CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 883-1664 50 Yonge Street 8., Aurora. Ontario Richard E. I Contractors All types of alterations, rough framing, drywall almasonry. No Job Too Small Free Estimates 883â€"1258 884-0554 491-2111 DAYS D.J. DILWORTH 8 ASSOC Additions, Ren0vations, etc ' No Job 100 small. 130 Centre SLW. KNOW YOUR COSTS FIRM QUOTATIONS Accountants (Chartered) CREATIVE PHOTOGRAPHY CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT KEN R. McKEOWN BRADLEY & HILL Registers Industrial Accc 'SIDING OSOFFIT OFASCIA 85 Baker Ave. Richmond HIII 884 1745 10620 muse AT oxmno 8844030 Typewriters Adding Machines Sales 8 Service Alf '5 Ofï¬ce Machines Richmond Hill 881 1997 Accounting Services ('harlvrrd .4 Telephunv 14H Bookk Chartered Accountants 10256 Yonge St Richmond Hi|| 8842092 ROSENBERG it COMPANY 325 Richmow TYPEWRITER RENTALS LH. SIMS STENMAR CARPENTRY Carpentry Thornhll K ennerh M. Pal Office Machines Ricr 8849697 BOB ROSS CARPENTRY CONTRACTOR [$3 REYNOLDS ALUMINUM PRODUCTS 10 Coupons 1 pr. pants $1.50 Regular s1.85 WHEELERS CLEANERS 5926 Yonge St , Wlllowdale, Ont. Specializing in pipk up and deliven 889- 1 377 10 coupons 1 skirt s1.50 Reg. s1.85 LAT 310* 884-1788 Aluminizing ï¬gs!ng CLIP THIS COUPON FOR MONEY SAVING SPECIALS EACH SPECIAL GOOD WITH 1 CLEANING ORDER )nd SK 1 Hill Wilson unlan! mlant 31 ALUMINUM fl; 't ; SERVICE DIRECTORY Bookkeeping & Accounting Services Specializing in pick up and delivery in Richmond Hill. Mondays 8 Thursdays. 226-1232 ' All kinds of repairs done side and outside the house For the small business man BOOKKEEPING it ACCOUNTING SERVICES All types of electrical work Residentla|~CommericaI-lndus trial. Free Estimates. OEAVESTROUGHING ‘DOORS, WINDOWS 'AWNINGS Custom Rototilling. Gar- dens, lawns sodded. Gen eral cleanup of backyards, basements, garages, eavestroughs cleaned. I Tree Service I PICKUP TRUCK CARL/$15 LANDSCAPING PAYROLL, INCOME TAX Malian-German translations MARLENE PARISI 889-7250 Membet of the Toronto Home Buulders Assoc. BOOKKEEPING Er ACCOUNTING SERVICES ELECTRICIAN For small businesses Trees, bushes & stumps Cut or Removed HANDYMAN DON‘T CUT INTO YOUR LEISURE TIMEH Electricians Gardening- Landscaping Pick up and delivery only) BLOWN IN FREE ESTIMATES INSULATION OFFER EXPIRES FEB. 1, 1980 Handyman 889-5683 221-1466 PRODUCTS Leslie 833-5995 Dry Cleaning BRANCO ELECTRIC [/0 N0. [5.96 8845182 635-7918 By McKinley Insulation FOR HOME OR BUSINESS USE OUR 889-3535 Man with 881-5137 883-3500 884-9000 832-1696 eves NIEE u; TFOB TFCS brick In natural stone and guaranteed. Free estimates. Call Dag Schindler. Don’t spend this wmte: Without Lt Call Ron 223-6378 New Tub guarantee Toronto Porcelain Refinishing Livingroom â€" Diningroom Hall Carpets. Steam Cleaned by Experts BATHTUB REGLAZING Tubs - Sinks - Tiles - Repairs Any condiï¬on â€" Any colour Acorn Olympic fireplaces All types, installations, brick facings For estimates call Kevin 881-0355 FLOORLINE CARPET CLEANING CO. SOFFIT, FASCIA. WINDOWS, DOORS WE SUPPLY SEAMLESS 5" EAVESTROUGHING FALL CLEAN UP Home Improvements Double or triple glass Storm windows Storm Doors Siding Overhang Awnings Eavestroughing HANS BUTT CAULKING WORKS Extra voom 15‘ sq. it. Also upholstery expertly cleaned FIREPLACES ALUMINUM REPLACEMENT WINDOWS Phone for free Brochure Alcan Building Products Richmond Hill Contracting Co. Ltd. WALKER CONSTRUCTION 884-2882 Energy Savings! BUILT AND REPAIRED Free Estimates Expen kamanship 20 years' experience CUSTOM BUILT HOMES ADDITlONS HEC ROOMS ALUMINUM SIDING Fire Place Service CHIMNEYS‘ 8 FIREPLACES 1-2 piece suit s3.25 Reg. $3.95 Contract work undeltaken Chargex 881-7149 883-1331 889-4106 18 YEARS CAULKING 8844661 5 coupons 833-6861 5 coupons 1 dress s3.25 Reg. s3.95 Free Estimates $49.95 LEE-fï¬orr KOATINGS 883-3033 All work C6 W13 HUME HANDYMAN SERVICE Reasonable Rates Free Estimates WINTER DISCOUNT WEIAILABLE 'PLASTERING 'CERAMIC TILE °DRYWALL TAPING 'TEXTURED OCEILINGS 8 WALLS Experienced crew available for end of season installations. Quality inground vinyl liner pools. Fire Hazards are Real The Kings Chimney Sweep Cabinets, natns, rec r'ooms‘ dry wall, addmons, All home improvements Flee estimates Renovations - Painting â€" Carpentry Drywall LOMBARDI CONTRACTING 'Siding 'Sofï¬t OShuners 'Windows Rec Rooms - Bathrooms Fireplaces 8 General Repairs F O R WA TERPRUUFI/VG CONCRETE A150 PA 7/08, CHIMNEYS, PUHCIIES £81373 N0 JOB T00 SMALL 881-5235 CHlMNEY REPAIRS CONCRETE PATIO OR PRECAST SLABS PORCHES - STEPS All work Iguaranteed W0 JOB 00 SMALL " OFREE ESTIMATES Bartman Plumbing ORepairs OAIterations Er INSTALLATIONS MacPHEE ALUMINUM GENERAL CONTRACTING PLASTERER TILE SETI'ER SIDEWALKS PLANTER BOXES R. DURAN Remodelling Renovating 2455544. Page "0- 0353 884-6995 STONE WORK Pool Installations ' "EMBSD'B ' 85 CENTRE ST. E., RICHMOND HILL FREE ESTIMAI'E. JOHN MaQPHEE 883-3170 Swimming C & L GENERAL CONTRACTOR 881-5556 E c. noggï¬m 8894729 8833MB aka 6 pm. 883-5432 884â€"5227 CHI evenings Home ImprovementS' ODoors Call P879 LUCIANO New Work JOE 884-4208 Hire a Hobbit 'Eaves OFascia OAwnings ORailings vgs 884-9026 [1 884-4028 Interior Painting Rubbish Removal Minor Repairs Small Moves Professional Removal of All Paints Er Lacquers Invonces, envelopes, stenmls, letters. tesumes and thess on IBM Selecua. Experienced. prompt & reasonable. Karl Bundschuh 884-4832 PAINTING Libéral w s PAINTING Er PAPER HANGING TESTON MILL FURNITURE STRIPPING CO. Free Pick Up Er Delivery No Caustic or Lye Used 10933 Jane MAPLE 832-2330 HAND STRIP’PING A SPECIALTY DECORATING and Paperhanging Excellent Rates meessmnal lesh Guaranteed HUGH BARR 889-2773 884-5405 OVER 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE Furniture Stripping PAPERHANGING PAINTING PAINTING stand for QUALITY Painters R.E. Dunn 727-3303 CALL 8845672 FOR FREE ESTIMATE DECORATING Flee Estimates Exterior Interior TYPING G. Corcoran 884-9846 Typing HILL "(136 02w†9'45 am 11 am. Worship Sevvnce ST. PAUL LUTHERAN 10131 Bayview Avenue J.S. OAUPHINEE, PASTOR E3730 am. Sunday Church School 11.uu am. Wmsmp Servxce NUISET)’ care IS plowded dunng the Yonge and Centre Streets 884-1301 Sunday. October 21, iéig "The Good News" Dr, Nmman McNaxrn Ihe Church that is Worth Finding Chuléh School Nursery Care Available Ministers. The Very Rev. N Bruce McLeod New work, reroofs. chimney repaus. Workmanship guar- anteed Free estimates. Insurance work accepted LUTHERAN New work & reroofing Expert Workmanship All work guaranteed FOR YOUR FESTIVE SEASON PARTIES 8 BANQUETS, MUSIC TO SUIT ALL AGES 8 OCCASIONS. LET US ENTERTAIN YOU‘ MORE THAN JUST A BAND. ENJOY A FULL EVENING'S ENTERTA(NMENT. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC 10239 YONGE ST., RICHMOND HILL 895-4144 RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH The Rev Dr Nmman McNaun Nelson Contracting BAPTIST 7:30 pm. Wed. Prayer 8: Bible Study m. i ROOFING RESTYLING * REBUILDING E 1: REFINISHING _ by rmhsmn Fabrics available from PATRICK C. HENGEN FREE ESTIMATES GUARANTEED WORK DAYS EVEN PREC|S|ON ROOFING THORNHILL ROOFING INC. ST. )0HN'S BAPHST CHURCH 7S OxfOId Street PASTOR MARK PARENT Roofing 883-5057 Metro No‘ B 5346 884-5965 Roofing 881-1803 bus 8815575 res. 881-2345 881 -2345 EARL J. WINEMAKER JOEL G. MILLER All WORK GUARANIEE D Free Estimates 889-3228 WINEMAKER & MILLER 884-8038 DIRECTORY OF RELIGIOUS SERVICES FOR THE WEEK GVN SHINGLES N; 889-7821 Real Estate. Landlord 8. Tenant Business Law. Debtors & Creditots Rights Estates. Wills 8. Trusts No charge 10! initial half-hour consultation Open evenings by appointment le Litigation Family Law 8. DIVOKCE Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries 10023 Yonge Street Richmond Hill GENERAL PRACTICE F in A 1 R mmmm @IFGZBOO Sunday School Mommg WOI’ShIp NIB VONGE Entertainment 884-9257 dance *hand BOOK NOW Upholsterers (34de lawyers "M BA. BB -889-5225 Servnce at l0230 am. and 5'00 pm 1000 A M â€" Bible School Classe: lor all ages ll A M â€" Morning Sewlce 700 P M, â€" Evening Semce Prayel meenng Wednesday at At Emmanuel Church. 16 MacKay Dr.‘ Thornhill, .Prevuew from 2 to 4 pm, Cheese and Wine and Broming from 7 to 8 pm The Auctlon at 8 pm. Light re- freshments later.. Tickets $1. Pro ceeds tor Extensmn of Church Palkll‘lg Lotv SEE WRITE~UP ELSEWHERE IN PAPER. DAYCARE In my home. prefet new- born bables. please call 8843500. c4w14 NEWBORN babies and o|der chndren of all ages In my home. 884-0817 DAY CARE available In my home. Clean and spauous house. All ages welcome. 884-1766. c2w15 DAY CARE available In my home Elgun Mills-Bathurst afea. 884-9826. NURSERY Assmtant will give ex- perienced day car m her homeul yea! 1119' 8840545. Other Denominations 79“ Service Directory 615 New ~ Reroofing ~ Repairs Free Estimates PREACHING THE OLD BOOK THE NEW BIRTH THE PRECIOUS BLOOD AND THE BLESSED HOPE AT WELORICK ROAD BAPTIST CHURCH Comer oi Weldnck Road and Bathulsl Sheet Rev. ST McSpadden Pastor Phone 8847859 ROOFING HlGH CLASS AUCTION BETHEL CANADIAN REFORMED CHURCH 1481hornndge Dr Thmnhnl MInlStEI SAT, OCT. 20th Coming Events North Ridge Sieve “2 Daycare Rev. J. Mulde 884-9235 SOOPM 8849235 883-4084 “TIMI!†NO OIUGAV ION 898-2358 C2W15 CZWIB THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. October 1'1. 1979 Sunday - 8 am. 8. 1030 am Wednesday - 10 am. and 7:30 pm Libéra] Book your Christmas Party Now! HAROLD MILLS RICHMOND HILL BAPTIST CHURCH ANGLICAN INSTANI' cash 10! good condition household lurnlture. appliances. contents. lmmed|ate pick-up. 294- 1055. H38 "IdgES. stoves. freezevs. furnitu: ‘Must be clean and working. Need desperate highest pnces paid. ARE you Pregnant and Dlsfressed? Let‘sr‘talk If over confidentially Burthnght 469-1 1 11 884-8055 884. 9431 min DO you have a drinking pmblem? H so AA can help. Wnte Box 84. Richmond Hull or call 487-5591 Db something new Call Rendezv0us Dating Ltd Local 657-1661 mm Have your makeup applied by a pm lesuonal m the convenlence of you! own home Bndes and wedding parnes or any specnal occasuon. For appomtmenl. phone Gabnelle 884-4274, of Equntahon 5 minutes east at Newmarket 1473-2829 or 1-47} 2489. 9&1: St. Mary's Anglican Church 10030 Yonge St 884-2227 Richmond HIM THE VEN GERALD P LOWETH 884-1394 Rev William Plentlce ' 8834149 Rev Fted )ackson 8842418 Church thce 884-2227 Semces WILL PAY CASH FOR OLD GOLD Cash price for your household contents or individual items Sharon School 0! Hatsemanshlp Boarding, resudenhal courses, ndlng indoor arena. Richard Joyce, Director QUANCE â€" Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Quance. 0! Richmond Hull, are pleased to announce the engagement of then daughter. Margaret Eleanm. Dental gold, jewelery or metals. lessons. qualified Instructors. latge to Randall Allan Moore, son of Mrs. Francus Moore and Mr. Anhu! Moore. Weddlflg to take place at Emmanuel Anglican Church, Richvale. April 26. 1980, TRIMOUNT REF|N|NG & SMELTlNG INC.. 359 ENFORD RD., R|CHMOND HILL, ONT. 883-1249 DISC JOCKEY SERVICE SPEClALlZING IN SMALL BUSINESS BOOKKEEPING AND INCOME TAX PRE- PARATION. 8957763 TOP PRICES PAlD FOR OLD GOLD & SILVER day >‘;-’r’r$‘¢$‘~‘ ‘r$’r’»‘,’r’r‘r’w‘ I ‘ $(’(fl’{’fâ€"é{&1’\â€fz .> _V. VICES FOR THE WEEK :1 I 4 4 a I 4 v a - r ; P r ’ r r â€)$$‘J-$’r$’»"’r"’»‘r"$$$’rf’fw{k’;’r'§ ICHMOND HILL CALVARY CALDWELL BOOKKEEPING SERVICE Between 9 am. - noon 16 years experience 884â€"8375 Brices 363-1954 1-478-4175 Bib nd HI" Hugh School Adult Prayer and Blble We Care Tutorial Semces All sub'pects. all grades 727 2544 2212001 5‘5 Engagement 52° Pé’rsonals FOR FAST SERVICE DON'T WAIT UNTIL IT'S TOO LATE CALL 223-5794 ' WMPER YOURSELF 351 Any shape or form AL DeLUCA 0 anht She Te! 884-309 495-1942 Cash for Livestock freezers. furniture 311 7†Miscellaneous Articles wanted CAN \dy tfn Rev. Tom Richardson Pesto: 10 A M Chnshan Education 11 A M Wmshxp and Praise 7 P M. Gospel Raly lee In Richmond Hull and Thom hlll area? PENTECOSTAL CHURCH LANGSTAFF PUBLIC SCHOOL YONGE ST. & UPLANDS THORNHILL ‘ 8895391 Mnmstet Ihe Rev. 1.8. Burns MA 80 PhD Otganlst Mr E Hunt Mus Bat ARCO ll 00 AM Dwme Worship 1100 A M Church Schoo! (begans m Chutch v2!“ parent“ Commercial and Industrial Snow Removal Hourly or Monthly Presbyterian DeLaBARRE. Aram H. â€" In loving memory of a dear husband, lather and grandtather who passed away Oct. 17‘ 1978. Hrs weary hours and days of pain, Hrs troubled nights are past: And In our aching hearts we know He has found sweet rest at last. Remembered dearly by wrfe Kay. daughter. sons and grandchildren. DeLaBARRE. Aram Hector - In lovmg memory of a dear son who passed away Oct. 17. 1978‘ Deep In the head lies a pictule 0! a loved one laud to rest. In memories frame I shall keep it Because he was one of the best. Love Mom. YOU CAN HELP US GROW Y0ur Neighbourhood Commume Pentecostal Conglegatvon For Information Phone 889-785} THE lamlly of the late Elgln Gibson would like to lhank The Malshall Funelal Home lor then able aSSIsIance, Rev. Loweth lor the lovely semce anq comforting words, and lnends. [elatlves and neighbors lo: all exptessmns ol sympathy. Special thanks to Dr, Glanlon and the nurses and stall of York Cenltal Hospital to: then we and concern thraughoul hIS lengthy Illness SAVAGE - ln |ovrng memory at our dear mother and grandmother. HarnettE Savage. who passed away one year ago October 16, 1978. Memories are Irke threads 0! gold. They'll never lamrsh. or grow oId, As you were, you wrll always be. Treasured thoughts In our memory. Days of remembrance quietly kept. In the hearts of those who wi|l never forget. Lovrngly remembered by your family, IHE family at the late Norman E. Annlng 0! Richmond Hill would like to expless then SIHCCIE thanks to their many relatives and fnends for then hind expressmns of sympathy. tIotal tributes and charitable donations dunng then vecent beveavement. Specual thanks to Canvllle U.CW lor refreshments served alter the tunetat and to Dr. Hayamn tor hlS efltcnent we and Hayamv kindness 55“ Cards of Thanks Libéral THORNHILL PRESBYIERIAN SNOW REMOVAL “5 In Memoriam 633-9654 any other precious. â€" make shopping QOSIQH 4315', Vuolet Gibson and Family 5 P M Pvesbyteens 271 Centre Street "Cl?