It was the day for champions in Richmond Hill Minor House League softball Saturday with the weatherman generally IVIinor ball holds championship day IN THE MATTER OF an application by Her Majesty the Queen in right of Ontario as represented by the Minister of the Environment (expropriatlhg authoritylfor approval to expropriate land, being part of the Road Allowance between Concessions 2 and 3 in the Town of Markham, in the Regional Municipality of York (formerly in the Geographic Township of Markham in the County of York), for the purpose of the construction and operation of a sewer main. NOTICE |S HEREBY GiVEN THAT application has been made for approval to expropriate a limited estate, right or interest required permanently in the land described as follows: A definition of the limited estate, right or interest required in the lands described appears in Schedule â€A†Any owner of lands in respect of which notice is given who desires an inquiry into whether the taking of such land is fair, sound and reasonably necessary in the achievement of the objectives of the expropriating authority shall so notify the approving authority in writing, (a) (b) The approving authority is The Minister of the Environment 14th Floor 135 St. Clair Avenue West Toronto. Ontario M4V 1P5 Harry C. Parrott. D.D.S. Minister of the Environment R.R.O. 1970, Reg. 285. Form 2 NOTES: Refer to Applications MOE. 82. HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF ONTARIO as represented by the Minister of the Environment ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Town of Mark- ham, in the Regional Municipality of York (formerly in the Geographic Township of Markham, in the County of York), in the Province of Ontario, and being composed of part of the Road Allowance between Concessions 2 and 3 as closed by By-law Number 223, being those portions designated as Parts 1, 2 ~ and 3 on a Reference Plan de- posited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Toronto Boroughs and York South (No.64) as Number 64R-7836‘ Whoopie! The Expropriations Act provides that (a) THE EXPROPRIATIONS ACT in the case of a registered owner. served personally or by registered mail, within thirty days after he is served with the notice. or. when he is served by publication, within thirty days after the first publication of the notice; NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL TO EXPROPHIATE LAND in the case of an owner who is not a registered owner, within thirty days after the first publication of the notice. vihere an inquiry is requested, it si-all be conducted by an inquiry of’icer appointed by the Attorney General; WE mum Liberal advertisers behaving in fine fashion for the occasion despite a chilling bree_ze. vT-Bavll championship action saw Baymar This was a typical scene on the Richmond Hill Minor Ball House League championship scene Saturday as these Kinnear Pontiac Junior-Tyke winners celebrate the occasion as Convener Carol Topley presents the big trophy. Coaches are Don Davies and Bill Armstrong. (Liberal photo by Bruce Hogg). Sports edge Rumble Transport 29-28 with David Krain showing the way with three homers with John Kile, James 2. "owner" and “registered owner" are defined in the Act as follows: RRO. 1970, Reg. 285, Form 2 THIS NOTICE FIRST PUBLISHED ON THE 5TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1979. Definition of Estate, Right or Interest Required The limited estate. right or interest required is the right and easement: (a) (b) (b) the inquiry officer The expropriating authority. each owner who notifies the approving authority that he desires a hearing in respect of the lands intended to be expropriated and any owner added as a party by the inquiry officer are parties to the inquiry. to enter and lay down, install, construct, maintain. open, inspect, add to, alter, repair and keep in good condition, remove, replace, relocate, reconstruct, supplement and operate one or more sewer mains or any part thereof, in- cluding all appurtenances necessary or incidental thereto, on, in, across, under and through the land (herein called “the strip“); to keep the strip clear of all brush, trees and other obstructions of any nature whatsoever as may be necessary to the exercise and for the enjoyment of the rights and easements herein set forth; for the servants, agents, contractors and workmen of and other persons duly authorized by Her Majesty at all times and from time to time to pass and repass with all plant, machinery. material, vehicles and equipment as may be necessary along the strip for all purposes necessary or incidental to the exercise and for the enjoyment of the rights and easements herein set forth. (i) shall give every party to the inquiry an opportunity to present evidence and argument and to examine and cross-examine wit- nesses, either personally or by his counsel or agent, and (ii) may recommend to the approving authority that a party to the inquiry be paid a fixed amount for his costs of the inquiry not to exceed $200 and the approving authority may in its discretion order the expropriating authority to pay such costs forthwith. "owner" includes a mortgagee, tenant, execution creditor, a person entitled to a limited estate or interest in land, a committee of the estate of a mentally incompetent person or of person incapable of managing his affairs, and a guardian, exeCUtor, administrator or trustee in whom land is vested: “registered owner" means an owner of land whose interest in the land is defined and whose name is specified in an instrument in the proper registry, land titles or sheriff's office, and includes a person shown as a tenant of land on the lastrevised assessment roll. SCHEDULE “A†Grade and Tom Lannon each homering once. Freddie M'cKay and Steve Centa each homered for the losers. Other action saw Kinnear Pontiac downing Powell Plumbing 12-5 in Junior Tyke play with Jason Jackson hitting the Nats lose by 4-2 That second half saw the action pick up and tempers along with it with the referee almost calling the game midway through that half. Playingâ€"wise Bradford scored two more goals before Richvale came alive as Mark Kernohan scored the first goal and then set up Tim Whelan for ‘the second one just seconds before the game ended. The shots on goal were tied a three each and the free kicks at two each. Tim Whelan performed well at centre field refusing to be intimidated by a tough Bradford defence. Noll-SMOKERS CAN BREATHE EASY 0N INSURANCE If you don't smoke, the chances are we can save you money. As an agent for Maplex General Insurance, we offer lower-than-average rates on car insur- ance and on homeowner and tenant policies. Why the sav- ings. Because statistics l prove non-smokers are generally more responsible people. So why should they get burned on their insurance? Moplex Gé‘nerol Insurance Company LET Him REâ€"INSULATE YOUR ATTIC AREA principal residence.and is three stoteys or less, YOU"! eligible lot a taxable grant 0! 100% of the cost a your insulation mamrials up to maximum ' N your home was built bda91961. is your ARK INSURANCE AGENCY Towne and Countrye Square Yonge and Steeles n goal were ach and the two each. I performed 440 TAPSCOTT RD. UNIT 16. SCARBOROUGH 2245052 only homer of the game 1n the Squirt cham- pionship game it was D.Q. Parfaits edging Loughlin Home Supply 3-2 in a hard-fought game bet- ween two well~matched teams. Congratulations to both coaches for their work over the season. Intermediate Girls play saw Record Shop pulling off the surprise of the day defeating Richmond Hill Men's Slo-Pitch 26-5 Record Shop scored 19 runs in the second inning with Cindy Bott showing the way with a grandslam homer. Bernadette McLaughlin homered once for the losers. The Aurora Volunteer Fire Brigade will hold an all star softball tour- nament Sunday at Mosley Park. Proceeds will go toward the Muscular Dystrophy fund. The first game goes El]: liberal eewees: Fisher Beneï¬t All Star game at Aurora (In conjunction with Canadian Homes Insulation Program) Your attic should be your 1st priority when updating your insulation. it pays the highest return and can be done most eco- nomically with no inconvenience of renovation. Sports. coached by Irwin Bruk. and assisted by Carl Lashley, blanked Rumble Transport 6â€"0, The losers. coached by Kevin Higgs and Larry 'I‘rottier. put up a good fight despite the score. Bryan Mason went three for three for the winners. Senior Girls: Beck Electric walloped Wilkinson Steel (both teams are products of the Richvale Minor Ball Association) 21-10 to win the division cham- pionship. Linda Kloosterman homered for the winners while Marilyn Lindsay hit the circuit for the losers. at 11:30 am. between the Richmond Hill All Stars and Aurora All Stars. p.m. will be a game between Aurora Men‘s All Stars and Newmarket Rays. This Saturday at Bradstock Park all teams Also featured at 7:15 419m ONTARIO Ltd INSULATION A SMALL PRICE FOR COMFORT... fï¬e SIGNATURE With the coming of winter, the indoor air is dried out by the home heating system and oftenthe moisture that is required for healthy and refreshing environment is lacking. To offset these problems, you can balance the amount of air moisture in your home with the Signature automatic humidifier by Homestead. Priced at a very reasonable THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. September 12. 1979 â€" B-3 in the Richmond Hill Minor Ball League will play in a tournament to round out the season. A reminder that tickets can be purchased from the executive for the Fall Dance on October 13‘ The dance will be held at the ARC Industries Hall and a buffet will be served. Proceeds will go toward minor ball for the 1980 season SAME. DAY KODACOLOR SERVICE AT REG. PRIBEI KQDACOLOR KODAQQLOR KQDACQLOR 133f2'd'5i5 110 or126, 12 EXP 1163'r‘155726'5'xp, 8116 YONGE ST., THORNHILL, ONT. 889-9950 Prlces In ellect unlll Sept. 15th 298-8601 Hmm wm wai1 tor C.H.|.P. grant Him will convenience Em will doallpapeMork s139 1.69 1.89 $55.95 will insulate at your KODAQQLOR 400 KAQDAQQLOR 400 KODAQOLOR 133.74 "11 X1 “0| 135. 36 EXP 135. 36 EXP Membev - Canada Deposn Ins. Coup INTEREST PAID ANNUALLY 763-2291 ma BLODR ST . W., TOR. GUARANTEEITINVESTMENT CERTIHCATES 11% s2.39 ’ 2.29 ’ 2.89