DEAD or crippled farm animals picked up promptly 7051-4392421 ,Call anytime. Ed Pecom & Son. Wo‘odvflle Ont. Licence No. 324066, Free Puck-up. Member of ElectrolySIs Assoc. of Ontano & Amencan ElectrolySIs Assoc, JEAN Avrey, R. R. 5. Bolton. Ontano wrshes a spectal thanks to Dr. Michael McAtler of the Maple Medrcal Centre and Dr. Chow of Richmond Hill and all the nurses on the 3rd floor of York Central Hospital during her stay In hosprtaL Jean Avrey. JEAN ZWARYCH ELECTROLYSIS Ptegnancy Testing, counselling. Flee and confidential Wednesday 7-9 pm and Thursday 4-6 pm. 10350 Yonge Street at Crosby Avenue. Richmond, Hill (lower level), 8-12 â€" 55° Cards of Thanks All areas of the face and body Day and evening appomtments 7" Farm DRACAENA DIEFFENBACHIA BENJAMINA Beautiful, healthy houseplants in 6 inch pots with attractive wicker baskets. Take your choice. With a fluorescent light garden, you can lorget about low wrnter light The garden provides direct rays of controlled light anywhere in your home â€" perfect lor a wide range of Indoor plants and even starting your seeds next spring. Choose from two handsome, well-built models. each with height adjustment and waterprool. rustlree plastic trays Fluorescent tubes extra . Ill(|00l‘ liglll (iiII‘IICIIS Deluxe 3 Tier. 48" Light Garden â€" Has three 48 inch units, each with double fluorescent ï¬xtures and two incandescent outlets $22995 plus 12 plastic trays. 48 inch Table-top Light Garden â€" 2 chrome-plaled adjustable legs hold 48 inch dual spectrum light ï¬xture aboVe 4 plastic trays Complete with $4995 on/ofl switch and 6 loot grounded cord. Saturday. November 17th at 10 AM At All Sheridan Nurseries Locations 1 Get In on the tun 01 Indoor Irght gardentng. Lectures wrll cover plant selectron. start Ing seeds. llghl levels, and "perkth up" plants Drop In or call your nearest Shendan Nurseries Location to register Lecture tee ot $1 00 Is redeemable tor merchandlse at any tlme LECTURES 0N INDOOR LIGHT GARDENING Rugged, anractive Cambridge Birdfeeders are manu facmred in tambridge, Ontario to provide trouble free service through harsh Canadian winters. from loving care Ior Your House Planls TORONTO Potted Plant Fertilizer 00-20-20} Cfllllbl‘lï¬‚ï¬‚ï¬ DCIIIXC BII‘IIICCGCI‘ We Cate Yutonal Servnces All suhiecls. all grades 727 2544 2212001 PERMANENT HAIR REMOVAL SALE ENDS NOVEMBER 18th. house planls Hugl xncludmg chelaled Instantly squme In IN STORE SPECIALS At every Sheridan Nurseries Location the Manager will be offering great in~store specials. Come in and be pleasantly surprised! Auracl buds 10 you: yard "us wvnlev wnh we Cambndge Model A-I Deluxe Bud'eedev 18 unches long. squirrel and wealhel res-slant. Th1: week only ever A! Deluxe Birdieeder comes Cambridge Seed Saver Trav $395 No appointment necessary Oshawa: King West Garden Centre. 847 King St. W.. 7289429 Kitchener: Forest Hill Garden Centre, 100 Elmsdale Rd.. 743-4146 34M Shoppard Ave 535! EAST DON’T WAIT UNTIL IT'S TOO LATE CALL BIRTH CONTROL ’ ‘V‘ A: "‘ .1 "null: I‘Jy « n $1595 620 Modéa A I Deluxe Blvd 293-2493 881-3421 IIOIJSE PLANT THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. November SHERIDAN NURSERIES 8841133 Personals '00 age Service ‘gvea-e‘ bird seed. an NORTHEAST PHILODENDRON ¢ SCHEFFLERA ‘ NORFOLK ISLAND PINE CAMPBELL - In lovrng memory of our dear mother Florence whc sadly passed away Nov 10. 1978. Dear mother you are not forgotten. Though on earth you are no more. Strll In memory you are with us As you always were before. Lovineg remembered by Sharon. Norm. Bob, Kim‘ Pat, and Enzo. 297-2253 IllllVllfW Cflllfldlflll Wild Bird seed [was 4 lbs. 3.89 10 lbs. s198 10 kg. my s5"") 1%; I. ~44lD> House Plan! Insect Killer In an effort to fight the continuing battle against wasting energy let the Liberal help you arrange a car pool. For only ’2.50 per week we will run an ad to: Give you a ride or get you a rider. 884-1105 881-3373 RIDES GIVEN “5 In Memoriam aIe A blend 0! selected seeds that anracts‘many specues a! wvld $096 25 oz) a use aerosol lhal DOSA mules. aphids and othel $1000 SHERIDAN NURSERIES m“ ï¬lm-Wu“ Closed Sundays) I $249 CENTRAL DON'T BE A GAS GLUTTON 14. 1979 481-6429 2827 Vonge S Mr. and Mrs. Len Campbell are pleased to announce the iorthcoming marriage of their daughtei Cathy to Keith Bellavance. both of Richmond Hill. Wedding to take place Januaty 5. 1980 at the People's Chutch, Willowdale. Ruggéd 5 02' burlap perfecx for wrapping evergreens or guarding shrubs 63‘s 5ft.x 5ft. 5f/t.x10ft. ‘5“ 5ft.x25ft. ‘995 HarwireflaseCohs SIICl‘ldflfl GI" CCI‘IIIICGICS Potted Plant Soil lmecticide Wl/II T ERIZE YOUR GARDEN Give them to me gardeners in your family. Le‘ them choose :ll_ exactly what they want from Sheridan's _ ‘ huge selecï¬on now or when spring comes 'round Watch lor Sheridan's superb selection at Christmas Trees, Poinset- tias. Holly. Wreaths. and Christmas Decorations, One ol the best chances in Ontario - coming soon to all Sheridan Nurseries Locations. A spemally lormulated Dual-non dust lhal knlls lungus gnals. spnnglauls and nine: Insect pesls mar Iuve m pl on me For hilling roses to protect agains! wmter killnng. ‘ 59 Package of 4 2 Chl‘lSlfllflS IS Coming! 622 5“ Forthcoming Marriage Package of 21 Transportation 200 g (7 o‘ mm- u 9(le nuns 9AM WESY v9 m at on me I 3229 Incandescent plant lights specially designed for indoor gardening. so Wan Hood ‘8’39 75 Wan Flood ‘9“5 75 Wan Round ‘5“ 150 Watt Flood ‘9“ PLANT LIGHTS 621-9100 00 Evans Ave RIDE wanted from ï¬owes Rd.-Oster Lane, Concord. to Malkham Ra.- Newklrk. Richmond Hill. Leavung apprommately 4 pm. 8849906 Evgs, Guards shrubs, trees, and other plants from damage by tabbits, deer and mice‘ 900 ml. 16 oz. .3" (31.5 oz.) .5†Protects your upright evergreens from damage and bending caused by ice and snow. 20 ft. '2 Wilson’s Rabbit Repel! Vexar Mes/I Libéral Potted Plant Systemic Insecticide Grand/w A systemic Dasultolon lcrmula malgwes plolecllon lor up lo SIX weeks hum while Illes. mules lhnps. apmds and other m sect pesls Just spvlnkle on son and water m n lvavels un the planl's sap system and bull: unsects as lhey ‘eed' 2009(7 01) ll RIDES NEEDED MISSISSAUGA 606 Soulhdown Rd 822-0251 WHSQFS ECIOTQ 8239 Sales prices in effect November 14-17, 1979 The products m may occur whe Aulh Speedy “Elf†racer needs ‘no track. wires or setupr Operates by handâ€" held radio control. Driver sets the course â€" forward. reverse or turn. Great on any smooth surface. Requires 4 “AA†and 2 9V batteries (not incl.). 60â€"3014 Radio-control racer! Versatile compact telephone in bedroom or boardroom! Rotary dial version. Ultramodern design â€" but built with a durability to stand up to heavy use. Comes complete With seven foot connecting cord and modu- lar plugs. White. 43-8001 Brown. 43-8006 Beige. 43-8007 Streamlined styling in a tablgtop phqng that'ls qugUy at home Ra 1â€"}?54LISUC] RADIO SHACK'S POLICY ON ADVERTISED ITEMS A true, high-fidelity AM/ FM stereo receiver/ cassette recorder my 1795 6995 Rflâ€"EALISHQI Low-Noise Cassettes EIECUOH Hillcrest Mall Richmond Hill Richmond Heights Shopping Centre, Richmond Hill Magnifique! Perfect with antique furniture. but lends charm and dignity to any room setting! 14K gold filigree is exquisitely detailed on ivory shade base, recalling the elegance of a past century. 7‘ cord and modular plug. 43â€"320 Continental phone has French flair! High frequency, wide dynamic range and extended response. 44â€"602 44 ~601 44-603 44-604 and selecied regular. new and special purchase Items. Câ€"30 6-60 0-90 C-120 119 6995 7///¢//4 7/5 Bayhill Mews, Thornhill Upper Canada Mall, Newmarket Reg 3,49 1,89 as: 2.89 Trim styling and neutral ivory colour makethis telephone at home in any set- ting! The compo- nents were chosen for durability and fidelity â€" then built into a handsome phone. 43-8008 Ivory shade rotary dial wall phone 9995 Sale 1.79