hodychecking because I feel it‘s an essential part of hockey and it also cuts down on the slashing. holding and high-sticking that would exist without it.“ said Major. NI) FIGHTING While bodychecking is accepted. fighting. spearing or butt-ending is definitely a no-no. ll mighl he somelhing of an exaggeration l0 call il “Hockey Heaven" for ex-minor league. junior or senior hockey players. But the Richmond Hill Men‘s Hockey League. about to embark on its fifth season. is a nice place to be it you enjoy hockey on a continuing but non»serious basis. V That‘s the word from league president Jack Major who has watched the operation grow from six teams to its present 10 teams anti 140 players. "We have it mixed bag of ex-junior players. semi-pro and even professional." he states. "It's darn good hockey and I'm sure people will enjoy watching it if they come out and give it a try." By I’.\'I‘ KELLY The announcement that all Richmond Hill Soccer ('lub trophies and medals IhiS year would be handed out on ('up Final day at (‘roshy Park appears to have been met with the approval of pretty well everyone. Town hockey House'League stars defeat Richva/e There are a few people. however. who may nol be quite sure just how and when the Irophies will be The Richmond Hill Peewee House League All Slars overcame a, 7-1 deficit last week In defeal a team from Hichvale 15~ To date there have been no parents or officials pouring letters to The Liberal protesting the cancellation of the marathon endurance test which every ()ctOber used to be known as (‘up Presentation Night. Richvale piled up a 7-1 lead an er four innings on two runs by Derick Merrilees and singles to Brian Mason. Aiad Mirza. (‘hris Broughlon. Ron Bea'uving and Tom Pelusi. The Richmond Hill pitching stall was almost airtight after lh'dl as Richvalo was held Io just one rttn while Richmond Hill started hitting away. Shawn Potter and Paul Sarazin each had six strikeouts for Richmond Jeff (‘orrick led the Richmond Hill comeback going three for three while have Bone had a homer. Also scoring runs were have Karreman. Hill WOODBRIDGE FALL FAIR i 1! HARNESS RACES E LIbéraI PARl-MUTUEL BETTING THANKSGIVING WEEKEND stand for QUALITY HAVE WE GOT FUN FOR YOU! THE LIBERAL. Wednesday, September 26. 197‘ Big soccer championship day Season opens The first game will slarl a! 9 am. Al thetend of the game all players in [he Mile Division will receive Iheir trophies. .l. l’. Farrell and have Banlon each scored three goals as the 1978-79 edilion ol‘ the Richmond Hill Legion Midgets got their exhibition series ofl lo a good starl wilh a 9-0 iriumph over Brampton. .lumie (iwillam and P111 Lawlor and Dave Leuschner also added singles for Richmond ()ther exhibition play saw Richmond Hill skating to a 34; draw against Bramalea with Andrew Don showing the way with two goals while Paul Beckwith added the other one. The Legion‘s only loss handed out. Here is an explanation. (ln Saturday. Sep- tember 28. the finals in all house league games will be played at (‘rosby‘ This same process will he followed al the con- clusion of lhe Squirts finals at l0230 a.m.; the Atom Division al 12 noon: ihe MOSquiIoes al 2 pm, The Peewee Bantam finals will be played at 4 porn. and all these and senior players will receive their trophies at Ihe conclusion of the game. “We definitely come down hard on fighting." continued Major: “The firm time it player is in a fight he receives an automatic three-game suspension. the second time he's out of the league and loses his registration fee as well." Legion midgets look impressive llill There is also a $10 fine for a’ 10»minu1(‘ misconduct penalty. $10 plus a gnmv suspension The same Richmond Hill team look on their coaches in an exhibition game which was called with the latter leading 16- 10. "Glen (iadsby. ‘(‘hris Austin. 'l‘ony \‘eilch. Jim (‘orrick‘ Randy Pyle. Scot! Ross and Gary Brown II was ,called due lo darkness. freezing [emperalures and exhausted 'old coaches. Bill Kiely a1 firm for lhe coaches and (‘hris Steckley Slood oul. The peewees tried hard l0 play catch-up ball by using a. yes‘ flax ball. against the coaches. The umpire caught them at it. Plans fer the 1980 season must start now. Be part of them as a coach, referee, or a concerned parent. Attend the _ COACHES, CONVENERS AND OTHER 1979 VOLUNTEERS ARE INVITED TO A GET-TOGETHER AT 7 RM lhe co: "lfllthI Minor Soccer Club mum «W; W “M 2:? $500 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING FIREFIGHTER'S CLUB 44 ESNA PARK DRIVE THURS.. OCT. 11th 8:00 PM. HELP SUPPORT RICHMOND HILL MINOR SOCCER WIN“ W A1 press time it is known lhal Silver Acoustics will meet Ken Beckers in the Mosquito finals and Royal Canadian Legion Branch There was no scoring in the firsx period with 81, (‘lair opening the scoring lale in Ihe second period only to have The Hill‘s Farrell lying ii and then Andrew Don pulling them in from 2-1. 'l‘hen_came the Ihird period when some l'isncufl's broke ouI resulting in two players being kicked from each learn and paving the way for SI. (‘lair's lying goal. II was 3â€"2. for SI. (‘lair‘s .» yum u In u» been shared equally by Steve Harris and' Peter Delgrosso both of whom uunxu uua have performed ex- cellenlly belween the pipes. ()n defence is Lorne for in game misconduct. and u lhree-lo-five-game suspension‘ fpr bull- ending 01' spearing. The league opens ils 1979-80 season ()clober 4 an the new Richmond Hill Arena wilh [he first game going all 6:30 pm. Other games will follow to 11:30 pm Besides operating every Thursday. the league will also compete every Sunday in lhe old l0 dale came aginst 81. Hair Shores via a 64; mum in a game erupted into a third period brawl. 375 will meet Flair Upholstery in the Junior Division. The semi-finals haven‘l been played yet in the other divisions. When we clean your furniture (or) carpets, $5.00 will be donated T0 RICHMOND HILL MINOR soccen IN YOUR NAME.’ You will also get knOwledge- able workmanship of thor- oughly trained professionals. IWO of their men had been bounced to grind out a 6-3 victory. (£oahending throughmn Ihe past Ihree games has been shared equally by Steve Harris and' Peter Delgrosso both of whom have performed ex- cellenlly belween the pipes. The longrange forecast promises us a beautiful day. A refreshment stand will be on hand. TROPIIIES Two new trophies will be handed out in the course of the day. The Eric MacMurray Memorial Trophy to the most improved player in the house league and the Kernohan Memorial 'l‘rophy to the most valuable player in the boys Bantam Division. In addition. winners of the Adidas Skills contest will receive special medals from the club. The club execulive hopes to see a huge tur- noul Ihat will make (‘up shorlly after but Farrell came right back with his second goal l0 lie it again. 'I‘eam sponsors this season will be Jack Blth lieal Estate. Summit Transmission, Gormley Well & Drilling. Ponâ€" derosa Steak House. White Water Softener. Galaxy 'l‘avern. Three (‘oins Restaurant. Rich‘ vale Transmission. liarrow‘s Insurance. and l, & M Auto Wreckers. From there on in it was the Michigan Ieam taking udvanlage of Richmond Hill's weakened defence arena from 6:30 to 11:30 a] Day terrific en Caesar’s conquer Trophies’ win 3-1 against Kent team ding lo a great season of soccer and that the parents will feel that a good way for them to top it all off will be lo buy tickets [0 the soccer (‘aesar‘s Palace con» linued l0 play like their name in the Richmond Hill Atom House League quarter final playoffs eliminaling powerful (‘asabil (‘onSIruction and MacLean‘s Furniture in successive weeks 'l‘he ('aesar team. which suffered through a raiher disappointing regular season and a lowly finish .in the Stan- dings. came up with a convincing 5-1 victory over Macl.ean‘s. 'l‘im Bennett fired in all three goals as the North York 'l‘rophies‘ Squirts downed Kent ('lothes 3-! in Richmond Hill Minor p_atio and , Sidewalk slabs Sioccer quarler final playoff action. Joe Mazza got Ihe goal {or Kent's. . Other results saw Baymar Sports blanking The Family Billiards l-(l wilh Marina I)‘Alberico Andrew Don. have innion. I‘zu Lawlor. .M’. Farrell. (‘leve Jones. Paul Beckwilh. Hob Fushin. James (millam. Baxter. Mike Hagenauer. Roh McKenzie. Ke have Carmichael. Jensen and Andy Shaw Warren Nye and fresh- ('Oach of the leam m man have "ePSChner- season is Bruce Rich! “WW 1‘ "ds '“CIUdC‘ with Hugh ‘Sandy‘ llunh Andrew Don. Dave hnldina (Inu'n ll Prizes 0 Opening Ceremonies Adults 5200 V Stu.d.ents Senior Citizens Sun., 0m. 7 - Streetsville Derbys Sun., Oct. 14 - Georgetown Gemini Sun., Oct‘ 21 ~ Oak Ridges Dynes Tues., Oct. 23 - Burlington Cougars Sun., Oct. 28 - Oakville Blades Tues; .Oct. 30 - Acton Sabres I’ 'I vs BARBIE COLTS OPENING GAME SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 30th _7:00 PM.†THORNHILL COMMUNITY CENTRE Standard Siles Design your own patio and walk areas with permanentvnon-slip slabs. A wide range of colours and sizes available. Also ask about our edgings, curbs and steps, all precision made to fit true and square from Brooklin. See your local Garden Centre or Building Supply dealer. . 12" x 24" 24" x 24" 18†x 24" 30" x 24" 36" x 24" Red, Yellow, Green, Brown Charcoal or Natural colour October Schedule r TUDOR GLEN THORNHILL THUNDEBBIRDS OHA JR. ‘8' HOCKEY CLUB Next week‘s semi-final will see (‘aesar‘s meeting Bentham Signs who provided this week's surprise with a 2-0 triumph over 'l‘oronlario Elemrical, \‘ilo ('asalinuova' and Jeff Rumble scored the goals while Lorenz Boff and Jennifer (:emles dance. Tickets will be available from any members of the execulive. SOCCERATHON A more complete 210 getting the only goal Big goalscorers were Sam ()rfanakos and Sean Mieske wilh two goals each with lhe other one going IO Robert Sanlha. Duncan Peake fired in IWO goals as Mac Fleming Paints nipped (‘ & J. Inveslmenls 2~I. Pal Desarzens scored for Investments, Another game sau Fawn's Sport (‘enlre lying George Ross Photo I-l. l’awn‘s won on penally kicks (‘oach of the team this season is Bruce Richter Wilh Hugh ‘Sandy‘ Dunlop holding down the manager position Assistant coach is Sieve McAleese with Dean Logan ihe trainer. 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 p.m 7:30 pm 7:00 pm 7:30 (Sm s1.00 Ken counl of the results of the Socceralhon in aid of the ‘ane Ihe Slalion' campaign will appear in the very near future in The Liberal‘ 'l‘ravelways came up Will] a strong first half with Darren Banfield and Michael Moss prominenl. 'llle score ul halftime was H) and a possible upset looked in Ihe making. A strong second half by Globe Travel won the day League winners (ilobe 'l‘ravel eventually won its game with Travelways by 3-0 but not without some effort. played Iheir usu'al good games. SEPT 7‘ BLAIR ROBSON..RIcr Sept Sept 40,;25'232 WINNERS OF THE 50I50 DHAW DIXIE Vs RAMS FRIDAY Er TUESDAY 1:00 PM â€" 3:00 PM ' Through to April ‘lst, 1980. No Adult Pleasure Skating March 17, 1980 No Pleasure Skating on Christmas Day or New Year’s Day. Bond Lake Arena "72" a: Mondays beginning October lst, Pleasure Skating 4:15 PM â€" 5:45 PM No Adult Pleasure Skating ~ use Richmond Hill same day and time. * Fridays beginning October 5th, Shinny 4:15 PM -'â€" 5:45 PM. No Pleasure Skating on Saturdays â€" use Richmond Hill Sundays. No Pleasure Skating on Christmas Day or New Year’s Day. Admission for Skating: t â€" 25c per person. -, MARHKAM Vs. RAMS T. GOVE, CHAIRMAN Planning Committee The Official Plan, the Secondary Plan, existing land use maps, and the plans for the proposed restaurant may be examined at the Planning Office. You are invited to attend the Hearing and to state your support of or objection to the proposed amendment. Should you be unable to attend, written submissions will be received up to the time of the Hearing. DATED September 21, 1979 The subject lands are presently designated Industrial (General) by the Secondary Plan, which permits development for industrial purposes. The purpose of this amendment is to permit the development of a restaurant on the subject lands. TIME: 8:15 PM. FRIDAY, Sept‘ 28m The 1979-80 schedule of Public Skating and Shinny Hockey is as follows with the starting dates included: Richmond Hill Arenas '23' and '67' *Tuesday beginning October 2nd, Arena ’23' (old) Pleasure Skating 4:15 PM â€" 5:45 PM Wednesdays beginning October 3rd, Arena '67' (new) Adult Pleasure Skating 1:00 PM â€" 3:00 PM ' it Thursdays beginning October 4th, Arena '23’ (old) Shinny 4:15 PM ~ 5:45. * t Sundays beginning October 7th, Arena ’23’ (old) Pleasure Skating A Public Hearing will be held by Planning Committee of the Council of the Town of Markham to consider an application to amend the Secondary Plan for part of the South Don Mills Industrial Planning District (PD 11-1) with respect to the property at the south west corner of Woodbine Avenue and John Street. COUNCIL‘ CHAMBERS, MUNICIPAL BUILDING, BUTTONVILLE RICHMOND HILL ARENA t â€" $1.00 for adult, 50° for children under 14. Wednesday afternoons are free. Shinny 8 AM to 12 Noon Mon, Wed, Fri. Starts Oct. 1st 8 KEN SHANE, Richmond HI†r‘ 14, MARY CARLTON] MISSISSauga f ’21 WALTER FREELV Thommll (“Jaw-00¢ TUESDAY 7‘45 P.M OCTV 2nd ADULTS '2.50 STUDENTS '150 CHILDREN '1.00 §UBJECT ‘ PROPERTY Tread PUBLIC SKATING AND SHINNY HOCKEY 2 BIG NIGHTS RAMS PROVINCIAL [lot/fey :1 HI†THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1979 at 8:30 PM. as he came up wilï¬ an outstanding game l0 eliminate 'l‘ravelways. l’eler MacNamara got all three Globe Travel goals (ilobe Travel will now meet Powell Plumbing in the semi finals who blanked Slouffville Recycling 1â€"0 on a goal by Michael Lumporl. Semi-final final games will he played all Bayview Secondary School this evening 1 Wednesday) at 6 pm. At this point Ed Kenny tells us that he is very pleased with the response but he says there are a few collections that have not yet been turned in and Town of Richmond Hill Parks and Recreation Department and The Arena Association PUBLIC HEARING would appreciate it if coaches. parents and players would make [but las: ounce of efforl during the next few days. Quick One-stop Insurance Service Auto Home Life Just call TOLL FREE 1 800-268-6846 or drop in at TM. JANUSZEWSKI Planning Ditector YORK F IRE AND CASUALTY INSURANCE COMPANY 7699 Yonge Sheet Thornhlll, Onlano L3T 125 77-4