8-10 â€" THE LIBERAL. Wednesday, October 3, 1979 Mature. dependable sell-starter. nardware. building supplies and decorative products Able to work under pressure of busy sales counter and maintain your stock flow; Newmarket areai PROGRESSIVE MANUFACTURING COMPANY HAS SEVERAL OPENINGS IN THE ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT FOR EXPERIENCED PERSONS. VACANCIES INCLUDE 0 GENERAL ACCOUNTING, PAYABLES, PAYROLL. ETC. SUBMIT RESUMETO: With a multl plant packaglng matenals Company located In Newmarket. Income WI“ commensurate Wrth experience, Excellent benelits plan, Please contact Personnel Office Nor Baker Industries Ltd. 175 Deerfield Rd., Newarket 895-2308 Required by a small busy office for telephone and general office duties. Challenging position with good salary and working condi- tions for energetic sell-starter, 447 Davis beewmarket, Ont. L3Y ZZY Attention Ray Lovett For one person office. Must be experienced to trial balance. Some typing required. Woodbine/ Steeles area. °Person who wants to supplement he family income. °Retired person who wishes to remain active Applicant should be 21 years or over with good driving and employment record. Maintenance Machinist Urgently needed to cover routes in srth Markham and Stouffville areas. To work as required over the next 2 or 3 months. Grade 11 education and 50 wpm typing required. Please come in and complete application form. 895-6681 BOOKKEEPER/RECEPTIONIST TRAVELWAYS SCHOOL TRANSIT IS NOW TRAINING SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS ANTAMEX LTD., Opportunities are available for a Please send resume to BOX “B†WOODBRIDGE VAUGHAN NEWS 97 WOODBRIDGE AVE., WOODBRIDGE L4L 286 CALL BETWEEN 2 - 5 PM. ACCURATE CLIMATE CONTROL RETAIL SALES PERSON CA'LL TERRY AT 898-3245 or Brian at 640-5353 580 OSTER LANE, CONCORD, UK 105 OR CALL MRS. FITZGIBBON AT 3rd , 4th or Journeyman COMPANY BENEFITS â€"GOOD STARTING SALARY Ron Tomkinson 354 Kent Dr., Newmarket 495-9113 Apply in writing to EVES LUMBER 669-1292 TYPIST ELECTRICIAN Please Contact CLERK TYPIST Expeflenced REQUIRES an mammï¬m 300 mam Est ' am Hot. om. new. Dow mama“; 887-5872 03M] We require an expenenced on-line teller for our branch in the. Hillcrest 'Mall. Hours are 9 am. - 5 pm. Monday to Friday. Experienced applicants please call Personnel Fulltime position in heating and air-conditioning company. Ex- perience essential. For Service Parts Wareh0use in Markham area. Good oportunity for person willing to work with minimum supervision. Training provided. Apply in writing to: CRANE PACKING 00., LTD. Must hold “U-69†ticket. Apply to: Minimum Grade 12 education Shipping experience a definite plus Come in and complete application form. Industrial Sales/Service company, located in Langstaff Industrial Park, seeks qualified Tvoist/ Receptionist, with excellent typing, Telex skills, and pleasant telephone manner. Competitive salary. 0wn transportation required. Production line experience preferred m weldrng and electrostatrc spray painting. but will be willing to tram, Excellenr opportunity for the right person. Generous company pard benefits. Applicants should have proyincial certification. able to analyze all types of electrical and electronic circuits. wiring diagrams. and drawings as requrred to install. repair and service all types of electronic devices and systems. Excellent remuneration and company paid benefits. Those qualified please contact Mr. J. Alexander at Crown COrk & Seal Co. 7900 Keele St. Concerd. Ont. 669-1401 301 Markham Rd., Unit 5, Richmond Hill PARTTIME HELP MR. K. RElTZ, FOR APPOINTMENT Apply in person BETWEEN 9:30 AM AND 330 PM. MONDAY T0 FRIDAY BOOKKEEPER L8 8: M WELDING Personnel Department ELECTRONIC REPAIRS PERSON 362-6161 PO. Box 3248, Station Hamilton, Ontario L8H 7L3 TYPIST- RECEPTIONIST OFFICE SPECIALITY FOR SHIPPING DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT 883-1748 WELDING SPRAY PAINTING TELLER Toll Rd., Holland Landing ORDER PICKER 669-4400 WELDER FULLTIME Canada Trust REQUIRED Dow Chemical of Canada, Limited 380 Elgin Mills Rd. East, Richmond Hill, Ontario L4C 5H2 Dow Pharmaceuticals, Must be experienced wnh Class A licence, top wages and full range 0! benefits. 505 Help Wanted Requires Management Trainees. Full and part- time experienced staff for our Fairview Mall and Hillcrest Mall locations. Excellent op- portunity for the right people IF INTERESTED APPLY IN PERSON TO THE ABOVE LOCATIONS CBody Shop OCar Clean Up Person 0Car Jockey H Permanem employment. Good sa|ary and fringe benefits. with excellent working conditions. UNIVERSAL INSULATIONS CO. LTD} Required by Markham area restaurant Experienced The S.K. Wellman Co. of Canada Ltd., Waiter/ Waitresses FASHION CAREERS THE VILLAGE SHOP HOUSEKEEPER 110 Connaught Ave., Aurora Unit 11, 606 Rivermede Rd., Near Hwy. 7 &.Keele St, Concord RELIEF COOK 884-4481 or 727-8721 BUS PERSONS GENERAL MACHINE SHOP WILL TRAIN PART TIME WAITR ESS/WAITER FOR 5 TON TRUCK Must be familiar with Toronto Steady employment Apply in person to: ELLEN BETWEEN 2:30 - 4:30 PM 180 Yonge St. S. Aurora FULL TIME COUNTER HELP Please apply in person Every other weekend also PARTTIME Apply Seivice Manager MR.SUBMAMNE 54YONGEST.S AURORA TRUCK DRIVER 889-7072 889-7072 L’Auberge Normande Evening Shift DISHWASHER FLOAT DRIVERS 294-9039 For Afternoon Shift For weekends For Relief 727-3829 R.N. 727-5544 AND Call OR in Our promotional department. Expansion has created eight full time and eight parttime openings. No experience necessary. If you are of legal age, call us to arrange a personal and confidential interview. Training provided. We require peop|e with their own cars to work Immediate opening in engineering department. Prefer minimum 3 years mechanical drafting experience. Excellent opportunity for the right person. Generous company paid benelits. Salary commensurate with qualifications. Apply in person with samples of drafting capabilities between 10 AM. and 3 PM, Monday to Fridays Required by local aircraft company based at Buttonville Airport. Transportation necessary. For appointment: Must have two years’ experience. Class A licence preferred. top wages and full range of benefits. Ambitious persons with car for several part time and 2 full time positions can earn 5 - 7 dollars an hour or more. Also one person to train as manager. 226-9330, Ext. 3 or 727-1441 NORTH STAR MARKETING Established Sales territory open in central & Northern Ontario. Automotive after- market, experience required. Excellent income and good growth potential. Call for an interview. All replies in strict confidence. TYP|ST/RECEPTIONIST Fulltime position for experienced individual. Apply person to: Fulltime position. Also parttime available, Sundays only‘ 6 am - 6 pm. Apply in person. WOODBINE TRUCK CENTRE 8240 WOODBINE AV-E., MARKHAM, ONT. 495-6600 Experience In tour colour stripping for WEB and SHEET FED presses Reply stating experience and wage expechtians to: EXPANDING COMPANY REQUIRES COLOUR STRIPPERS MECHANICAL DRAFTI NG HOWARD B. WEINER & ASSOCIATES, MANUFACTURERS REPRESENTATIVES for all shifts. Mature persons preferred DILIGENT WORKERS OFFICE SPECIALITY GAS BAR ATTENDANTS $345 - $690 $230 - $460 169 CENTRE STREET EAST RICHMOND "ILL. ONY L‘C 1A5 (MG)8KH$5 We require full time steadv WOODBINE TRUCK CENTRE 8240 WOODBINE AVE†MARKHAM, ONT. 495-6600 Box 1797 - The Banner Box 250 Aurora, Ont. L4G 3H4 494-5522 PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT ROLL-OFF DRIVERS Toll Rd., Holland Landing 883-1565 CLEANER 77C STEELCASE RD†MARKHAM, ONT. L3R 2M4 (416) 495-0631 PARTTIME FULLTIME Call 895-6532 727-2038 Call Reuunes Geneval Helpet Dnvex's license an asset, 832-2567 Girl Friday. Small but friendly office. lane & No. 7 area. Own transportation. Please call: ANTIQUE STORE jigs, fixtures and related Individual required tooling. Competitive wage and comprehensive benefit package. precision machining on For Saturdays and 2 evenings a week, at Maple Pub|ic Library. Experience not ne cessary‘ Some knowlege of typing preferred‘ Please call for appointment. Part or tull time â€" 2,000 items Requires experienced full ,and parttime sales pegsons. Call YORK REGION FAMILY "Y" Requires experienced Earn good money _in pomfgrt of ovin home 'phoning for main! department store. Chame Card Applications. 492-9380 (Concord location) 493-0549 For private country club diningroom and bar‘ Full and parttime. Experience not necessary. Mr. Weif. Wuth own cal. to: delivery. Good ply. Paid nightly‘ No Fnday or Satutday nights. 727-4273 Wholesale Retail Business Waitresses/ Waiters Parttime evening shift TOOLING 669-1080 669-2147 PARTTIME JANlTOR PARTT|ME Call 895-5913 15 - 20 hours week|y Please call for interview 832-1432 884-9550 For 100 bed nursmg home CLERK /TYP|ST Pizza Delight 220 Yonge St. S. Aurora LIBRARY ASSISTANT 297-1711 Drivers wanted CAMERA STORE 884-4811 884-9248 R.N. 0R APPLY IT: for IFC ll CZWIZ