Gordon S. "bod If you're taking a break for some refreshments, the The Hillcrest All- Stars will entertain shoppers in the Market Court at the Mall from 5:30 to 8 pm. The show will be held in the Centre Court. Wednesday. Thursday and Friday of this week (Sep- Iember 5,6,and 7) and everyone is welcome to stay a while and watch. Hillcrest Mall will abound with fashions featuring McCall's Fashions and sponsored by Lizannes Fabric Stores. Fashion shows appeal to people of all ages. especially women. A-G â€"- THE LIBERAL, Wednesday. September 5. 1979 When the fashions are some created by yourself. that makes it more fun. Mc Call ’3 fashion shows at Hi/lcrest IT'S HAPPENING IN THE HILL The United Church Women will resume activities tonight (Sep- tember 5) at 8 pm. in the Church parlor; This week’s feature will be a travelogue by Mildred Hucks on a trip to Alaska. Additional in- UNITED CHURCH Richmond Hill United Church has mgch [70’ offer; pgoplg of all ages. 7 There will be a variety of games and activities for children of all ages and your child is welcome. Church School for the fall and winter season will resume Sunday. September 9 at 9:45 am. Tran- sportation is available for the Church School and to arrange to have your children picked up, please call 884-8038 or 884-1620. For more information about the band or to find out if you qualify to join. please call 884-8873. ROUND UP DAY St. John's Baptist Church at 75 Oxford Street. Richmond Hill is holding a Roundâ€"Up day for all children in the community on Saturday. September 8, from 2 to 5 To arrange for transportation. please call 884-8038. The Richmond Hill Youth Concert Band meets each Thursday from 7:30 to 9:30 pm. to rehearse at St. Joseph’s School and new members are welcome. You qualify to join the band if you have had two years of playing ex- perience and enjoy playing an in- strument. FITTED TO YOUR EYE DOCTOR'S PRESCRIPTION Youth Concert Band is looking for new members CONCERT BAND Richmond Hill has a youth concert band and it is looking for new members. BUY HERE PEOPLE SELL HERE PRESCRIPTION OPTICIANS Lib'éral GUIDES AND BROWNIES The Richvale Guides and Brownies will hold registrations at the Richvale Community Centre on Friday. September 7, from 6:45 to 9 p.m. For additional in- formation, please call Mrs. Lever at 88945703. Everyone interested in writing for fun or as a career is invited to attend. music might keep you tapping your toes and humming along. pm. at the home of Bernice Lever, 79 Denham Drive, Rich- vale. WRITERS The Richvale Writers Club is resuming activities. The next meeting will be Thursday, Sep- tember 6 from 8 to 11 Richmond Hill Central « Richmondeill South SKATING CLUB Richmond Hill Figure Skating Club will hold registrations for the Art in the Park ‘wili be held from noon to dusk and everyone is invited to drop by and see the exhibits. The Town of Richmond Hill sponsors this opportunity for the Richmond Hill Group of Artists and guest artists to display their talents. ART IN THE PARK The Mill Pond Park will become a world of artists of every kind this Sunday (September 9) as Art in the Park is featured. TheIChoir will resume reguléi‘ practice sessions Monday evenings at 7:30 at Richmond Hill Baptist Church. If yod would like to learn more about how you can fit in, please call 884-4032 for additional information. On Thursdays the elasses ‘arre in the mornings. Beginners meet from 9 to 10:15 and the intermediates from 10:15 to 11:30. your help. Are you a tenor or a bass; an}! do you like )9 sing? Classes on Tuesdays are in the evening with beginners meeting from 7:15 to 8:30 and the in- termediates from 8:30 to 9:45. formation is available on the UCW and on this evening‘s feature by calling 884-3443. Yoga classes are being held at the United Church under the direction of quard Halpern. Additional information about these classes is available by calling 884-2671. York Philharmonic Choir needs You don’t have to have previous ex- perience. All that‘s required, is a willingness to help the girls. Do you like to work with girls? If you do, you might be able to lend the Brownies or Guides a hand. Anyone requiring additional informa- tion, may call Maureen Cross at 883- 1861. Brownies are aged six to nine; Guides are aged nine Lo_12 and a new group called Pathfinders are aged 12 to 15. New age limits for the various groups are as follows: This year, there are three groups in the Guiding organization in Richvale. LEADERS NEEDED .OOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOO Saturday, September 15th 12- 5:00pm (‘HOI R For infbrmation about how you can be useful to the Guiding Ninhmumfl Hill! flmflnmg uf W115i: 94 HALL STREET RICHMOND HILL .‘t‘; “3% , poo-nounoooouuouuuoofooou ooooooooooooooo Rh 1‘ ‘ 11 “at or“ 1 ' N W" Village†....................... OPRIMARY JUNIOR INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR SCHOOLS OPIAND, FLUTE, GUITAR. RECORDER, ACCORDION OTHEORETICAI. AND AURAL SUBJECTS "PREPARATION FOR R.C.O.M. EXAMINATIONS 0ANNUAI. RECITAL AND AWARDS NIGHT OSCHOOI. CHOIR A Full Calendar of Studies Avai|ab|e FALL REGISTRATION if your organization is resuming activities within the next few weeks and you would like people in the community to be aware of them, please give our community news writer a call. She is Millie Stewart and can be reached at 884-8177 or 77.3- 4424. All Block Parents are invited to attend. Registration time is here The beginning of September is already here and the time to register for various organizations comes with it. The skate and equipment resale centre will be open at the same times for those who wish to use it. BLOCK PARENTS The Richmond Hill Area Block Parents will hold a general meeting Thursday, September 6 at 7:30 pm. at the York Regional Police Station on Major Mackenzie Drive, Rich- mond Hill. pm. and Tuesday. September 11 frgn 6:30 to 9 pm. new season in the banquet room at the new arena on Saturday, Sep- tember 15 from 1 to 5 pm. MINOR HOCKEY Registrations for Richmond Hill Minor Hockey will be held at the arena on three days: Saturday, September 8 from 2 to 8 p.m.; Sunday, September 9 from I to 5 THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 6, 1979 9 AM. TO 9 PM. AdmissionzAdults $150 Children 50¢ ‘ 50¢0ff ï¬x costumes. organization, please call Mrs. Cross at the above number. King City Co-Op Nursery School is still taking registrations for the new season. If you have a little one aged two-and-a-half to five and are still seeking a nursery school, please call 773-4254 for in- formation. CUBS AND SCOUTS Oak Ridges Cubs and Scouts will hold registrations for the fall season on Thur~ sday, September 6 beginning at 7 pm. All boys interested in either Cubs or Scouts are urged to Hot food will be served outside, and will include fresh- picked corn from Mitchell's Farm and either hot dogs or hamburgers Everyone is urged to come on out for _an afternoon of fun and excitement NURSERY SCHOOL There wili be a variety of games of chance geared to each and every member of the family. All proceeds will be used to further minor ball activities in the community. Upstairs in the Lions‘ Den. there will be refreshments for the adults. The LLBO has issued a licence for this refreshment booth. At 2 pm. CFGM radio station will take on some Country Music singers in a game of Donkey Baseball. This is a game of baseball played on the backs of donkeys. It can be a laugh a minute, especially if the donkeys behave in a normal manner and refuse to budge. Oak Ridges Minor Ball Association is winding the season up in grand style with something for everyone. Saturday, Septe- mber 15 beginning at noon. Ozark Park and Bond Lake Arena will be buzzing with ac- tivities. A tyke baseball] game will be played at noon, to get things started. CFGM plays Country Music Stars in game of Donkey baseball There is no charge for these classes. All The fine art of quilting will be featured. If you don't know how to quilt, but would like to learn. this is your op- portunity. If you already know how. but would enjoy an evening out to meet the other ladies and exchange ideas, you are welcome. 180 STEELES AVE. W. (STEELES SQUARE PLAZA) register at this time. CRAFT CLASSES The craft classes held at SL Paul's United Church will resume on Monday. September 10 at 7:30 INCLUDING COMBINATION CHEF'S SALAD, OUR CRUSTY ROLLS AND COFFEE LUNCHEON SPECIALS I $199 At last! A weight control programthat tailors your diet plan to you. You lose weight fast because our trained staff helps you Select-A-Diet that works best with your eating patterns and your lifestyle. . What‘s more. you learn new skills to help you . stay slim forever. HOSTS ‘OF OTHER FRESH, SUPER TASTING FISH OF THE SEA CHARCOAL BROILED Richmond Hill North Whole Baby Flounder $399 Fresh Mackerel Platter ' $299 Salmon Steaks *SWOHDFISH STEAKS Introducing Youth & Senior Citizens Rates OLUSCIOUS CHARCOAL BROILED SPARE RIBS 0 SUPER CHILI DOGS 'KING SIZE HAMBURGERS AND HAMBURGER PLATTERS WITH ALL THE TRIMMINGS 'TRY OUR MRS. SMITH APPLE PIE OPEN HOUSE WEEKS MON. SEPT. 10 - SUN. SEPT. 30 DIET WORKSHOP MEETING 000000000000000OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO000000000 0000000000000000000.00000OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0000000000 000000 000000 Dieting with a new lifestyle Introducing the social bonus For further information about our September money saving specials Every one is invited to a gala CALL 633~THIN "THE RIB JOINT ROOM" FULLY LICENSED OPEN TILL 1 AM. FRESH FISH FLOWN IN EVERY DAY INTRODUCING OUR NEW LOW! LOW! PRICES! you have to pay for is the materials you use. and these you are asked to supply. For additional in- formation, please call Doreen Mitchell at 773â€" 5603. The ladie‘sv fneet in the church hall at St. Paul‘s United Church. MINORHOCKEY Registrations for minor hockey will be held at Bond Lake Arena‘ Saturday, September 8 and again on Saturday. Sep- temeber 15 from 10 a.m. â€" 4 pm. both days To start the season off in stvle. there will be a family corn roast /;’/ooooooooooooog OUR BEST TASTING CHEF'S GUARANTEE Quick One-stop Insurance Service Auto Home Life Just call TOLL FREE ‘ 18002686846 or drop in at at the arena this Saturday from 4 pm. to 8 pm. The price is $2 for each person. Beginning at!) pm. in the Lions‘ Den [here will be a dance, and everyone is welcome, YORK FIRE AND CASUALTY INSURANCE - COMPANY 7699 We Sheet Thomhm. Onlano L3T 125 881-3771 77-4