Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

Richmond Hill Liberal, 17 Oct 1979, C10

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TEACHERS' STRIKES Liberal Leader Stuart Smith asked the Premier to enunciate his Govern< ment's position on the' right of teachers to strike and of school boards to lock out, now that the Ministry of Education's internal review of Bill 100 has been completed. “For one thing. the right to strike has been used far more frequently than' perhaps even the most dissatisfied teachers might have imagined in 1975‘ Since then. and not including Peel, there have been 18 separate teachers‘ strikes and lockouts in Ontario involving almost 20.000 teachers and close to 250,000 of their students. On average. each strike has lasted more than 37 days. We believe this has done considerable damage to the entire education system in the province.“ ' GENERAL MOTORS‘ ' EXPENDITURE PROGRAM When the Legislature resumed after the summer recess, the Minister of Industry and Tourism announced that GM. of Canada is to undertake a $2 billion expenditure program during 1979.and the en- suing three years. When could the Premier be expected to table the internal review of Bill 100 in the Legislature? The Premier reminded the House of the situation prior to introduction and passage of Bill 100 when there were a. number of serious confrontations with, apparently. no reasonable manner of finding a solution to differences between teachers and school boards. A substantial portion of the investment will be allotted to present operations in Windsor. St. Catharines and Oshawa. Stuart Smith recalled the statement in 1973 by then Minister of Education Tom Wells; “I feel that it Would be morally wrong to allow our young people to be victimized by school shutdowns with resultant disruption in the educational process just because a school board and its teachers cannot reach agreement on a contract." Some 2,600 new jobs will be created in Windsor On the eve of resump- tion of the Legislature. Stuart Smith had called a press conference at which he called for immediate legislation to end an elementary school teachers‘ strike in Peel Region and send that dispute to arbitration. He pointed out that the Liberal Party had changed its view on this question because of the harm done to school children when schools are closed by labor disputesl C-lo â€" THE LIBERAL, Wednesday. October START LOSING WEIGHT TODAY! OVERWEIGHT MEN AND WOMEN OF TORONTO By ALF STONG MLA â€" York-Centre queen's park and 700 new jobs will occur in St. Catharines between now and 1982. These are to be stable. secure jobs. Some of the money will also be directed to the CHILDREN‘S AID SOCIETIES The question of inadequate funding for Children's Aid Societies was raised in the first day’s question period. Some of the money will also be directed to the new paint facility in Oshawa, where in ad- On behalf of the energy con- servation project steering committee. Mayor Dave Schiller appealed to council last week for funds. Mr. Schiller is chair'man of the committee. Richmond Hill (‘hamber of (‘ommerce will ask businessmen for half lhe total budget of $16,785 while council was asked to supply Ihe remainder. Mayor Schiller's motion to give the energy conservation project $8.400. was turned down. (‘ouncillor Gord Rowe, one of the councillors who voted against the motion. said: “We want to know‘ where the dollars are coming from and if there are alternate means of support â€" other than money“. After much deliberation. the project was given an advance of $1.000 and the request {or $7.400 Richmond Hill's claim for fame is not being strongly supported by the town council. Town gives S 7,000 to energy project CHEP 1! INS ULA TION Canadian Home Energy Products (C.H.E.P.) Ontario Ltd YOUR RESIDENCE FOR AS LITTLE AS INSULATE 17. 1979 IF BUILT BEFORE 1961! GOVERNMENT GRANTS OF UP TO $500 ARE A VA/LABLE TO HOMEâ€" OWNERS, LANDLORDS AND TE- NANTS. YOU PAY US WHEN THE GOVERNMENT PAYS YOU. WE USE ONL Y C.M.H.C. AND C.S.A, AP-_ PROVED MATERIALS. dition to the 330 new jobs thus created, [here will be several thousand sup- plemental jobs in supply and support industries. Earlibr. the Minister of Community and Social MISSISSAUGA 270-6901 . TORONTO DOMINION CENTRE 367-] I53 YORKVILLE MEDICAL CTR. 967-0505 SHEPPARD 8 BATHURST 636â€"0802 BLOOR 8 ISUNGTON 231-5695 DON MILLS 446-! 160 SCARBOROUGH 267-1 107 YONGE-EGLINTON CENTRE 485-5774 HAMILTON 5226960 BURUNGTON SQUARE 639-7400 LONDON 672-8090 ST. CATHARINES 688-6311 VisamdeOwgewdcaneBunto?pmNh1â€"Fn¢WflGHTLO$.flC 1979 Don't let the discomfort of being overweight make you feel self conscious any longer. Hundreds of satisfied Clients right here in Toronto are living proof that Weight Loss Clinic really works. They're losing from 3 to 5 pounds per week with our fast, safe and effective weight loss program. And what's more. they don‘t face the danger of regaining. ' With the special help and support of our professional staff you, too. can lose unwanted pounds. Without fad diets. strenuous exercise or dangerous drugs. Nutritional guidance. A sensible program with the important personal touch. Seeking answers on Bill 100 WEIGHT LOSS QLINIQ’ Don't let another day go by. We're offering a free weight loss consultation with no obligation. Why not call and arrange for your appointment right now? Miss Hum said al this time she is overwhelmed with work just to gel lhe project going. “I needed a resource person a month ago." she said. “A Ihousand dollars is not going lo gel a resource person." was sent 10 the finance minee for recommendation Richmond Hill was selected as a pilot community on the basis the community would provide a resource person. a storefront office and a secretarial person. she said. When asked how she felt about the amount of the grant (‘alherine Hunt, leader of the projeCI said her position was not IO get involved in the finances of the project. “The success of lhe project depends on community in- volvement." she added. “A lhousand dollars doesn‘t get much started at all." said Mayor Schiller. Services had released the report of the study group on child welfare in Ontario. which has been a year in preparation. This report sets the stage for constructive and informed public discussion of the manner in which this province will protect its children. n In essence. the study group had examined child welfare as it is currently the finance com Strengths and weaknesses of three other models which might conceivably replace the present system were weighed. so that pubiic discussion could lead eventually to reform. administered by Ontario's network of quasi-public societies. and found the system wanting. H o w e v e r . t h e Minister‘s response to the report is indicated in the following excerpt from his introduction to the document: “Let me now assure you that the provincial Government has no intention of transferring responsi« bility for the provision of child welfare services to any body other than the Societies." Yet the report itself states: “Societies have failed to prevent human tragedies . . . most major governmental planning studies over the past decade have called for drastic changes in the relationships between the Societies and the public. Yet few changes have occurred Public confidence in Societies appears to be waning and many members and staff 25% OFF Golden Evergreens $¥¥%¥¥¥¥$¥¥¥$¥¥¥$$¥¥$Â¥$Â¥S WINTERIZING NEEDS an In: up: Iucal IUI wmmcu alcaa R “2 90 eg 25% OFF Golden Broadlecxf FPEDFNAYFCA‘E‘LPR'VET OLD GOLD JUNIPER (grows to 4 ft. - 1.2 m spread) Attraclive golden lealher lollage makes this slow growan Jumper «deal lor adding colour to loundanon plantings. (grows to 10 f1 - 3 m spread) A very hardy, vrgorous Jumper wrth attraclive golden branch (rps which are especially bright In spnng. GOLDEN PROSTRATE JUNIPWIn (qrows to 3 fr ~ 1 m spread) (grows to 3 ft - 1 m spread) Attractive slow-growmg Jumper wnr. deep golden needles turning to bronze at the lips. Ideal (or confined areas GOLD DUST JUNIPER GOLDEN PFI'IZEB JUNIPER (grows to 3 n - 1 m) This very unusual slow»growxng Jumper has an irregular uprtgm habit wnh attractive green (oliage fleckeu wrlh gold. Ideal for rock gardens or bonsar (grows to 4 t1 - 1.2 m spread) A very good looking Euonymus with bright yellow and green lollage forming an irregu|ar mound. Prowdes excellent contrast agains‘ darker greens. Protects your upngm evergreens lrom damage and bending caused by Ice and snow HERCULITE ROSE CDLLARS GOLD COAST JUNIPER (grows to 6 fl - 2 m spread) A broadly spreading, moderately fast growing Jumper wrlh rich golden Iolrage that deepens In colour wrlh cold weather. VEXAR MESH EMERALD AND GOLD EUDNYMUS For hilllng roses to protect against wmler killing. WILSON'S RABBIT REPELL Guards shrubs. trees and other plants from damage by rabbits. deer and rnlce. BURLAP Rugged 5 oz burlap periecl for wrapping evergreens or guarding shrubs. HILLVIEW WILD BIRD SEED A blend at selected seeds that attracts many specnes 0t wrld blde I!!!” Q; “$39.4 SHERIDAN NURSERIES @WEM SgflLE SALE ENDS OCTOBER let Oshawa: King West Garden Centre. 847 King St Evergreens TORONTO A464 Shgggald Avie EASY human: m us‘ 293-2493 SHERIDAN DROPS THE PRICE OF GOLD 25% INHONOUR OF KING TUT 900 ml (31.5 oz) OTHER QUESTIONS RAISED Opposition Members also raised, among other matters. the situation with respect to health care in the Province, the security of oil supplies for the forthcoming winter. and the Government’s policy with respect to French language education in Ontario. of Societies are confused. frustrated and demoralized about their role . . . In the interests of the children and their families who become by default the victims of the uncertainty and con- troversy surrounding the Children‘s Aid Societies, we would hope that this study will be the last in the series.“ Stuart Smith asked the Premier for his Governâ€" ment's policy with respect to the decision of the Prime Minister of Canada to give control of off-shore oil and mineral resources to the coastal provinces. The Premier stated that the Government of Canada could not, unilaterally, give up anything which con- stitutionally came within its jurisdiction. Ens! snxmn 5flx25fl 51lx5fl 12 In 130 cm) $1065 1602 10 kg 20 kg 10 lbs 20 ll 4 lbs 20 In 16m [40 my $995 $840 $995 $965 $765 Package of 4 Regv $1120 Reg. $14 20 Reg $13.30 Reg. $13.30 luvlugw, LAk‘vlluvu u Reg $10 20 )00000000000000 in, (30 cm) |n NORTHEAST (50 cm) (25 cm) $198 $550 81000 $239 $259 $399 $599 (30 Cm) $349 $549 $995 SHERIDAN NURSERIES 297-2253 .89 GOLD TIP EUONYMUS {grows to 4 n - \ 2m spread) Forms an Irregular mound wurn dark green lolrage strongly splashed wrrh gold SHERIDAN GOLD EUONYMUS (grows lo 3-1011â€" 1-3 m) The brilliant yellow lohage on this strlkmg shrub has almost no him a! green. Bright colour lasts an seasoh GOLDEN MOCK ORANGE (grows 10 3 n - 1 m) 12 In, (1 A hardy. last-growmg Euonymus ~ Introduced by Sheridan Nurseries. New foliage :5 a Dnmam sunshine yellow. (grows to 65 It - 2 m) Plan! In tull sun tor altracnve golden tonage. Excellent for colour contrast. SINGLE EARLY DOUBLE EARLY DARWIN DARWIN HYBRID SINGLE LATE BOUOUET SPECIES LILY FLOWERING TRIUMPH PARROT 25% OFF Golden Shrubs WSW???$$¥¥¥¥¥$$$$$$¥¥$$¥¥¥¥$Â¥$$Â¥$$¥¥¥¥W¥¥$Â¥$W$W W.. 728‘9429 Kitchener: Forest Hi“ Garden Centre. 100 Elmsdale Rd. 743-4146 A copy of the Plan and the draft Bvâ€"law are available for inspection at the Office of the Town Clerk, 10266 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, Ontario. The Council will consider the proposed By-law at its meeting on the 3rd day of December, 1979, and at that time will hear any person or the solicitor or the agent of any person who advises the Clerk in writing prior to the 3rd day of December, 1979, that he would like to appear. Take Notice That the Council of the Town of Richmond Hill proposes to consider the passing of a By-law to stop Up and close Part of a Public Highway known as Sunset Beach Road as shown as Part 6 on a Reference Plan 65R-2580. Dated at the Town of Richmond Hill this 3rd day of October, 1979. LCIosea Sundays DATE OF FIRST PUBLICATION: OCTOBER 3, 1979 DATE OF SECOND PUBLICATION: OCTOBER 10, 1979 DATE OF THIRD PUBLICATION: OCTOBER 17, 1979 DATE OF FOURTH PUBLICATION: OCTOBER 24, 1979 CENTRAL TULIPS Notice of Road Closing 481-6429 zazuomg THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL C.D. WELDON, CLERK |¢ ~fl¢uvln 12 In, (30 cm) 10 ot a variety 10 of a variety 10 of a variew 10 0! a variety 10 of a variety 10 at a variety 10 of a variety 10 at a variety 10 of a varier 'VO“ 1010! mm. (25 cm) $390 $620 $765 Reg 310,20 WEST m u an." was new Reg $5 95 Rafi. $5 20 Reg. 53 30 (30 cm) 700 Evans Ave $350 $395 $350 $275 $350 $425 $325 $350 $350 $425 621-9100 555% 0L :1? SUTTER'S GOLD POTENTILLA GOLDFINGER POTENTILLA (grows to 3 '1 ~ 1 m) An exceflent specrmen wnn very large golden yellow Howels throughout the summer GOLD DROP POTENT1LLA (grows lo 6.5 fl - 2 m) A very attracllve. vugorous shrub wnh colourtul golden tonage. Fragrant pinkish whlle llowers In June are {allowed by reddish seed pods used in flower arranglngu (grows to 30 m - 80 cm) A low-growmg. spreadlng Polenmla With large bnghl yellow llowers. (grows to 3 It ~ 1 m) Makes an Ideal Inlormal flowering hedge With bnlhant golden yellow flowers 1mm early June to October. GOLDEN NINEBARK GOLDFLAME SPIREA ALPINE CURRANT GOLDEN ELDER (grows to 10 t! - 3 m) A Vigorous spreading shrub wuln golden lolyage throughout the season I! planted m a sunny location. (grows lo 3 fl - 1 rn) ThIS very Interesting dwar! spnrea produces masses 01 lugm crimson llowers‘ Golden new foliage turns green In summer (grows to 4611-15 m) An excellent hedge WI"? dense dark green lollage trorn early spring to late fall Tolerates shade and my condmons weil, A sinking vme wnh showy clusters ol lrumpel~shaped buds and lragranl flowers Petals are a bnlllanl flame pink on the outstde and a creamy golden yellow on the myth; AMUR PRIVET (grows to 10 ft ‘ 3 m) » A super plan! lor cupping Into a dense gleen medium heugm hedge. Thuves In almost any sml bu! grows best In sun IBOLIUM PRIVET (grows to 8 ll - 2.5 m) An attractive plan! wulh green. disease free tollage that clips easny Into a dense medium hEIghl hedge, All evergreens, shrubs, vines and hedge plants from Sheridan Nurselies are first quality, grown on Sheridan's own fanns, and guaranteed until June 1, 1980. 25% OFF Goldflame HEDGING Honeysuckle MISSISSAUGA The Corporation of The Town of Richmond Hill 606 Southao-vn Rd 822-0251 I each m Iols 0| 30 0! more I each In lots 0! 30 or more . I each m Iols 01 30 or more ‘2 m (30 cm) $255 Réé $3.40 12 m. (30 cm) 20 In 16m 16 In (40 CM) 20m. (50 cm) 20 In. (50 cm) $1395” 12 In {30 CIT!) $255 $255 $255 $375 $270 $130“ $130n $395 Reg. $3.40 Reg‘ $340 Reg. $3.40 Reg $500 Reg. $3.60 Re? $5.30 (50 cm) (60 cm) (40 cm)

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