mixed vegetables Noxzema deodorant Gre_en Gignt fancy. frozen regular McNair 7 granola cereal gnjiseptiq mouthwash frozeh vegetables Laisin_n_u19r honey almond List'efine “I I I 4 I t - on-the-cob 5 $25 Green Guam tancy In butter sauce. noblet com [nixed vegetables. peas or leaf spnnach fancy lrozen_ Green Giant frozen niblets Crmspy Crust. 5" (4'5) Totmos _ deluxe pizza Grée'n' Giant niblet corn p_ink. white oraqua antle Todch tonlet soap Tolinos Crm'spyprust. 5" (4‘5) piggerom femiï¬i'nfle‘ napkins §s_so_ned frqgrgnces NaturaFSéént bath beads Gee Your Hair Smells Terrific nqrmal or extra body shampoo 9m beg?! (18's) bouillbh cubes D-(otex [egylar 0r super cat food smooth Kraft peanut butter White a beanspe chicken. liver. beef or ï¬sh tea bags Neilson' 7 country Cl‘lSp Thgrrgpson's Puss ‘n Boots gpple grapetrult or orange fromrconucqntraté Sunpac junce e_cono_my_(100's) econom (1005) 088 12 bars. all varieiies frqzen rainbow trout Zl gysshced uropean bologna ZIBQYS . fine llver sausage chubs frozen Bluewater brand crunch ï¬sh po ions Bainbow Valley cooked ham mortadella chubs Zi. fresh Italian a? style sausage by the piece end cuts sweet pickled Siena Brand sweet ickled back acon \_/ino Br_and_§tov§_packaged. hot or sweet preVIousI slic beef liver Cliffside' brand meat ples prgyiously frozen [rozen_store packaged steakettes C-4 â€" THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. October Zii side bacon Premium wueners Swifls By Pastor E.L. ANDERSON Richmond Hill Seventh-day Adventist Church TM equals Teachable Moments A man has a weight problem that he is reluctant to face. He is aware that for his height and build he carries too many pounds. His doctor has told him so and his friends have ribbed him. His wife has often needled him. Daily, newspaper. T.V. ads and magazines have reminded Teachable momen ts are occasions for learning 350 mL plas. btle. 300 mL aero tin 32021 09 cello pkg I was .42 ea, 1 1 02, poly bag was 2.09 1.89 was .63 350 g 370 g 12 oz. bag 12 01‘ poly D39 140 9 bath bar 90:32 1 .69 was 1.99 8 oz pkg was 2.73 ‘23 2.59 was .99 92 box I 2 oz pkg 10 oz box I 10 oz, each 15 oz. tins 300:; 1.69 was 1.38 lb .98 99‘ was 2.09 .b 1.79 was 2.18 carton 1.29 6 oz pkg 12's box 1 lb pkg :43 1.29 was 1.69 m1.19 was 1.89 as 1.28 was 1.78 lb 2.09 1.89 2.19 1.99 1.19 2.15 1.18 1.94 1 .49 1 .78 1.35 1.98 was 2.09 .49 .53 .99 was 1.83 was 2.29 was .62 was 2.19 was 1.29 was 2.49 .77 was 1.25 .74 was 2.09 was 1.39 was 1.19 .99 was 2.39 was was 1.48 was 1.84 was 2.08 was .62 was 1.59 was1.15 was 1.64 was .84 him painfully of his high input of calories. All to no avail. One day at work he suffers sharp, stabbing pains around his heart. He is forced to fight for his breath. He slumps across his desk, pale. afraid, and weak. Minutes later he lies calmly on the office couch. His'doctor Speaks soberly and directly about the need of weight loss. This time our friend hears and heeds. Life has brought him to what psychologists like to call a 31, 1979 'v-- V“) r 65h ï¬gï¬i'der I In picnic ‘ r 93h I shoulder "180' ay' Uelsey yellow or white #5 " bathroom tissue 1mm 2 Ply Delsey yellow or white § New Freedom paper towels Kleenex 53‘ 2 ply, boutique, yellow or white regular, WC†29W vfri'fg; save. Kleenex, 5mm facial tissue 7 How strange it is that our failures are frequently more useful to God than our successes. Teachable moments - when 'do they come? In a sense they are as unpredictable as the winds and cannot be listed on a timetable. They cannot be commanded by a physician or minister. V TM often comes at a season of personal frustration or failure. “teachable moment.‘ This is apparently true of the save was 1.49 save .14 4 roll . pkg- nssue was 2.99 fresh shoulder butt Our defenses lower. We arrive at the moment of truth â€" this teachable moment, when we are open to the infilling and direction that God has for us. Hebrew people as recorded in the Old Testament. They seemed always to be neared to God in the narrow places than in the wide. These moments of failure and frustration bring us down to the bed rock of reality where we no longer make allowances for ourselves. and ' "““"" _ " 9 4 re ular bars - banded " ' “W 9 toilet soap saveJOlb save.49.b spaghetti sauce was 1.78 lb Spiritual leaders as well as medical practitioners must recognize the needs of people in their teachable moments and make meaningful application of spiritual truths. There are such moments in each life. . . in times of tragedy, world wide or immediate. Teachable moments. Can they only come when people are down? The Scriptures record other times was 1.48 lb was 1.18m Jergens. regular or extra dry Bravo uuvv I red v kidney beans Bravo plain Jergens lotion. mild 4 regular bars - banded meeMcDollar we cream wwamfl- --_ with IhIS oeupon and the purchase of one 2 litre tub Neilson plam only venetian. vanilla cream Oflerexmrps Tum Nnv R 1070 fleeMcDollar with this coupon and the purchase of one 1 lb. pkg. ,' Maple Leaf sliced. side lb. save .10 save .11 was .53 ea one bacon coupon per family I I--_----_----- was .99 save .17 was 2.39 save .70 400 mL e. I plas. btl such as: to the honored rabbi Nicodemus at the night conference on the Mount of Olives. to the despised woman at the well of Sychar, and to Mary Magdeline, elated at the Master's visit to her and Martha‘s home. Teachable Moments‘ Occasions for learning, may we welcome them, and not wait to be impressed by tragedy alone. was1.16 19 fl. oz tin Oï¬er expires Tues. Nov. 6. 1979 Oï¬er expires Tues. Nov 6. 1979 28 fl. oz tin 360 9 mg I