1 mile N. of Bond Head. 1/2 mule east on Com 8 West Gwillimbury Used Cars and Trucks Bought and Sold. FREE TOWING V-8 automatic Good COHdIIIOfl 3650‘ 884-3903 Excellent condition. Phone Bill any- time. - PICKUP 350 - 4 banal 4 speed, positive haction, radial tites. good body. with cap, $1,200. as is. Mag wheels. good motor, needs some body work. As 651.000. Automatic. 18,000 miles. Original owner. A-l condition No rust $1,000 or best often Evgs. only Good co‘ndmon. 3900 Certified. 727-5872 Power steering and brakes, 6 way power seat, good running condition. $1.500. or best offer. 65.000 mules, excellent condmon best ofler. 833-6490 Power windows. brakes. steering. au- conditloning‘ Certified. 3699. WAGON V4 ton 4 wheel dnve, power angling, for sale With or Without plow. Make an offer. 773-5474 Power steeting. brakes. automatic cemlied. Asking $1450. Maxi Van. $1,500., excellent condition. 4 cyl.. automatic mint condiiion low mileage. Reasonable. Call Only 60,000 miles. POWBI brakes and steering. Front disc brakes Snow tires. Excellent shape. Only $1.500 or best ofler. Must sell. BEETON TRUCK ‘8: AUTO WRECKERS LTD.. 883-5857 B-10 â€" THE LIBERAL, Wednesday, October 31, ZSOZX GL LIMITED EDITION 73 MAVERICK Phone 775-6534 74 CHRYSLER 832-2358 832-2358 SHOP IN THE COMFORT OF OUR INDOOR SHOWROOM 50 OR MORE PREVIOUSLY OWNED AUTOMOBILES 0N DISPLAY AT ALL TIMES SHOP WITH CONFIDENCE â€" SHOP McLEAN'S 73 FORD VAN 70 GREMLIN Chev-aids mclean’s of Aurora 70 Dodge Power 79 DATSUN 73 CHEVROLET CAPRICE 71 CAMARO YORK REGION'S FINEST USED CARS 1-478-4850 74 DODGE CORNET WAGON 73 DODGE 6 cylinder 700 71 PINTO 73 CUTLASS SUPREME Good condmon. $1,500 884-5176 ‘72 CheveHe 73 CRICKET 72 BUICK 881-2322 ‘95 YONGE smesr soum, AURORA, ONTARIO 727-9444 or 931-2712 LET US DRIVE YOU HAPPY! 727-3351 773-5474 72 CHEV 73 BMW 889-1305 73 DODGE 884-3473 833-6883 ]73-4460 773-5145 Evgs As IS. 5125 CHARGER NEWPORT SKYLARK 895-8843 E300 ‘55 Cars 8 Trucks afterS p.m atterS p.m‘ after 7 pm after 6 pm As Is best offer Days C2! 18 EM Vista Cruiser All power, sun roof‘ new radials‘ Ask $2,000. after 6 pm New motor. excellent condition $2,500. or best offer. Perfect condition. certified. best offer. Vâ€"8 automatic, custom paint, com- pletely outfitted interior. Excellent condition. 884-3976 As IS. 400 cu‘ In., air, power steering and btakes. rally wheels. $1,000. V-8, power steering, power brakes Carpeted. $3.600, 883-1171 la ton pickAup. power steering, power brakes‘ low mileage, rust proofed, excellent condition. CERTIFIED $3.300 895-7l77 or 833-5534 4 speed with over dnve. power steering 8. brakes. Michelins, AM/FM stereo. while with blue interior. Aâ€"1.54.200‘ V-8, standard transmission‘ 44,000 miles, radio, gaugesi Michelin radials. Lic. E23250 $3,200 certified. Warranty. Call Rick Simmons 46.500 miles. automatic. Moor. power steering. dlSC brakes. rear window defrost, radial tires, cenified $2.500 3/: ton. V8 engine. 875 x 16‘5 tires Ail, power steering and brakes‘ automatic, rustproofed. Deluxe m tenor Low mileage. 884-5732 75 IMPALA WAGON Automatic, power steering. 24000 miles. 1-727-2143 Used as family second car, new tires. brakes, shocks, power steering brakes and tailgate. Certified. $26504 PS. PB. cruise, ait. velour seats‘ hnted glass. excellent condition Low mnleage, Certified Libéral 887-5036 74 Sebring Plus KINNEAR PONTIAC BUICK LTD 832-2358 76 MAVERICK 75 JEEP J05, 74 GMC VAN 77 FORD LTD 884-4481 1974 GMC VAN MAXI WINDOW VAN Call 727-3803 727-4821 74 CUTLASS Front and back plow 76 DODGE 76 CORDOBA 76 VALIANT 75 DODGE 883-1245 727-3810 74 AUSTIN MARINA 74 GMC 1/2 TON PICK-UP 77 NOVA F-lOO SUPER CAB $2.600. 76 VOLVO 895-3741 884-7466 727-3775 895-7894 895-4077 JIMMY 350 75 GMC 75 Ford CLUB CAB LANDAU Evenmgs after 5 pm after 6 pm after 6 1979 Like new. 23.000 kilometers, 1 careful owner, non smoker. 450 cu inch, steel radrals. custom trim, other specral options. Red with white vinyl interior. $6,500. Call Ann weekdays between 9 am. - 5 porn. Tach and speeds. low mileage, seldom used. like new. $950. or best offer. 884-7606 Em. 77 Golden Falcon. 23' Travel Irailer‘ Excellent condition, 74 Chrysler wagon, equipped to pull above trailer. A-l condition. Loaded with extras Sleeps 8. $1,500 ï¬rm. excellent condltlon. Plus tmlet if needed Call 727‘3921 anytime. OPEN EVENINGS 1980 Models in Stock, Preâ€"season prices. Save dollars‘ McKENZIE RECREATIONAL Hwy. 7 and Bayvnew 1.100 miles. Excellent condition mo â€" '71 T 8. I “0 Sludoos â€" 5 Speed. hatchback, mag rims‘ Michelin tnres, AM/FM cassette Asking $3.500. Reasonable rate. For further In formation ca_l|: 881-5235 Power steering, power brakes, tilt steering, V-8 305. Automatic. Radio and tape. Air shocks. White lettered Radials. A 1 condition. Must be seen. 884-3714 meeSionalty built 8 ft buck mmpen 3 burner propane‘ etc‘ Sleeps 4, asking $1,800. or best offer. Urgent 78 PONTIAC FORMULA FIREBIRD YAMAHA SNOWM Bl1.ES SALES&S RVIC _ A1 condition. tach. speedo. with cover $975 APACHE 71 RAMADA 22 FT. MOTOR HOME Triple. chambers. very fast. K & N Filters. Needs work. 3400. 727-5566 77 CAMARO COMMUNITY CYCLE “4° Motmcycles 1978 HONDA CIVIC 884-4298 mm 4 P M ‘55 Cars & Trucks 478-4559 Repair all makes 1 8665 Sutton Rd. Ouumvmo 72 RUPP NITRO 400 PACKAGE DEAL 0R SEPARATE 78 ARTIC CAT 2‘“ Snowmobiles 75 KAWSAKI 500 NEVER USED SKI 000 76 23° Campers & Trailers The mall mow Ml 72 SKIROULE Mini Trail Bike 833-6030 Honda 250 74 SKI-DOO TNT 440 SE OLYMPIQUE 340 OLYMPIQUE 440 884-6307 773-5117 Very good condition 5525‘ Randy. 73 SKI DOO 832-1486 $250. at best offer SNOWMOBILES 669-5620 884-0969 833-5410 887-9371 884-4261 AURORA 727-3661 FOR RENT 881-9000 JAG 3000 After 2 pm 440 evenings Aurora POLARIS after 5 Evgs 11-11 TFCI I "€16 u 164 Johnsview Village, Thornmll. School rec. centre, tenms and pool. AURORA, 57 Tecumseth Dr‘, $400 per month, two family house. 727- 1787 or 5331679. Toronto. c4wl7 Suttable for 30-40 cars, parking. etc Yonge St. location 884-6699 2 storey detached brick house. smgle car garage, 4 bedrooms and den. 1V2 batï¬s. ï¬replace, finished rec room. lnqunies. 884-1252 Immediate possession. 3 bedrooms separate diningroom, kitchen, bath- room, large yard. Unfurnished 3 bedroom semi. 1 year old. fully carpeted. Immediate occu- pancy. $516 monthly. BayviewHeu- derson atea. 881-1924 R|CHMOND HILL. 239 Demaine Cres.. $400, 3 bedroom. 533-1679 or 884-0416. c4w17 Wanted in Aurora 3 bedrooms 1V2 baths, carpet through out sunken livingroom. garage. Close to transpoï¬ation and shopping. Sorry no cats or dogs Joanne CENTRAL Richmond Hill, 2 bedtoom bungalow. 2 car garage, private drive. Available now. 482-4674, Old Yonge St. Holland Landing. Available December' 151‘ $300 monthly. Three Bedroom Townhouse and Garage 4 BEDROOM LAKEFRONT. FIREPLACE $425. - Keswick 5 BEDROOM $345. 2 BEDROOM LAKEFRONT ‘325. 491-4407 or 1-476-2302 THORNHlLL, 3 bedtoom townhouse‘ 3 appliances, garage, drapes, $400 monthly. Available Dec. 15!. 889 3842 Evgs‘ THREE bedroom _ ranch style bungalow. 1 acre lot. 488-4386. THREE bedroom house, main level. Upper level rented‘ Available Dec lst. $350 plus utilities. After 4 pm 884-7715. m THORNHILL Town House. Available Novembu 3rd. 889-6622. After ‘28 Factory-Industrial Space 2‘5 Boats it Supplies GARAGE for rent in residential area‘ May be used for storage or car. 884 3274‘ CENTRALLY LOCATED RENT WITH OPTION TO BUY For the Richvale Community Centre. Minimum Age: 18 years. Starting immediately. Please apply no later than November 7, 1979 to: PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT ROOM 102 10266 YONGE STREET. RICHMOND HILL Must have own transportation and enjoy dealing with children. Limited hours. CALL BOB MOULTON LOT FOR RENT THREE BEDROOM HOUSE RENT - AURORA GOOD TENANTS Evenings 669-1826 BOAT & TRAILER THORNHILL STORAGE Richmond Hill PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT 833-5692 Evgs Houses to Rent Open & Covered NIGHT SUPERVISOR for appointment 773-4590 AFTER 6 PM PART TIME SUPERVISOR Lib'éral FOR THORNHILL AREA 5“ Help Wanted (Lotaown; Evgs. 884-0981 The Town of Required by u-!|¢uv CJWIS Requires a QmSQm C2Wl7 CM 17 (32w 18 ANTIQUE & FLEA MARKET Woodbine Market Place 8241 WOODBINE AVE. DON VALLEY PKWY. 4 MIN. N. OF 401 V2 MI. 3. OF HWY. 7 OPEN 9-9 daily except Mon. Excellent variety ol antiques 8. collectibles & 1.001 other items. Snack bar. It’s cool indoors & worth the trip. Dealer enquiries for weekend space 85 per day. Bill Ayres, 4951942 or 294-0859 Duncan Phyfe, Lyre pedestal lamp tables. Pan for $275. "7 Room with Board Yonge St, Richmond Hill, Approx 725 sq. ft. Ofï¬ces or Retail‘ Reduced room and board, some light housekeeping, in return for companionship. December through ApriL for older lady. Thornhill area, Student or active retiree preferred. Please call: 2000 sq. ft Beeton area smtable [0! an auto body or mechanic Situated at a mecking yard. $500. per month. 857-2011 ANT|QUES & HOUSEHOLD CONTENTS , WED. (mght) NOV. 7th 7 PM. INDOORS NORTH SIDE OF KING SIDEROAD BETWEEN DUFFERIN ST. AND BAIH‘ URST ST, WATCH FOR SIGNS. Furniture pine jam cupboardi pine sideboard. oak pedestal base dining table. oak sideboard. Iilt top desk. piano. mahogany Slde chairs, 2 how back Windsors. other chairs .blanket boxes. rugs. couch and chair. coffee table. glass case bottles, dealers pottery, etc. Iable saw, tools, appli- ances. lirewoodt These items and more - some in as lound condition. Removal of large items following day. Auctioneer and owners not respon- sible for accidents or liability. TERMS‘CASH AUCTIONEER, CHARLIE DUNN AT BURD'S TROUT POND. 11/4 MILES NORTH OF RINGWOOD 0N HWY‘ 48. Antiques. collectible items, household contents. 3 Snowmobiles, chain saw, iurnitute. Many more things from the basement to the attic. Consngnments acceptable. Terms Cash. ‘29 Business, Office Space FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT FOR SENIOR CITIZENS 310 SHORT NOTlCE AUCT|ON AUCTION SALE AUCTION PHONE N0. 773-5939 STORE FOR RENT Building For Rent ‘°° Rest Homes For further details contact 884-4736 Need a Home For the Winter? DON BURD, AUCTIONEER 1 Evgs. 889-1570 294-4631 Evgs Antiques 8 Art 889-6112 309 SAT. NOV. 3rd 12 NOON 640-2928 AFTER 6:00 PM TABLES Auctions evenings C2w l8 TFCN IFC: HIGH CHAIR. wooden, ond baby carriage, excellent condition. Antique iron crib. 887-5708. 10m pm. Antiques. leaded windows, toys, baby items. household goods, furniture. 22 Thurgate Cres.. (Don Mulls - Simonston area). ThornhillA THURS, NOV, 8th - SALE AT 12 PM. OF GARDEN & FARM EOUlPMENT. ANTIQUE FURNITURE AND TOOLS THE PROPERTY OF WILLIAM SACK. 550 THORNTON RO.. SOUTH. OSHAWA. David Brown Tractor. 2 International tractors. sculller. potato drgger. sprayer. potato planter. double dim plough. water tank. trurt stands. wagons. round qak dlmngroom table. chairs. bedrooms surte. wood stove. fridge and store. cupboards, numerous other articles. TERMS CASH. NORM FAULKNER AND EARL GAUSLlN. AUCTIONEERS, Table and 4 chairs, buffet & hutch. walnut $300. or best OHM. A-l condition. - And 2 chairs. colonial. sohd maple GARAGE SALE SAT. & SUN. NOV. 3 & 4 YORK FARMERS MARKET, 7509 YONGE ST., THORNHILL SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 4th at 1 PM Partial contents of several estates plus added consign- ments of finely carved dining, living and bedroom furniture, antiques and collectibles To be sold by Public Auction to the highest bidder. Superb oak dining room suite, English Tudor design with heavily carved and pillared court cupboard, fine 9 and 10 piece mahogany dining sets in Duncan Phyie and Sheraton styles, linely grained 9 piece dark walnut dining set. 4 and 5 piece poster bedroom suites in mahogany and walnut. r Mahogany and walnut breakfront cabinets, kneehold and drop front writing desks, brass Cannonball double poster bed (6 ft. in height), mahogany drop leaf table with 4 matching chairs. walnut and solid cedar chests. Sheraton server, Credenza desks, maple dining table and chairs. chest of drawers and vanities 4 LARGE SHOWROOMS 0472 YONGE W. 924-8408 Above College St. opposne Westbury Hotel. 01218 KENNEDY RD. 759-2234 South of Hwy. 40!. 029 DUNDAS ST. E‘ 275-1135 Comer oi Hwys 5 8. 10 Missassauga,, 04900 DUFFEREN ST. 667-1170 Between Funch 8. Steels. Warehouse & Shomoom OPEN DAILY 9 T09 PM, SAIURDAY TILL 6 Leather top coflee and end tables. Library and hall tables, Chippendale pedestal table, walnut parlour tables. games table, drum and gallery tables, night stands. carved fireside chairs. wing back chairs in Queen Anne and Chippendale design. French parlour chairs. Bentwood and Brass hall trees, Curio cabinets, knick knack shell. Boston rocking chair, book shelf. Windsor chairs. magazine racks. etc. Collectibles: Gingerbread and wall clocks. brass fireplace screen and utensils. student lamps, hand painted china. dish set, silver and copper items. porcelain lamps. picture frames. mirrors and much more. Records- up to 75% off Ideals- 1/2 price. I Joni Movie Ed - Reg. ’2.75, Now ‘1.50 EVERYTHING MUST BE SOLD WITHOUT RESERVE BID â€" SO BE SURE TO ATTEND. REFRESHMENTS SERVED, PREVIEW FROM 12 NOON SUNDAY. 50 GOSSAMER AVE. (South off Steeles, West off Bayview) Furniture, decorator items, collectables, paintings, glassware, antiques, baby needs, garden furni- ture, train sets, fireplace accessories, toys, kitchen needs, rugs, bedding, piano, desk, brass craftman tools. Everything must go. Bed Chesterfields AUCTION SALE ANNIVERSARY - PRE-CHRISTMAS CHESTERFIELD CLEARANCE DINING ROOM SET $228. to $598. CENTRES OVER 900 Chesterfields If rain - following weekend CHESTERFIELD CHRISTIAN SUPPLY CENTRE CASH AND CARRY 0R DELIVERY ARRANGED 889-5172 COMPLETE CONTENTS OF 3 BEDROOM HOUSE 884-9559 Stouffville - 640-1314 AUCTION SALE AND FREE 305 Posters Balloons Coffee Donuts NOVEMBER 6 T0 10 170 Main St. West 309 Articles For Sale SALE Auctions CZWIB 8 and 10 ALCAINE COURT EAST OF YONGE, OFF ELGIN ST, THORNHILL Stereo, children's clothes. bicycles. books, Christmas dcecorations. wme making equipment kitchenware. linens, Hwy, 7 & Keele st. Factory Seconds up to 50% off 10% off regulat kitchen orders up to Oct. 20. Len Crowe lHURS.. NOV. lst AT STOUFFVILLE SALES BARN 5:30 PM. Prne furnrture. bedroom surte. Grandfather clock. buffet and hutch. dry sink, colour T.V.. drnrngroom suite. pool table. end tables. lamps. chesterfields surtes, cupboards. sew- ing machine. washer and dryer. gas stove. prctures. copper and brass, old guns. rototrller. snow blower. numerous other Items, Sale well worth attending TERMS CASH NORM FAULKNER AND EARL GAUSLIN. AUCTIONEERS Will lease & install for home- owner a family size Hot Tub. offering therapeutic hydroiet massage for tired aching limbs. Lease for 1.2 or 3 years with option to own. Call toll free 1-800-268-5970 Many things fox sale fumiture, television. etc 13 cu‘ tt. frost nee: 24" electric range. 3200‘ for the paiL LAUNDRY tubs. double, with stand and accessofles. Best offer. 8846239. 225 AVENUE RD‘. RICHMOND HILL AUCTION SALE (HANT GARAGESALE SAT. NOV. 3rd 10 AM to 2 PM GARAGE SALE Oak 8. Maple factory cutoffs By the Tandem load FIREWOOD IDEAL FOR STOVES REFRIGERATOR Evenings HOT TUBS T0 RENT CONTINENTAL KITCHENS 669-5224 NOV.3&4 'JAM-SPM 884-8907 pictures IFC m WC )7 Automatic. Inglis. Liberator With suds saver. A-l condition. (Simnlar to Wonder Chair). 13 diflerent functions. $250. large cub and mamass. $70. Jolly Jumper and sundry other b_aby Items‘ 61w tt.‘ minster Twin cylindel 22 HP Good condition. 773-5952 SNOW PLOUGH¢ 6' Meyers, power anglmg, electronic boom‘ 5900‘ 884- 5189. Sweaters, hand knit Available "on Nov‘ 2. 859-4494 or 884-3164 BABY CRIB, Jumper, stroller. car seaL $100. Excellent condition. 884- 2918. BUFFET AND HUTCH - $150. Walnut. Very good condition. 883-5625. TIRES, A7343. Mounted on GM wheels, 315‘ each. 884-3273. Cars & Trucks WANTED FOR SCRAP Top Prices . 775-6773 33.9-03§§ Fridays. Elmwood Ave., Richmond Hill. 884-7575 Aug. 7-30 om. Washing Machine VACUUM cleaners, used Electmlux and Kilby. Good condition. 889‘ 0827. ttcll TELEVISION. 25" Colour consoIe wood cabinet. Excellent condition 3250‘ or best offer. 881-0231 Mature woman. 3 days weekly lwe out 7'30 am. to 6 pm. Bay- VIew - John area, Thornhi|l. Re ferences. 881-6286 305 Doors. wmdows. awnings, railings. sndmg. soffit system. trough. Free estimates. Ron Woods 884-1514. 1 day weekly, own transportation or bus. Bayview between John & Hwy. 7 fndges. stoves, freezers. lurnltu Must be clean and working. Need desperate. hlghgst pnces paid. From 9 to 4 once weekIy. Should have own transportation. Elgin Mills BaLhurst area. PLEASE CALL CLEANING LADY Thomhlll 1 day weekly. own transv portatlonv 889-9345 Cash regustet. freezers. etc INSTANT cash for g'ood condition household furniture, appliances. contents‘ Immediate pick-up. 2943 1055. "38‘ PLEASANT CLEANING HELP CLEANING LADY Cash price for y0ur household contents or individual items Dental gold, jewelery or any other precious metals. TRIMOUNT REFlNING 8. SMELTING INC. 359 ENFORD RD., RICHMOND HILL, ONT. ’ 883-1249 TOP PRICES PAID FOR OLD GOLD & SILVER 5““ Domestic Help Wanted Brices’363-1954 1-478-4175 CLEANING LADY 881-1885 or 223-6171 GRANDFATHER CLOCK BABYSHTER STROLLâ€"O-CHAlR ENSEMBLE Articles for Sale 832-1262 881-2075 WISCONS|N GAS ENGINE 1-895-2460 883-4339 SOIId Canadian oak‘ West- new $300. 1-898-3730 FOR FAST SERVICE 495-1942 VARIOUS RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT QUILTS HANDMADE Required Cash for ALUMINUM Open Sat. 11 AM - 4 PM for your convenience freezers, lurnltulf H.P. Sen-start Aftet 7:30 p. m 311 Articles wanted U629 IFC tfn {With new 8 0-13 Bobby Unset tires rFlt Datsun. 150. By Stanley, 9 piece Mediterrean style. antique white finish. 81.500. 2 Italian Provincial commode end tables. $100. each‘ CHINA cabinet oak‘ Drop leaf table. Duncan Phyfe. 2 end tables. 884.1384. TRAINING. Keep your job & learn In spare time - you could be on the air in 5 months! News, Spons, DJ. TaIk Shows. Program Host, _TV Commercials mm placement semen FOR RECORDED MESSAGE ON HOW YOU QUALIFY. PHONE ANYTIME~921~2420 . Westinghouse, yeltow. wnth exhaust fan, excellent condition. 3175 or beskofler. 889-1575 BABY cradle, reproduction, pine‘ Never used. $75. 2940752 BBOKKEEPER to: small business, ï¬nancial statements and income tax experience. Part-time work requiied. For appointment call 884-5248. RELIABLE women to do light housekeeping andot capable of looking after elderly persons. 884- 4643 aftel 5 pm; c2wl7 ‘TYPEWRITERS, adder‘s. calculators.' sales. service. rentals. Newmatket Business Machines, 497 Timothy St. Newmarket. 895-7621. mas TEAKWOOD.. Rosewood furniture, bedroom. 6 pieces, diningroom, 9 pieces, Ilvtngroom. Brand new. Reasonable. 247‘4377‘ Custom Roman shades. Rust. Like new. Ftt sliding patio doors. $200. 182 DRISCOLL RD. RICHMOND HILL Two school desks, snow tires. tricycle. books. toys. etc. All types wanted to ham (or a wude variety of TV Commercual Productions. For recorded message. phone 964- 3393 anytime. TV SOUNDSTAGE: SECRETARIAL services. Iyping, photocopying done in my home‘ LBoM. typewuter‘ 884-6872 773‘ Requued by retired couple. once monthly. Nolaundry. References Bayview - South Taylor Millsv 5761 EXPERlENCED, reliable babysitter for Z‘children in my home, 2 days weekly. 884-7891, RADIO-TV AN NOU NCER Pamlme Nanny. mature, affectionate and responSIble nanny for 8 month old. 3 days per week. 4 haurs per day. Arnold Cres. area. Own trans portatlon. For Interview. 305 MATURE woman, non-smoker. to babysit occasionally. Bayview-John area. 881-3111. WIShES to applentice as full-time hairdressel. Glade 11 graduate CLEANING LADY Thomas. Falcon 1135. like new EMPLOYED STUDEN1 , TV COMMERCIALS DESK AND CHAIR $100 FREEZER $190 Diningroom Suite 55° Career Training 5‘“ Domestic Help Wanted 883-4882 GARAGE SALE 884-6129 884-7967 SLOTTED MAGS NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF BROADCASTING 7* 555 Employment Wanted Articles For Sale Zaluminum 883-3627 884-4545 883-5942 SAT. NOV.3 10 AM - 4 PM 884-9446 ORGAN SHADES STOVE 884-0969 After 12 PM Mer5 P.M evenings Evgs Evgs‘ "CI? tfc 13 tfc 16