Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

Richmond Hill Liberal, 12 Sep 1979, B12

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8-12 â€"â€" THE f Accountants E (chartered) CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 883-1664 50 Yonge Street SC, Aurora. Ontario Richard E. Wilson DJ. DILWORTH 8 ASSOC Accounting Services PAYROLL, INCOME TAX Italianâ€"German uanslations BOOKKEEPING & ACCOUNTING SERVICES 491-2111 DAYS BRADLEY & HILL CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT KNOW YOUR COSTS FIRM QUOTATIONS KEN R. McKEOWN MARLENE PARlSI 389-7250 Registered Industrial Accountant 325 Richmond St. Richmond Hill Accounting Bookkeeping Sewuces Income Tax Prepavations Chartered Accountants 10256 Yonge St Richmond Hill 10620 vane: AT oxronn 8844030 Repairs to all electnc stoves washers, dryers hldgeS, an conditionas, dlShWfiShefS smatl appliances 883-5054 Chartered Arronnlan! Teleyhone {416) M1 Appliance REL All types of alterations, rough framing, drywall Er masonryA No Job Too Small Free Estimates ROSENBERG & COMPANY Bookkeeping & Accounting Services By Ihe we 'SIDING OSOFFIT OFASCIA Additions, Ren0vations, etc No Job' too small. 130 Cenue SLW‘ In natural stone and brick guaranteed. Free estimates. Call Dag Schindler. Thomhlll, ()nlan‘ 1.3T 3R8 ALL REPAIRS GUARANTEED Kenneth M. Pal 881L2092 8849697 For small busmesses FIREPLACES Appliance Service 883-1258 884-0554 889-1377 STENMAR CARPENTRY ALUMINUM PRODUCTS 889-5683 EBB/wows BOB ROSS CARPENTRV CONTRACTOR mminizing fquucts 881-7149 KARL'S LIBERAL. Wednesday. September 8841788 :ntry All work 534 ALUMINUM MW!) TFCS i Electricians l All types of electrical work‘ Residential-Commerical-Indus trial. Free Einma‘es, BRANCO ELECTRIC UL‘. N0. 5555 Custom Rototilling. Lliijwww' lawns sodded. General clean‘ up of backyards, basements, garagea eavestroughs cleaned CARL/Sit" LANDSCAPING SUITS, DRESSES, DRAPES ELECTRICIAN DON'T CUT INTO YOUR LEISURE TIME“. Gardening- Landscaping OEAVESTROUGHING ODOORS, WINDOWS eAWNINGS Will wha All kinds of r SERVICE DIRECTORY PICKUP TRUCK 221-1466 'PLASTERING 'CERAMIC TILE 'DRYWALL TAPING 'TEXTURED 'CEILINGS 8 WALLS WALKER CONSTRUCTION 884-2882 BUILT AND REPAIRED Free Estimates Expert kamanship 20 years' experience Cabinets, Dams dtv wall, addixior Heme Improvements fire Place Service FOR HOME OR BUSINESS USE OUR srsuty student enterp‘ 635-7918 ., 889-5773 CHIMNEYS 8 FIREPLACES Made or almed TOP HAT CHIMNEY SWEEPS OSiding 'Soffit 'Shuners 'WIndows PRODUCTS 783-1605 atte Hanging HANDYMAN All work uaranteed "NUJDB 00_$MAL£" Cdevermgs 'FREE ESTIMATES GENERAL CONTRACTING ’MacPHEE ALUMINUM 8845182 Man with Richmond Hill Iontracting Co Ltd. PLASTERER TILE SETTER 881-5131 881.5556 E mes ESTIMA .1. JOHN MagEHEE 8848506 85 CENTRE ST. E.. RICHMOND HILL 832-1595 EVGS STOM BUILT HOMES ADDITIONS ome improvements Free estimates 883-5432 HEC ROOMS 883-3033 Gardren5 s done an~ups or rec‘ rooms OEaves 'Fascia °Awnings 'Railings 12, 1979 ates .pec THIS \al â€"WEHazards are Real The Kings Chimney Sweep Renovatiorrs â€" Painting - Carpentry Drywall "PASSIVE SOLAR HOME RENOVATIONS" CARPENTRY, HOUSE FRAMING, GARAGES, SUN ROOMS, GREENHOUSES, NEW ENERGY SAVING WINDOWS, DOORS 8 INSULATION INSTALLED. PLANS 8 PERMIT ARRANGED IF NECESSARY. FREE ESTIMATES BY CON- TRACT OR HOURLY. UXBRIDGE Specializing in Steam Cleaning and Home Maimenance, 1 -852-3594 Interior - EXthIOL Promptness 8. workmanship guaranteed. Free esti- mates, BATHTUB REGLAZING Home Improvements Ed a‘ 3667815 at 53560111 Evgs‘ FOR FREE ES TIMA TES No job too small Satisfaction a must LOMBARDI CONTRACTING 881-5235 Anytime UNIVERSITY STUDENTS PAINTERS CHIMNEY REPAIRS CONCRETE PATIO OR PRECAST SLABS PORCHES - STEPS F 0 R WA TERPRDDHNE CONCRETE A180 P141708, CH'M/VEYS, FORUMS L B 7373 c a L GENERAL CONTRAQTOR DI VINE INTERIORS SIDEWALKS PLANTER BOXES Double 0r tripIe glass Sxorrn windows - Storm Doors Siding Overhang Awnings EavestrOughmg HANS BUTT STONE WORK Building Products 881-2780 ALUMINUM REPLACEMENT WINDOWS G. ROCKETT 8894729 I New Tub guarantee Toronto Porcelain Refinishing 889-4106 Tubs - Sinks - Tiles - Repairs Any condition 1â€" Any colour Est. 1.974 884-5227 LUCIANO JOE Phone for free Brochure 884-4208 Hire a Hobbit 884-4661 HOME HANDYMAN SERVICE INSIDE OR OUTSIDE Reasonable Rates Free Estimates 884-9026 0 884-4028 :I-‘Efliorr KOATINGS AIterations Small Moves TFC‘IO Window Cleaning Painting, Papering Rubbish Removed Minor Repairs and C5W9 NORTHERN 7 WOOD WORKS RENOVATIONS ADD|T|ONS CUSTOM CABINETS MASONARY WORK 775-6390 889-3820 Rec Rooms » Bathtooms Fir9p1aces E1 General Repairs ¢ 884-0438 Bartman Plumbing ORepairs OAIterations 8 R. DURAN Carpenter Remodelling Renovafing 'Repairs - alterations Bathrooms & kitchens remodelled. 88 Bake! Ave‘ Richmond Hill 8841745 884-6995 Typewriters Adding Machines Sales &‘ Service A/f’s Office Mac/vim Richmond Hill 881-1997 883-3170 ROBERT McGOWAN TYPEWRITER RENTALS LH. SIMS Reasonable rates Office Machines ‘ [Fw Call P379 889-4697 New Work THORNHILL “(136 TFCS "CS DECORATING Painters PAINTING & PAPER HANGING I Piano Tuning I Excellent Rates HUGH BARR 889-2773 Member of the Toronto Home Builders Assoc. Karl Bundschuh 884-4832 ALL WORK GUARANTEED RESIDENTIAL - COMMERCIAL OVER 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE PAPERHANGING ilnSuiat‘ion ~ '1 Professuonal Flmsh Guaranteed PAlNTING CREATIVE PHOTOGRAPHY and Paperhanging Boxgrove Asphalt {1' Construction (Markham) Ltd. DRIVEWAYS, PARKING LOTS. PLAY AREA, TENNIS COURTS & WALKWAYS CALL 8845672 FOR FREE ESTIMATE New work, reroofs, chimney repairs. Workmanship guar- anteed. Flee estimates Insulance work accepted. DECORATING BLOWN IN FREE ESTIMATES 883-3500 884-9000 |NSULAT|0N RCQIINNC VII"! COMUMU PN'OCNM .07..“ ‘ PAINTING Roofing New - Reroofing - Repaits Free Estimates RE. Dunn 727â€"3303 By McKinley 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE WORK GUARANYEED ROOFING by Ursula Liane 123 YONGE ST WILLOWDALE 22518881 J. HOFFMAN Flee Estimates FREE ESHMATES GUARkNTEED WORK HILL PRECISION ROOFlNG Members 0! senor Dunne“ aur'uu 635-51 17 North Ridge Piano Tuning Er Repairs 884-5965 Steve THORNHILL ROOFING INC. 881-1803 bus. 881-5575 res. Menu No. a 5345 GVN Roofing ALL WORK GUARANTEED Ftee Esfimts 889-3228 SHINGLES 883â€"4084 Paving C4WM ODRIVEWAYS OPARKING LOTS SPRAY COATED TIDY DRIVE New work & reroofing Expert Workmanship All work guaranteed Nelson Contracting Experienced crew available for end of season installations, Quality inground vinyl liner pools. I Tree Sewigg Trees, bushes & stumps Cut or Removed lnvonces envelopes. stenculs. lettels. (esumes and mess on IBM Selectra Experienced. prompt & reasonabte Antrq ue furniture and other items 20 Normark Dr.. Thornhin ROOHNG INSTALLATIONS Miscellaneous furnitufe. baby items. clothing. toys. pocket books, AM/FM ladio cassette. tapes. 1970 Cadillac. etc. etc, Bargains galore 1016 ELGIN $1.. NEWMARKET (SECOND ST, ugrgigfgms DR Swimming Pool . lnstaflations 29¢9851 CHARGEX ACCEPTED 305 ‘7 per busheI Lehman's 18th Avenue between 6th 8. 7th CODCESSIOH 6 mules eas‘ of Richmond HIII 2455544, Pager N6. 0863 Paving \ fi“ ¢¢¢~(. Z 9:45 am 11 am ALL WORK GUARANTEED H “Um" M); W» emmarp Leslie 833-5995 883â€"5057 ‘sr. PAUL LUTHERAN 1013i Bayview Avenue LS. DAUPHINEE, PRSTOR 9:30 am, Sunday Church School 11:00 am Worship Service Nursery care is provided during the Worhsrp Service. RICHMOND HILL unmogfiqufi Roofing WQ‘W SI. JOHN'S BAPTIST CHURCH 75 Oxlord Street PASTOR MARK PARENT The Chufch that IS Worth Finding‘ - 884-8038 Yonge and Centre streets 56mm Sunday. September 16. 1979 Morning qustjig Aa_t_ . "ALL IN THE SAME BOAT" The Church and The Refugees" Dr, Bruce McLeod Church School Nursery Care Available Mrmsters: The Very Rev. N Bruce McLeod The Rev. Dr Norman McNairn LUTHERAN 883-3016 ahet 6 pm Two Family YARD SALE GARAGE SALE Artic|es for Sale WE’SfOFi sunon RD TYPING BAPTIST SEPT. 15 & 16 10 a.m.-4 p.m. BEE 884-9846 PICK YOUR OWN TOMATOES 881-2578 SAT 8- SUN, )H’T 15 & 16 PEPPERS 5 per bushel DIRECTORY OF RELIGIOUS SERVICES FOR THE WEEK - 144441414 "Sunday School Mormng Wmship WWII >"“ “r$Wr$WNIrNr .> 4' I ( 4 I 4 4 4 (gl’l’l’l’l’l'l,l’4 4 ¢ Wl’v’l" Other _ RICHMOND HILL eels 884430 TFC7 I 4“ ‘IN,.IINI’4"’IINII.’.4.N.$4'< \‘KA‘msW‘W " ‘T'H'ORN’HILL Bargains. such as toys, boys clothing brand new wood stove. etc. Hand made Indian lug. Luke new, 0" whlte. pattern IS light brown 8. avocado. Size 12'x15'. $900. 305 Chest 0' drawers, desk. toy chest $150 magma” Russnan desngned ’. length Swakara fur Cossack matching cap $3000 0! best oHer 895-4095 GARAGE SALE 14 place must be seen to be applemated (original) Hestelor $4000 or best oiter 895-4095 SAL SEPT. 15th 10 103 pm. 11 ROTHSAY RD.. THORNHILL Furniture. toy; miscellaneous. SAT. SEPT. 15 49 WESTWOOD LANE Carnage ‘30. car bed. ‘10: basrnet wrth cover. ‘8: table 8. lour chairs. ‘25, drapes. almost new, 350‘. drapes. ‘30; drapes. new. white wrth border. ‘120; 5 stools. ‘5 each; ladies bicycle. ‘30; black evening gown & grey cape. ‘40. Srze 1314: two swag lamps. gold with orange drops. ‘25 each; record player with speakers. ‘30: headboard for double bed. ‘10 Puck your own at Horton Tree Farm CHURCH YARD SALE SAL SEPT. 15th 11 AM. TO 5 PM. 251 ST.. WILLOWDALE Articles For Sale 20 venues. $350 a 20 lb‘ hag‘ Free wagon ndes, museum. barn kitchen. Woodbine Ave, north to Vandorf, east 2 kilometers. follow YARD SALE sngns SACRIFICE CENTRES OVER 900 Chesterfields Bed Chesterfie|ds 5168. to $598 CHESTERHELD CLEARANCE CANOPY BED something for Everyone Collectables 889-5968 4 LARGE SHOWROOMS 0472 YONGE fl. 924-8403 Above College St, opposde Westbury Hotel. 01218 KENNEDY RD 7592234 South of Hwy. 401, I29 DUNDAS S! E. 275-1l35 Corner 0! Hwys 5 8. 10 MISSIssauga, 04900 DUFFERIN 81' 667-1170 Bemeen chh F. Steels, Watehouse 8- Shomoom OPEN DAILY 9 Y0 9 PM. SATURDAY TILL 6 881-7175 APPLE FESTIVAL 888â€"1738 DINlNG ROOM SUITE BETHEL CANADIAN REFORMED CHURCH 148 Thornndge Dr. Thomhlll Minister Rev. J. Muldel BA. BB. - 889-5225 Sennce 3110‘30 am. and 5:00 pm after 6 pm 883-4065 0! CASH AND CARRY on DELIVERY ARRANGED a'tel 6 pm PREACHING THE OLD BOOK THE NEW BIRTH THE PRECIOUS BLOOD AND THE BLESSED HOPE AT WELORICK ROAD BAPIIST CHURCH Comer of Weldrick Road and Balhulst Sheet apt! Bakhutst Stlee‘ Rev. 81. McSpadde Pasta! Phone 884-78 00 AM. â€"'Bible Schm FUR Prayer meeting W Old Fashioned on the Edge Morn 305 SAL SEPT. 8th FROM 10 T0 3 PM. 130 Cenne St. W.. Richmond Hull Household Items- pine doolfThevmo pane wmdow, etc. Ram or shine. Upnght. $350, Cosmo MUSIC Co. Ltd 10185 Yonge St. Richmond Hull. 76 WESTWOOD LANE. THORNHILL SAT. SEPT 15th T 9 to S p m. CloThes household Items etc ALUMINUM SIDING 889-9940 889-5232 Moflat. electnc excellent condition Harvest gold 887-5266 Weather permitting SAT SEPT. 2an 95 ROSEVIEW AVE” RICHMOND HILL 11A.M,T04P.M. Down pipe, tnm. etc Also used Interior doors l’air Swedish Penta, size 10, molded boot, excellent condi- tion. Pair CCM Bobby Hull model size 81/2 leather boot. good condition Pair boys Orbit hockey skates. size 4, moulded boot excellent cond- tion. Pair Bauer Blazer 166 model, size 6. excellent con- dition Convertible portable. automatic apartment snze Excellent condition $450 f0! pan SEWING MACHINE Articles Fm Sale GARAGE SALE SEPT. 15, 10 AM 133 ARNOLD CRES RICHMOND HILL Kenmore Y‘g-Zag. "Console cabmet $250. 884-0681 after 6 pm. 2 years old. rwasher & dryer. Chesterâ€" field suite. coflee table. electric fireplace heater. headboards. HILLCRESI MALL AREA Sat. Sept. 15 10 am - 3 pm 1 Castlerock Dr.. Richmond Hill‘ Skns, household items‘ exercycle‘ books. baby furnishings. etc. 4 x 8' Complete with accessories ping pong table both $460. SAT, SEPT 15. 9'30 toS pm. SUN,SEPT:16,10'30t05p.m 225 ESSEX AVE. RICHMOND HILL GARAGE SALE STOVE 30" Viking electlic; gas lawn mowet. 881-3188‘ ‘ YARD SALE GARAGE SALE YARD SALE GARAGE SALE MEN'S HOCKEY SKATES 884-5272 9:45 Iuesday 6:45 - Boy Richmond H 7:30'â€" Adul Fridge and Stove WASHER AND DRYER POOL TABLE ANGLICAN STOVE PIANO 884-6983 881-9455 884-5280 Bible 5‘ 50 Wright Street Tel: 884-3091 Pasta! Rev. Paul V After 4:30 pm Evening 3er Richmond H Flak! and Bible SLudy GERALD P. LOWETH hool "n Furmturel relngetator, sewing ma- :hine, children's bicycles. Fisher 9"”?835'3“, Pnce toys Sun. Sept. 16th from 1030 to 330 195 Neal Dr., Rich~ mond HIII ' v N < f {m99$‘ ’ ‘ ‘ rm ,an Chutch 8 meeting a and 7:30 DJ“ Duncan Phyie double pedestal ta‘blie ROCKER. swrvel. green velvet. Never used. $125. Black Persian Lamb Coat. la length, large Natural Mink coHar. Srze 14-16 3125‘ Telephone table, bronze and gold. $15. 883~ 4181. 5 ladder back and one armchair, mdeboald wnh hutch. 3 drawer sude‘able Needs rehmshlng. Best 884-6193 Scarlet Peppens 305 VACUUM cleaners. used Electrolux and Kirby. Good condition. 889‘ 0827. tfcll MarconL 26": sue Aluminum combmatuon. sell-stonng Good condmon $25 221-1066 Cry stal, solid brass. For very special home Fixed price $3500 883-4372 ATRCONDmONER FIREWOOD Furniture‘ pictures tools‘ etc. Used. Quantity 25 Articles fut Sale after 5 p m DINING SUITE APPLES Factory cut-offs Map|e 8. Oak by theload 884-8907 BEDROOM set. whrte French vaincraL Single bed, 4 drawer dresser. 4 drawer vanity with stool. 8844965 â€" Evgs‘ ‘ DINING room smte. Phyle style, table, 4 ChallS. china cabinet. retail $850 Asking 3495. 881-2265. CHANDELIER xed haldwood $40. Flee delivery SIX by eight good condition. best ofler 884-6193 889-4172 At Wholesale Pnces CURB STONES 895-4095 SATURDAY‘ SEPTEMBER 15 8 A M A 1 PM. 889â€"3638 GREENHOUSE 24 STEELE VALLEY RD YHORNHILL Rev. 10m Richardson Pastor 10 AM. â€"- Chnstlan Education 11 AM. - Wovship and PIBISB 7 PM. â€" Gospel RaIIy LIVE In Richmond HI" and Thom hull alea? Presb erian THORNHTLL gBleAN 889-5342 FIREPLACE HUGE GARAGE & MOV|NG SALE l1'00 A‘M. Divine Wmship 11:00 AM, Chulch School (begins In Church with parents) FIREWOOD 23 Long Hill Drive (0" 19th Ave. between Yonge and Bayview) YOU CAN HELP US GROW You: Neighbourhood Community Pentecostal Congvegatlon For Information Phone 889â€"7851 'FOR SALE 884-0044 DOOR aftel 5 pm [AWN SALE LEAVIN' TOWN Saturday. Sept‘ 15th 9 A M. -3 PM, 271 Centle Stleet 889-539] Mumster Inc Rev. J.B Burns MA. 30.. PhD. Otgamst' MI 0 Hunt. Mus Bac A.R.C.0. ‘ WOOD Jantlty 25‘ 4" x 10" 75' each. CalI Peter‘ PENTECOSTAL CHURCH MASONIC TEMPLE ELblN & YONGE STV THORNH|LL 3 FAMILY LAWN SALE 22". heavy duty EDEN china. lamps. IFCll Evgs. Ch 11 mu 9 CZWlO

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