For small department in fast paced dynamic Sporting Goods company. Min- imum 3 years experience. Must be flexible regarding duties. Salary com- mensurate with experience. Required for our King Campus location. In- terested candidates should apply in person or submit a written resume to: ‘ For Thursday and Friday evenings. Apply to: Miss Giblin, Toronto Dominion Bank 10 Royal Orchard Blvd., Thornhill BP Hwy. 400 Service Centre requires part-time island attendants. Ideal for students. Weekends only. $3.20 per hour to start. Apply to the Manager: VETERINARY ASSISTANT/SECRETARY Parttime - Evenings and Saturdays Typing required. Accounts Payable Clerk COUNTER OFFICER 0 Press Brake Operator 0 Welder/ Fabricator In? SENECA COLLEGE CLEANING STAFF THE PERSONNEL OFFICER, POSITIONS AVAILABLE FOR EXPERIENCED PARTTIME NURSES AIDES 234 Newkirk Rd., Richmond Hill Apply to: Roberta Seston 663-9353 Experienced only APPLY |N PERSON TO: KITCHEN AID OF APPLIED ARTS AND TECHNOLOGY 1750 FINCH AVENUE EAST WILLOWDALE ONTARIO M2] 2x5 (MALE AND FEMALE) ISLAND ATTENDANTS YORK METAL SPINNING EXPERIENCED PART TIME 884-1188 889â€"4852 889-0510 889-7072 832-2305 TELLER Relief, weekends FULLTIME Required All shifts Convalescent Centre in Aurora requires a weekend cook Applicants should be willing to fill in during week day shift as kitchen help. Students with public accounting Expenence pretened â€" far a growing CA practice in FinchADuHerin area. ‘ Parttime. Richmond Hill law office. To assist existing staff. Approximately 10-15 hours per week. Flexible hours Call Mrs. Gavrielides, Winemaker & Miller: 884-9235 3 days pe: week In a small Richmond HIII Sales Office be matute. responsible and able to work on yqur own appomtment call Tuesdays and Thursday only. Turn your spare time into dollars. Be a full or part time distributor of Watkins’ Products in yourarea. WRITE WATKINS PRODUCTS INC. Noontime supervision, 11:45 am. to 1:15 pm for light factory duties. Afternoon and midnight shift available. Please apply at Plumbing â€" electrical wholesaler. Good oppor- tunity for right person. Experience preferred. MUST HAng CAR ' . 2 or 3 years experlence mmlmum In auotmotive trimming. Modern, air-conditioned tool room, all benefits fully paid including dental plan‘ Overtime available. For further information please call Please apply to Service Department. Doug or Jack ROYAL ORCHARD PUBLIC SCHOOL Mr. McFadden 889â€"6272 LEGAL SECRETARY PARTTIME HELP FEMALE/MALE MACHINE OPERATORS TOOL & DIE MAKERS Box 63 Kleinburg, Ontario or call COUNTER PERSON 95 Newkirk Rd. 8., Richmond Hill COOK PART TIME IMMEDIATE OPENINGS PARTTIME OFFICE WORK Girl/Boy Friday type position CLASS “A†MECHANIC OFFICE HELP Usual company beneï¬tsulncludlng dental plan 3RD-4TH YEAR, RIA/CGA SALES HELP Call 883-4887 (Across from G0 station) 416-893-1488 ACCOUNTING TECHNICIANS 889-7549 895-8626 883-4731 Call Mrs. Williams For GM dealership and APPRENTICE for experienced 727-4214 CALL TERRY 640-3450 663-5679 7-10PM Must For The successful applicants will have an outgoing per- sonality, sales experience with a strong desire to improve and succeed in a very interesting and creative selling field. 10084 Yonge St, Richmond Hill SECRETARY for Comptroller. Requires dicta phone experience and a knowledge of bookkeeping. Concord. If you are looking for a job. permanent or temporary we have many. and need good experienced staff with own transportation. 0 Secretaries 0 Dicta Typists ° Clerk Typists 0 Bookkeepers W-ith prestige firm specializing in and interior decorating. WE NEED: Challenged by the need to assist consumers in solving their interior decorating and home furnishing problems. Reply in writing only, enclosing a personal resume to 884-6782 In the King City area. HI cellent working conditions Wanted for general maintenance, and cleaning. Days or evenings 'EXPERlENCED COUNTER HELP “SHORT ORDER COOKS 'DELIVERY HELP (Musmaveownvem ASSEMBLY LINE WORKERS SALES OPPORTUNITIES 505 Experience in four colour stripping for WEB and SHEET FED presses Reply stating experience and wage expectations to: FROSTY’S FINE FOODS 0r apply 10 Kee}e St. South, King City Hoganslnn PLEASE CONTACT: THE CHEF MATURE PERSON WOODWORKING MACHINE OPERATORS COLOUR STRIPPERS NORTH YONGE FORD SALES 110 YONGE ST. N. AURORA Help Wanted & ICE CREAM PARLOUR are coming to Newmarket We require: PART TIME Receptionist/Typist EXPERIENCED PARTTIME BARREL PIZZA PARLOUR PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT ATWOOD ETHAN ALLEN GALLERY 8134 YONGE ST, THORNHILL, ONT. APPLY BURGER‘BAR. 105 DAVIS DR†NEWMARKET 285 Dissette St. Bradford (60 w.p.m.) 4 PM. - 9 PM. MONDAY THROUGH THURSDAY SATURDAYS 9 AM. - 6 PM. PART TIME WAITRESS/WAITERS Box 1797 -The Banner Box 250 Aurora, Ont. L4G 3H4 Yonge and Edward St. Aurora WED‘ 2-5 PM. Apply in person at Office Assistance Ltd. 881-8400 CALL MR. ZANDER 1-495-6560 Call 833-5311 REQUIRED ELKEL STEEL ' “Ll-l (Must have own vehxcle‘ Shift work. full or pamlme, QUALIFIED WELDERS Call us Today 775-3356 COOK APPLY IN PERSON (WILL TRAIN) AND "CORPS L4J 1W4 Hours flexible. Ex- 18. Car essential. 884-6970 fine furnishings To give pnvate articulation therapy. five half hour sessions per week. 889-3513 Person parttime. permanent position. Ideal for semi-retired person that would assist during other times in new large select gift shop, For interview appomtment call: Mrs. Housen Mature career minded person for shopping centre. Shift work. $4.56 to start. Call Mr. Mackie: 0n small pnvate h0rse farm In ng‘ Must be experienced, RELIABLE and have own transportation. Call Sharon 773-5331 Required by pool car forwarder in Keele & Hwy. 7 area. Must be fast accurate typist. Tuesday - Saturday. Call Mr. Chalmers. SPEECH THERAPIST Parttime help for ice maintenance and bus boy duties (M/B. Monday through Friday. 5 pm. to 10 pm. Apply in person to: A fully qualified Industrial Mechanic is required to be responsible for the repair of all building services and utilities. Experienced. Required by GM. and Sales Staff. Excellent dicta and mathematical accuracy ne- cessary. Location Keele & Steeles area. Start- ing salary $230 - $250 based on experience. Reply to Applications and inquiries should be directed to: TOM MAHER McNEIL LABORATORIES 600 MAIN ST. W.. STOUFFVILLE, ONT. ‘ 640-6900 SHIPPER RECEIVER MAINTENANCE OMACHINE SHOP WORK OWELDING CELECTRICAL CONTROL and WIRING OPLUMBING & PIPING DENTAL HYGIENIST MAINTENANCE MECHANIC PARTTIME For Dental Office In Hillcrest Mall 883-1334 SECURITY OFFICER 883-1400 MAYFAIR GIFT SHOP 78 Elgin Mills Rd. E., Richmond Hill 889â€"1176 STABLE HELP EXPERIENCED REQUIRED: BETWEEN 68 PM PARTTIME CURLING CLUB Required RICHMOND HILL CURLING CLUB. SECRETARY 667-1780 Outlining work history BILLER BOX 86 c/o THE LIBERAL PO. BOX 390 RICHMOND HILL L4G 4Y6 requures THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. October 31. 1979 â€" 8-9 For first class diningloom. Pelâ€" manent position. Must be atea resndent wnh own yansportanon. For offices and showroom areas. Fulltime position. Experienced preferred. Apply to Carmine at Wood- bine Truck Centre. 8240 Woodbine Ave. Markham. Ptaff Sewing Machine Company is looking for Parnime Sales Represen- tatives to demonstrate and sell sewmg machines in your area, Com plete training given; hourly wage and commissmn; choose you! own homsi Car necessary. CALL AFIER 6 PM. MRS. SONYA Looklng for change. Want to get back Into the work force. Need extra money. A prestige country club wrll tram you for work in the servrce held. Call Raymond getween 4-5 pm. Tuesday to Fnday Incluswe, 889-4833 SOKOL For 4 pm - 12 midnight Perma nent position. Must have own tlansr portatnon. Refelences required. Waitresses/ Waiters MATURE PERSONS 495-6600 787-2309 CLEANER For Aurora Establishment Call ENJOY SEWING??? DISHWASHER Call Mr. Healey 881â€"2121 881-2121 CALL MR: JACOBS KITCHEN HELPER 727â€"2400 For burroughs L9000 series minicomputer with competence in typing. Richmond Hill. Buckets. console, mags_ parts. 5300. 773-4026 Persons with car {or customer service work Tradesman preferred‘ For Parkway Hotel. Local reSIdent. perma‘nent posmon. Call Ml. Jacobs. 304. PS. blue, 4 dom, excellent condition. good lamin car. Must be seen to be apprecnated. $750. firm. (FOR PARTS) Excellent mater. good tires. extras 8200 0! best offer. Reqmred for long residential driveway‘ SERVICE Parttime necessary Yonge St‘ 6 cylinder motOL 61‘000 miles. $95. Transmissuon S45. Sofabed to: van, custom made. gold & Cream. $350 or best oifer. 884-0249 6 cyl. standard, rebuilt motor & transmission new body 8. paint. Double tire racks. hydraulic brakes, 6 months old. $1.300 Call Toni. 294-6436 Good condutio'n‘ $250 For 2 bay gas station. 0n 50-50 basis. Yonge St location. 884-6699 Hotel Maintenance Person SANDBLASTING Walter's Automotive 69 VOLKSWAGEN EXPERIENCED OPERATOR ‘55 Cars & Trucks Shop work, experienced PARWIME Quality Used cars LICENSED MECHANIC 1970 AMC REBEL 884-8123 LOW BED TANDEM CAR TRAILER n8 Inside work. parttime EXPERIENCED Call IMMEDIATELY REQUIRED 69 CAMARO CONVERTIBLE ACCOUNTING CLERK RELIABLE SNOW PLOUGHING SERVICE ALL MECHANICAL REPAIRS AND OVERHAULS WELDING Required immediately 669-1795 69 JAVLIN 884-6160 67 BUICK 70 FALCON 773-4005 881-2068 727-5346 69 CHEVROLET 165 Wellington St. E AURORA 727-6452 881-2068 727-8515 881-2121 Good to: Parts Ask to: Ernest 727â€"9825 727-3012 Station atten'dant â€" - Days. Experience not Apply: Texaco, 7161 Thornhill. AFTER 6 PM PARTS As IS for 38 tfn