Joyce 884-3503 Thornhill Radio Amateur Club. 8 p.m. Thornlea Secondary school. Info: 889-9620. The Entertainers â€" Klaas Vangraft (3 folksingers) Market Court. Hillcrest Mall 5.30 to 8 A.M.O. at Richmond Hill United Church â€" 9.30 â€" 11.15 a.m. 884- 5542 needed as Pathfinder units open up and as other leaders decide to change units for the age group they prefer. True to its pledge to keep up with modern trends, Guiding is once again restructuring itself to adapt to the‘ needs of today‘s girl. While' providing an invaluable contribution to Richmond Hill Area Block Parent Association Meeting at York Regional Police Station, Major Mackenzie Drive. 7.30 p.m. All Welcome. Richvale Writers Club. 8-11 pm. 79 Denham Drive. Richmond Hill. Info: 889-6703. Everyone Welcome. Richmond Hill Lions Meeting. Lions Hall. Centre Street. 6.30 Scottish Country Dancing enrollment at Stornoway School. 3.30 p.m. Info: 889-8117. Civic Improvement Meeting. Town Offices, Committee Room B 8 p. m Thornhill Newcomers Club Coffee Partv. 881-8094. B'nai Brith meeting at Gallanough Library 8 p.m. Guests welcome. Info: 881-2027 or 889-7084. Thornhill Figure Skating Club registrations. 7-9 p.m. Thornhill Comm. Ctre. Widows and Widowers Meeting. Victoria and Grey Trust Building, Richmond Hill. 8 p.m. Richmond' Hill Lions meeting, Lions Hall. Centre Street. 6.30 Seniors Euchre Game, 1.30 p.m.. Club Room. 10149 Yonge 81.. RH. Richmond Hill Legion Bingo Legion Hall. Ohio Rd. Richmond Hill â€" 7.35 p.m. Yoga Class â€" R.H. United Church. 9 â€" 10.15 a.m. beginner. 10.15 â€" 11.30 intermed. 884-267] Weight Watchers. Concord Community Centre â€"- 7.30 pm 669â€"2173 Section C THURSDAY the community, Guiding also helps develop character and respon- sibility in individuals, whether they be leaders or the girls themselves. If this type of in- volvement interests you as an adult or if you‘re a young girl looking for a challenge mixed with fun, get in touch with your local Guide ‘Com- 13 Senior Citizens Bowling League. ABC Lanes. l.15 p.m. Info: 773- 5433. Rotary TV Auction in honor of Year of the Child. Money will be used for York Centre for Children with Learning Disabilities. Donations are needed. Info: 884- l868. Pioneer Girls Registration at Hillcrest Mali. All day. Girls 10-12 years. Info: 889-6789. Benefit Variety Night for York Region‘s Yellow Brick House. 8 p.m. sf Aurora High School. Unionville Home Society celebrates 12th Anniversary at Union Villa. Art Show and sale. 7 to 10.30 pm. Info: 297-2822. Scottish 'Country Dancing Enrollment at Baythorn School 3.30 p.m. Info: 889-8117. Air Cadets. male & female 13-19 years â€" Royal Canadian Legion. Ohio Rd. 7.00 p.m. 884â€"4521 Richmond Hill Youth Concert Band Rehearsals 7.30 p.m. â€" St, Joseph's School. Roney Ave. 884- FRIDAY Thornhill Recycling Depot Bayview 8: Green Lane 7 â€" 8.30 Duplicate Bridge St. John's Ang Church, 12125 Yonge St. 1 p.m 884-1689 missioner to find out more. Or phone Mrs. Olive Verrico,York South Division Commissioner. at 884~3276. She‘ll be glad to answer your questions. Districts and units will soon be having registrations, so keep an eye open for times and dates. Richmond Hill West has already scheduled their FRIDAY Royal Trust THE SIGN THAI SELLS \J 881-3232 ROYAL TRUST CORP. OF CANADA 883-2234 Richmond Hill Hockey Registrations at the arena. 2-8 p.m. Skate and Equipment. Resale centre opens at the same times. info: 884-7353. St. Mary‘s Anglican Church Annual rummage sale 1-3 p.m. Wrixon Hall. 2-5 p. m. 884-8038 Pioneer Girls Registration at llilIcrest Mall. all day. 10-12 years. Info: 889-6789. Round-Up Day for all children in the community. St. John's Baptist Church. 75 Oxford Street. Thornhill and District “or- ticultural Society Annual Flower Show. L30 to 9 p.m. Gallanough Library. Free. Thornhill Newcomers Club. Barbecue and dinner. Info: 889- 3645. Thornhill VViIlage Festival. Activities all day. in Thornhill. District wide registration night for Wednesday. September 12 from 7 to 9 p.m‘ at St. Mary's Anglican Church in Wrixon Hall. Girls all ages are welcome to come and anyone in- terested in becoming a leader will receive an especially warm welcome. Happy Guiding! Thornhill Figure Skating Club registration 9 a.m. to noon at Thornhill Comm. Ctre. Info: 881- 3313. Minor Hockey registration. Bond Lake Arena. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Car Wash and Free coffee sponsored by Richmond Hill Ponderosa. 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. All proceeds to Richmond Hill Donkey Baseball â€" CFGM playing Country Music Stars. Noon at Bond Lake Arena. Sponsored by Oak Ridges Minor Ball. Volunteer Bureau. Info: 883-2234. Richmond Hill Figure Skating Club registrations. 1-5 p.m. Banquet Room. New Arena. Maple Lions Club Fall Festival featuring Tommy Dorsey Orchestra at Maple Arena. Buffet â€" 6.30 pm. Dancing. 9 p.m. Tickets. $35 couple. Call 832-1154. 832-2618. 832-2318 or 832-2689. R. H. Recycling Depot. Elgin Mills Rd. E. at Leslie. 10 a.m. till Thornhill Recycling Depot Bayview at Green Lane. 10 a.m till noon Euchre â€" 1.30 p.m.. Seniors Club Room. 10149 Yonge St. Richmond Hill All Welcome, 1st in homes 1st in service SATU R DAY SATU R DAY For transportation call 15