THE TACK UP COMPLETE 0UTF/7TERS FOR HORSE 8 RIDER 144 MAIN ST. 297-3243 UNIONVILLE Libéral 0 @@mm ejmflï¬y Section C YNE SIGN mu SELLS REALTOR 1st in homes Royal Trust 1st in service 88i3232 ROYAL TRUST CORP. OF CANADA e‘¢.-' m fl Three teachers at Lake St. George Conservation Field Centre in Oak Ridges, left to right, Dennis Des Riviere, Anne Pat- terson and David Beard, arrangements for the arrival of their first class next week. Elementary and High School students will have an opportunity at the outdoor education centre to study resource management from a practical point of view. (Liberal Photo by Bruce Hogg) are making last 83-2234 SUNDAY MONDAY minute Wednesday, October 24, 1979 ‘ Area awaits influx of students By SHAARON HAY Liberal Staff Writer Lake St. George Conservation Area, in the Oak Ridges area, will open next week to students who will learn about what its natural features have to offer. Metropolitan Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (MTRCA) and eight boards of education in the metro area (in- cluding York County Board of Education) have built an outdoor education centre to teach students, from Grade 2 to 13, wise use of natural resources, as well as the need to renew our country’s natural resources. The new centre is staffed by a supervisor, TUESDAY Your“ community needs you . . . to be involved with Unicef‘s greeting card program. With Christmas only a couple of months away and the Year of the Child drawing 10 a close, Unicef is getting ready to sell their greeting cards. The cards sold by l'nicef are designed by different artists from around the world and the proceeds are used to aid various Unicef projects. This year the Canadian Unice'f project is building wells to provide clean water for people in the third world countries and providing seeds which :hey can plant for food crops. l‘nicef depends upon volunteers to make the greeting card program function. For example. volunteers are needed for the next four to six weeks to sell cards at the Hillcrest Mall. If you can help for only two hours a week or one hour a day or more. you are needed. The choice of hours and days is flexible. something making this a unique opportunity for the indivrdual who has been wanting to do in the community. but always give regular hours. A greeting card convener is also needed for :h_e next six weeks by Unicef. This individual will be responsible for the supervision and operation of the greeting card program at Hillcrest Mall. ' can't This includes coordinating the location of sales and hours of operation. arranging for stock. scheduling volunteers and so on. It is an interesting and responsible position for the person who has good organizational skills. A super way to put your skills to work. If you would like to help sell the Unicef cards or would be willing to be the Unicef greeting card convener call the Richmond Hill Volunteer Bureau at 883-2235. Lake St. George three teachers, with backgrounds in physical education, geography, biology, and history, and two cooks. Teachers will bring classes, with a maximum of 34 students, to the Lake St. George Conservation Field Centre, on the Bethesda Sideroad bet- ween Bayview Avenue and Leslie Street, where they will be housed and fed from Monday morning until Friday afternoon. Prior to arrival teachers will have discussed specifics of what they wish to accomplish by their stay, lessons which will complement natural studies on the school curriculum. Ron Hudson, super- visor of the field centre, WEDNESDAY I 24 Turkey Dinner. Carrville l'nited Church. 1.30 â€" x p.m. “.l'ake Turner‘s "Good Time Ramblers" at Hillcrest Mall. 5.30 p.m. â€" 3 p.m. Canadian Progi‘essl‘lub, York Central. 7 p.m. 834-3888. St. Mary Immaculate Church craft night and bazaar preparation. 3 p.m. Right to Life meeting. 384 Tyneview Lane. Richmond Ilill. l p.m. Info: 334-0431. (‘o-op Babysitting annual dinner. X p.m. Info: 884-0210 said the centre was developed to meet needs and objectives of the school program in outdoor education and incorporate the objectives of the MTRCA â€" using facilities available. Lake St. George, the head waters of the east branch of the Humber, becomes a major resource in the studies, making available an excellent example for physical geographic studies, fish management, lake ecology, and survival skills. “It’s valuable stuff you can’t get from a classroom,†said Mr. Hudson. . Opportunities are available for forestry studies, from identification THURSDAY l 25 Rotary 'l‘Y Auction: In honor of the Year of the Child. the Rich- mond llill Rotary Club is holding a TY Auction in the first week of December on Cable 10 to raise money for the York Centre for Learning Disabilities. For donations or more information. call 881-1808 01‘ 884â€"6274. Coffee & conversation for single adults. sponsored by St. Mathew‘s l'nited Church at 53 Rockport Crescent. 3-10 p.m. Info: XXI-31306 or 884-583]. Richmond Ilill Library exhibition of watercolors by Brenda Roddy. .\l Chas. Connor: a collection of models by John Chapman. and an exhibit by Diana Styrmo. until Nov. 3. Thornhill Newcomers Club meeting. 3 p.m. 381-8091 or 881- 0157 to reforestation, and wildlife programs ‘in- cluding fish management and migratory bird studies. Large barns, located on the property, also make agricultural studies in dairy farming and orchard management a reality. Students can also look at the area from a historical, cultural and artistic point of view, with classes available about Lake Wilcox as a set- tlement and community, the local history and changing home types. The beauty of the area lends itself to field sket- ching trips, photography and creative writing, if teachers so desire. Although each day is full, from breakfast at 7:30 HELPMATE INFORMATION COMMUNITY CALENDAR OCtoberâ€"Novem ber K 883.223 FRIDAY 26 “Millionaires Night" at Rich- mond lIill Lions Club. 8.30 p.m. St. Mary immaculate Church craft night to prepare for bazaar. x p.m. a.m. to the finish of classes. about 8 p.m., ~ students will be allowed the opportunity to learn recreational skills from swimming in summer to winter survival skills and snowshoeing. Mr. Hudson said the centre is booked solid until the end of December and he is presently working on a schedule for 1980. Because the response has been so favorable phase II is already under construction, adding more classroom space and dormatory room. “By this time next year we’ll be program- ming for two classes in- stead of one,†said Mr. Hudson. \ _ 3/ I SATURDAY :27 llallowe‘en Dance. Richvale Lions Majorette Corps. Richvale Lions. 3.30 p.m. 881-5097. “Family 8.- l’aith" seminar at St. I’aul's Lutheran. 0.30 a.m. â€" t p.m. XXI-08H. Bazaar at Iloly Trinity. Thor'- iihill. 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. â€"-â€"â€"â€" 1 Senior Citizens Club annual bazaar. 10110 Yonge. 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. Hansel (ti Gretel (lay at R. Hill Library, children 1-0 l’re- register. 243.30 p.m. YCAMR bowling. Newkirk Bowl. juniors 81 seniors. 24 p.m. llallowe'eii, Costume Dance for King David Lodge. B‘nai B‘rith. Tickets: 1517-353). Bazaar & Bake Sale. Our Lady of .\miunciation school. ()ak Ridges, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. M ‘28 Richvale Lions Bingo. 31 Spruce Avenue. Richvale. 7.30 p.m. "Beyond Shelter" housing alternatives for seniors. I-‘ilm followed by speakers from York Central Hospital & Home Care Services. St. Mathew 's l'nited Church. 7.30 p.m. 29 York Region Camera Club critique showing. Nature Tricks with Duplicating by Paul Fitz- simmons, Richmond Hill High School cafeteria. 7.30 p.m. YCAMR crafts in the craft room. Richvale Community Centre from 7.30 to 0 p.m. Richmond Ilill Group of Artists 30 Scone Tea. Burr House. Carrville Roatl. 1.30 - 3.30 p.m. Info: 384- 0327. York Floor Hockey" League. Crosby Ileights Public School. 0.30 - x.30 p.m. 'l‘atting Course to be set up at Buriqllouse. If interested. call sat-x574. 31 Nicol Borwn Trio \\ itli Irene King aiid Billy Meek at Ilillcrest Mall. 3.30 - X p.m. Canadian Progress Club. York Central. 7 p.m. Info: 884-3888. Richmond Ilill United Church Women Eventing Cnit meet in the church parlour. 8 p.m. “Say Yes For Y‘ork" Blitz. 1 Laiigstal‘f Secondary School. parents' night. 7 p.m. YC.\MR adult coffee house. St. Mary lmiiiaculate, X p.m. Block l’arent .\ssn. meeting. police station, Major Mackenzie. _ 7.30 p.m. 2 “Say Yes for York“ blitz. Richmond Hill ['nited Church “Nostalgia Night" 3 p.m. Info: XXI-illill. “Say Yes for York“ blitz. 3 (hie Parent I’amily Association Dance. Thornhill Community Centre. YC.\MR bowling. Newkirk Bowl. Juniors 8.- Sillifll‘i‘lj p.m. Block Parents Social. Rich- ’munity Centre. 9 p.m. 383-5535. Richmontl llill l'nited (‘itttrch "Nostalgia Night" x p.m. Info: k I t b Richvale Writers Club. 70 ï¬lm†Wor S10 . 7.30 p.m. ‘ros y )j , ), 3...â€. _ ( -.. . .â€"â€"-â€"â€" . School. Inpfo: 1139-1362. I “mam I 129‘,†; \nimal aid aiid adoptlm: - - _-â€" - Christmas Bazaar. I‘Immanue __’"‘ Richmond Hill Lions meeting. . i . _ ._ H . Richmond Hill Library official Mom “3". mm p_m. .\nglican ( hurth. Richvale. 10.30 opening of facilities for the ____ a.m.-3.30 p.m. handicapped' 0p?" invitation for Energy .\ction Richmond Hill . #.â€",â€"â€".. . . handicapped residents and anti the Richmond Hill Historical “Altml PlEztgï¬fgl'davligtrrug families or friends. 7.30 p.m. such.“ at mum.“t “am through ins mas . 9‘ t . x Info: 8114-9288. I Vlluniia‘. ‘ luncheon. ll a.m. - -..l0 p.m. “The Aging l’rticess‘: .at York Richmond "in Group of Artists Chinchilla Ranchers meeting. :lohll .\nibulance Training Richmond Hill l'nited Church Richmond "in Public Library 5L Man-s Anglican Christmas (‘f‘llll‘al I‘IOSPlt‘al. tall) P-m- workshop. Crosby school. 730 Patricta hemp Comm. Ctre. 8 Session for members, Richvale bazaar aiitl luncheon. 11 a.m. - 3 during \meher_ The First “Izaak noon [03p_m_ [luncheon Diwali": (arouom‘r- ‘CH 513" p.m. For further information. I’-"‘- “39‘093&___ (O'l‘mllllll) (‘elm‘e- x P-"‘- “4' ll-"l- â€"â€"-â€"â€" . Exhibition of .\rt by a group of at 12.30 p.m. For further iii- “wmher- call 880-1302. ' scone Tea. Bun. "oust Carmine 131W Widows & Widow ers meeting. Richmond Hill Senior Citizens. In lormulion‘ ca†3334;901- ____ ' Road. 1.30 - 3.30 p.m. Info: xxt- ____ “NEON†3â€" ("TN blllld'nfl~ the auditorium. Richvale Lions Bingo. 3| Spruce Avenue. Richvale. 7.30 p.m. uuIIIInuuIIIuIIunun-unuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunlitIEHEEEl.’ILalitlil liï¬tllEElhl'ITEii MONDAY Cantabile Chorale 8.00 p.m.. Thornhill Baptist Church â€" 889â€" 1105 (starts Sept. 10) Lions‘; Bingo at 7.40 p.m. Lions Hall. Centre St.. R.H. Thornhill Lodge B'nai B'rith Bingo. Thornhill Comm. Ctre. 7.30 p.m. York Philharmonic Choir Practice. R.H. Baptist Church. 7.30 p.m. New members needed for tenor & bass sections. .\lateen â€" Aurora Cnited Church 8 p.m. â€" 773-4539 Craft Evening. St. Paul‘s Cnited Church â€" 7.30 p.m. 773-5603 Thornhill Farmers Market Bingo 7.30 pm TUESDAY R.H. Public Library Preâ€"School Story Hour 10 â€"~10.45 a.m. Pre- registration Mother‘s Break 9.30-11.15 a.m 11327. (1url.ady's Guild meeting at Our Lady of the Annunciation School. Bond Crescent. ()ak Ridges. 7.45 p.m. “Making .\ Will" (Part 1). Maple Public Library. 3-10 p.m. Pre- registration required. 832-1132. Richmond Hill 884-2671 L'nited Church Yoga â€" 7.15 -â€" 8.30 p.m. beginner 8.30 â€" 9.45 p.m. intermed. Rich- mond Hill L'nited Church 884- 2671. Richvale Lions Drum Corps & Colour Guard. Lions Hall, 31 Spruce Ave. 7.00 â€"â€" 21.00 p.m. York Choral Society Rehearsal. McConaghy School. 8. p.m. 884- ‘“2 WEDNESDAY Thornhill Lions Bin 0 Thornhill l l Chamber of Commerce General meeting. noon. Pagoda Court. St. Mary Immaculate Church. craft night. bazaar preparation. at p.m. “Making a Will" (Part II) 8-10 p.m. Maple Library. 332-1432. Community Ctr 7.30 p.m. Parent Concern Meeting 8 â€" 10 p.m. Call Joyce 384-3503 I’re-School Story hour. R. Hill Library $2.45 p.m. Counterweight â€" at R.H. Public Library. 7.30 p.m. 255â€"1421 .\.M.0. at Richmond Hill L'nited Church â€" 9.30 â€" 11.15 a.m. 884- 5542 R. Hill Lions _Eii_tertainers. tiiajorettes 8.- drum line. Lions Hall. 7 to 9 p.m. 884-6745. Yoiige and Crosby. X p.m. Christmas shopping bazaar. Richmond Hill L'nited Church “Come and Go Luncheon" 11.15 a.m.. 12.15 p.m.. 1.15 p.m. Info: sxt-iztoi or sin-3011. Bazaar opens at 10.30 a.m. Seniors Euchre Game. 1.30 p.m.. Club Room. 10149 Yonge St.. R.H. ___ ____ Richmond Hill Legion Bingo Legion Hall, Ohio Rd. Richmond Ilill â€" 7.35 p.m. Thornhill Village Artists. Gallanough Library. 7-10 p.m. 889-6320 THURSDAY Yoga Class R.H. United Church. 9 â€" 10.15 a.m. beginner. 10.15 â€" 11.30 intermed. 884-2671 Watchers. Weight Concord Community Centre â€" 7.30 pm 069â€"2173 Thornhill Recycling Depot Bayview & Green Lane 7 â€" 3.30 p.m. Air Cadets. male & female 13-19 years â€" Royal Canadian Legion. ()hio Rd. 7.00 p.m. 384-452] Richmond Hill Youth Concert Band Rehearsals 7.30 p.m. â€" St. Joseph's School. Roney Ave. 884- " FRIDAY Duplicate Brid e St. John's Ang. Church. 12125 Yonge St. 1 p.m. 884-1689 SATURDAY R. 11. Recycling Depot, Elgin Mills Rd. E. at Leslie. 10 a.m. till noon _ _ _ _ _ Thornhill Recycling Depot Bayview at Green Lane. 10 a.m. till noon Euchre â€"â€" 1.30 p.m.. Seniors Club Room. 10149 Yonge St. Richmond Hill All Welcome.