I got your note re Health Minister Timbrell several weeks ago. His letter to me crossed with mine to you of July. l was very pleased to hear that at last the government had allocated additional funds â€" $85 million was it? ~â€" to OPEN LETTER William Hodgson. MPP Queen's Park Toronto. The facts about the entire teacher dispute are really quite obvious and have been clearly exâ€" pressed Ihrough all forms of the local media. The board is just now getting down to serious negotiations at the time when the 1980-82 talks should be starting. in my opinion the mess we are How can one help but criticize the York County Board of Education? So York (‘ounty‘s secondary school students are hostages yet again to a power and control fight between the board and its teachers. How silly to have such a contest at this time. in now is typical of the board, and just em- phasizes the poor business qualities the board possesses. Letters=|’m still waiting to hear from McMurtry Seemingly the battle now is who decides what a teacher does with her- his spare periods, and what are a teacher‘s extra-curricular duties. The board perceives it has the right and responsibility to decide: similarly the teachers see the decision is theirs. Surely, the decisive factor is a matter ot negotiation on an adultâ€"to- adult basis between a principal and her-his teachers. They. after all. are ,the,9ne§ .913 theistth , an?! directly‘ informe about the needs of a school and in particular. of its students, for their growth as intellectual and social human beings aspiring to a gainful and responsible place in society. EDUCATION: York ’3 students hostages again But instead of common sense prevailing. and from my interpretation of last night‘s (vizi August 27) meeting, what we have is the old story. In a fight both sides see themselves as right. and so to justify we have wordy old rhetoric runâ€" ning things: in the board meeting, only one presentation had data to back up statements. Too bad: the students again are the losers. It is a wellâ€"known principle in learning-teaching that continuity of instruction is a key to achievement. Who knows? A youngster may open all sorts of doors to his-her future. To start the year with no lessons at all is absurd. There is another factor making it necessary for secondary schools to operate normally on Tuesday, September 4, 1979. It is the law of the h is Bad enough that the TO Libéral Mess is typical of board Without doubt, without melodrama. this will reduce suffering. save lives. You must excuse my lengthy silence. With the hospitals The government’s long overdue action illustrates the value of people continuing to make their protests heard. After all. it IS their money. For over a week the trustees knew that provincial mediator Harvey Ladd had called a mediation meeting for the following day. August 28. If I were a teacher. that board has let the negotiations drag on for over a year-and-a-half. but just when the talks are coming to a very crucial and tender stage, the board goes and blunders again. The case I am referring to involves the August 27 meeting of the school board trustees and the topic of teacher lock-out. land. As St. Paul said, “I live by faith. but I abide by the law." So. trustees of York County let the schools open and have faith that a school‘s staff through the good offices of principal, staff and students will resolve extra-curricular and spare period dif- ficulties Somehow l have an optimistic feeling that everything will turn out all right to the benefit of students From my knowledge of good teachers. and they form the core of any staff. their hearts are in the right place â€" doing the best they can for their students. That is what teaching is all aboul. The real problem, Js 411211,, .as old- .limmy Durante used to wall. “Everybody wants lo get into the act." . . . . l for some egocentric goal. Yours faithfully. I).R_. Rees IX Thornybrae [)r., 'l‘hornhill. Wyï¬ept. 6 - 3% pm. - 8:00.931. Fnflay. Sept. 7 a am pm. - 8M pm. Sanuday. 8.19:?†am. - am pm; School Dance and} MEMBEME minovALAcAnm§ or nmmmmuommsmmg ~ ~* MEMBER or am CANADA Assammu TUITION in»: MD. A; L ‘ j i j: *Jm’flï¬" *YMWEBN DAME ’ if s}: *W *91880 *- THEATRE ’ cmumm mm Anuus, * ; - REGISTRATION: tam 2mm“ “m - ‘ , -- icemsrAraussmï¬ . * STUDENTS PREPARED FOB RM. mun mmmms ANNUAL RECKTAL HELD AT MINKLER AUDiTORiUM. SENECA COLLEGE coming of the hot summer days I dropped my Spluttering pen off at the Home for Incurables, for rest and treatment. It was no go. My pesky pen still has this com- And I thought this would allow ample time for Attorney General McMurtry and Premier William Davis to answer my letters of several months back. “A.decision by the board to close schools on September4would: make an agreement more difficult to reach during mediation sessions which begin tomorrow: suggest that the board and its advisors place a greater emphasis on ad- ministrative practices and conveniences than on the learning process per se." Why did the school board not schedule its meeting after the mediation talks were over? would be enough to set me in a rage. The board simply added fuel to the fire; OSSTF‘ District 11 President Tony Bulson came right to the point in a letter he sent to the trustees: For all students, especially those entering the all important Grade 13. a teacher lockout to say the least is damaging. Yet. at the same time‘ the trustees are saying “we have to think of the students.“ M‘ ME Immn m @ï¬â€™ II'IUI'H‘I'IILL LIUI‘O EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT :40 pm. Earlybirds WITHIN 04 NUMBN wen, SEPT. 5th CONSOLATION JACKPOT $500.00 MUST GO THORNHILL COMMUNITY CENTRE JKCKPï¬'T $1,000.00 John St. and Bayview_Aye., Thornhill THORNHILL LIONS During the period he has strongly declared for: (1) national unity; (2) half-a-million for the Boat People; (3) Helping ourselves to Alberta‘s oil income. pulsive urge to talk. The two ministers still remain clammed up. I haven‘t heard a word. Premier Davis has made publicly a number of noble noises. a lockout before the negotiations the following day? A lockout means that students will not learn anything. However if the teachers were on workâ€"to-rule and allowed inside the school, lhe students would at least have the benefit of being taught. It is true that exams and tests. and so on. would not be marked. but as it stands now we will be waiting at home in limbo doing virtually nothing. Why didn't the board think of the students when they voted 14-3 in favor_of The York County Board of Education claims that it is always looking out for the interests of the students When was the last time the board consulted the people caught in between this conflict? Please note: this letter is not directed towards those trustees who voted against the lockout. Jim Watson. Thornhill 8:00 pm. Regular Games This last larcenous suggestion sounded odd coming from a bitter opponent of socialism. one supposedly dedicated to Conservative free enterprise. What brand of govern- ment do we have? Or do all brands now contain the same ingredients? Is it simply the “we-want-toâ€" get-elected“ brand or party? 1 see that besides not answering me, Attorney General McMurtry doesn‘t bother answering other people either. It is reported that the “gaysâ€. having also written him several months back unan- swered, are now staging a sit-in at his office. So I‘m in gay company Do I deserve that? My letter to McMurtry asked for information re hate’laws (or whatever they‘re called). I was directed to the Attorney General‘s office by the Toronto office of the federal department of justice, after two abortive attempts to get the in- formation from them. To be quite specific. I complained to McMurtry about a letter published by the Toronto Star on April 14 from Irving Layton. Passing the buck, apparently, is still a popular Canadian pastime. This was a vicious, lying. unprovoked attack on WASPS. which could engender hatred and contempt in the minds of the uninformed or gullible. 'As you know, after several attempts, over several months, I seem to have addressed the Sphinx. Imagine. therefore, my surprise on reading the Toronto Star of August 24. Included in a news report that the Western Guard had been ordered to stop using the telephone for what had been described as “hate messages“ was news of â€" can you believe it? â€" Attorney General McMurtry. Apparently he is alive. Moreover, he is con- cerned about “hate†and “racismâ€. (Coming from just the disapproved directions.) He is reported as saying that the order to stop the Western Guard messages is an important victory in the battle against racism. He was most concerned that the messages were directed against groups rather than individuals. He said there are ef- fective laws. . i I share his concerns. I wish he . or someone. would tell me what these laws are. But why is he con cerned about "hate messages“ coming from the Western Guard. and apparently completely unconcerned when they come from. say, Irving Layton? As Attorney General. the arbiter and guardian of law in Ontario, is he concerned with equal application of the law? Or is he primarily concerned with votes, politics. and getting re- elected? In your last letter to me, Bill, you asked me if Introducing the new hamburger from the DAIRY QUEEN‘ BRAZIER‘ store. In a. new “six to a. pound'" size that really gives .1 You see, while other burger chains get as many as ten hamburgers from a. pound of beef, we get. only six. And that. gives you “more burger than bun""‘A burger that’s tender, deliciously-cooked. Every time. The new burger from DIARY QUEEN‘ BRAZIER‘. Try one at a. participating DIARY QUEEN’ BRAZIER' store. OFFER AVAILABLE AT: 10441 YONGE STREET RICHMOND HILL FOBPEOPLE FEDU'PWITHMORE there was anything else I'm "0‘ 100king for you could do‘ personal publicity. being I would very much like smart. funny‘ or vnu to ask the Attnrnev Whatever. I would very much like you to ask the Attorney General the questions 1 present above. Wed, Sept. 5th No. 1 Jackpot 55 No’s. No.2 54 No's. Early Birds at 7:35 pm. Reg. Games & Specials at 8 pm. Legion Hall. Ohio Rd., candee turner studio of dance arts ,.a.d., c.d.t.a. WED., THURS, FR|., SEPT. 5,6, 7 - 4:00-9:00 PM. SAT‘, SEPT. 9 â€" 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM OBALLET 0 TAP 0 JAZZ 0 HIGHLAND 'MUSICAL COMEDY O DISCO ' BELLY DANCING For further information come to 10152 Yonge St., Richmond Hill registration RICHMOND HILL LEGION BINGO “YOUR BINGO CENTRE FOR ALL SEASONS" Children’s 8 Adult Classes “the more you dance the Less you pay.†$$TWO JACKPOTS$$ No.1 $60000 No.2$50000 NO PLAYERS UNDER 16 YEARS ADMITED 2 WEEKS' LESSONS - FREE OF CHARGE (FOR ALL CHILDREN'S CLASSES) New students! Bring this ad and receive SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. September 5. 1979 â€" A-S I'm concerned about the government of my bra'zien province. about equal application of justice and the law. off Elgin Mills Road E 8848858 898-3851 Sid H. Britton 34 Hillview Road. Aurora