How long are we going to continue threatening ourselves with these calamities? When are the huge shipwrecks with their devastating oil spills going to stop? When are rail lines going to stop shipping toxic materials through built-up residential communities. The train wreck (an overheated wheel bearing caused it, officials believe) turned the City of Mississauga into a ghost town and only now are things getting back to normal. Wï¬en is the public going to find but such shipments are being made. We‘re afraid to imagine â€" along with automobiles â€" what gets transported through Thor- nhill’s Doncaster yards every day. What happened in Mississauga Saturday night could just as easily happen in Richmond Hill, Thornhill, or anywhere else for that matter. And what would have hap pened had the tanker carrying the chlorine ruptured first? There wouldn't have been 200,000 people in Mississauga to evacuate. Railway officials have a responsibility to keep their rolling That door knob will celebrate its 100th birthday next year. It is believed that the door knob was part of the original equipment in the United Church on Yonge Street in Richmond Hill when it was built in 1880. The Liberal’s editorial photograph last week â€" a door knob â€"â€" has quite a history. The door knob was found in the church basement when David Howard and some other men were eleaning out some junk. He took it to his home on Centre Street and installed it. Mrs. Irene Howard called us this week to tell the story of how her late husband found the item. It is still doing yeoman service on the door of the Centre Street house. It could easily have been Richmond Hill Briefly, then York Regional Council voted to formally commend its police force last Thursday, for its conscientious efforts in helping to crack a widespread break-and-enter ring. Several councillors stood up and had nothing but fine things to say about .the York Regional Police. King Mayor Margaret Britnell was especially pleased since several of the stolen items were her own property. She wasn‘t sure if she‘d Hillcrest Mall gets a big gold star this week for the number of energy saving programs they have instituted. John Tobin, Operations Manager for Cadillac-Fairview Corporation, Hillcrest Mall, said there has been a program of energy management in operation in common areas of the mall since 1977. Energy Conservation practices such as: -using 20 watt bulbs instead of 40 watt bulbs â€"replacing one fluorescent light in a unit with a “phantom tube." -relying on sky light during the day for lighting -every second fixture being disconnected in back corridors setting air conditioners at 76 degrees in the summer and heating Subset-plum tales. By mall $1300 per year In C $26.00 pet year outs-Ge at Canada By came: evety 100: weeks Smgle copy sales 25 cents N: delivery where camel servuce EliSlS Secand Clas Registration Numbev 0‘90 Ron Wallace Edna: Fwd Simpson Soons Edulov Slave Pearlslem News Edm Editorial, Display Classified CircuIation Toromo customers The contents. bolh edimna| an‘ Libeial. Ruchmond HI" are pvmec a'ny unauthoniled use us D'Ohlblled The Liberal IS published evevv Wednesday by Mexrospan Communuv Newspapers, a dmsaon cl Melrospan Punlmg a Pubhshmg Ltd†which also publushes The Banner m AuroraNewmarkel, The Woodhlidge Vaughan News, and The Bolton Enterpnse PAGE A4 PUBLISHER JOHN C. FERGUS Praising police Libéral METROSPAN VOLUME 102. NUMBER 20 TELEPNONES Lib'éral Ia! and advemsmg 884-8177 884-1105 8840981 881-3373 rpyvlghl and $1.00 Ma< V A few years ago, Canadian National dumped a burning boxcar at the station in Aurora, and left it The car was locked and only after the firefighters broke open the doors did they learn what was inside. It took them five hours to extinguish a boxcar full of char- coaL There wasn‘t much threat in that fire, but the blaze itself was caused by faulty equipment, the same equipment carrying chemicals strong enough to wipe out a neigh- borhood. at 68 degrees in the winter. -strict timer control on parking lot lights stock in top-notch working order, and some of that stock isn’t getting any younger. for the Volunteer firefighters to handle. Many people risked their lives in Mississauga on the week-end, and we wonder if it had to be. In the same time span, two other train wrecks, both in the United States, caused evacuations because of chemicals. Before one of these disasters turns into a head count of dead rather than evacuees, some very strict safety measures must be set down. Otherwise, we‘re going to destroy ourselves. Wednesday, November 14, 1979 -cutting of temperature of water in public washrooms from 180 degrees to 120 degrees â€"cutting the flow of water in taps with special valves â€"turning off all pilot lights on heating units during summer months “You know, we’re congratu- la'ting them on doing a job we’re paying them $10 million to do,†he said. Others to congratulate the police included Gord Rowe (Richmond Hill), Mayor George Timpson (Aurora) and Lou Wainwright (a police commissioner from Rich- mond Hill). Mr. Wainwright noted the commission was aware of the recent police activities and ap proved $8,000 for special sur- veillance equipment. Newmarket Mayor Ray Twinney wasn’t so generous with the laudatory comments. ' " One of the biggest traffic report assignments of the decade had to be the situation caused by an explosion in Mississauga Saturday night. Monday morning, main traffic routes through that city had been blocked, and radio stations continually informed the com- muters of the best roads to take. The Liberal’s Bob Rice, a traffic reporter for Radio Station CKEY, would play a key role in such a situation. Except, only hours before the explosion, Rice left for a vacation in St. Lucia. Just to go even one step fur- ther, Mr. Tobin said Hillcrest Mall is in the process of setting up a tenant program where they, in conjunction with Richmond Hill Hydro, can show tenants how to cut back on energy consumption in each individual store. ever see some of the goods again, though. Richmond Hill Hydro has generously offered to do a study for the tenants. said Mr. Tobin. Ray Pal Dems O'Meava Rose Reynolds Melrospa RICE FLEW, ALL RIGHT span Communilv Newspapecs publishes The \ond Hill/‘l'homhill Libeval, The Banner, The Oakville al Record, The Halton Consumer, The Misisauga ., The Embiooke AdvertiserlGuavdian, The Ewbicoke met. The Mean Yuk Minor, The North Votk lm‘ The Scalbmo Minot The Scarbovo Consume. Woodbtidge 8 Vaughan News, The Bolton Fetgus, PubI-shet Iev J! Advenismg Direclov Smnden r onducnon Managl METROSPAN - NORTH DIVISION EDITOR HON WALLACE Letters Born in Morocco,reader says story erroneous By BOB RICE Last week The Liberal switchboard was jammed with a call about my Christmas Card draw for the Panasonic Portable TV and Radio. During the past few days. I have been looking into the Markham Transit system to determine if it would be fast and con- venient for my wife to take to work in northern Scarborough. Having ridden on several of your routes, I am pleased to say that this is the best bus system I’ve seen anywhere. Your bus routes are well laid out. providing good coverage of Markham, and your drivers, always courteous and friendly, stick to the schedules like clockwork. There seems to be some confusion as to why I want all of the entries MAILED to the paper rather than dropped off at the front door. I have twolreasons for this rule and they are as follows. As a taxpayer. I am delighted to see a municipal service run- ning efficiently. One: By using the facilities of Canada Post you will help to restore my faith in the system and, at the same time, hopefully use some I am writing re the article on Morocco by Jim Withers (Liberal. Nov. 7). I am wondering when he was last there. especially in Tangier. The Tangier he describes might be true at the turn of the century. but hardly today. I feel I can write with some authority as I was born in Tangier of missionary parents. lived there for some years. and during the past 15 years have toured Morocco several times‘ both by bus and car. In the early part of the century there were perhaps only two hotels of good calibre in Tangier. One was at the port which has long since been torn down and the other “The Grand Hotel Villa de France" was near the British Consulate. The latter is still in operation today and is a very fine three~star hotel â€" so classed because it is a threestorey walk up with V8 never seen In praise of Markham Transit Christmas Card floods in anything like it. If the schedule says 4.19‘ the bus is [here at 4.19 (give or take 10 If the 4.19‘ the 4.19 (giV seconds.) Considering the stage of development of the areas north of Steeles Avenue. you people have done a fine job establishing an efficient system. I wonder if the people who are complaining about the system know how much better yours is than most‘ I think not. To your organization, your drivers. and to the Town of Markham, I would like to extend hearty congratulations for a job well done. plumbing of the vintage often found in England lie. overhead pull-chain. etc! but spoilessly clean and with excellent cuisine. The grounds are very picturesque with a fine swimming poolu However. I kn_ow of at least five or six “four†and “five†star hotels in some of which I have stayed; some of strictly modern decor but most with considerable near east atmosphere; All have very fine public rooms. suites. bars. swimming pools. elevators, and good cuisines. What is true of Tangier is also true of the larger cities in Morocco catering to tourists. Rabat, Casablanca, Fez, Mekues. Marrakesh. etc., etc. A number of modern motels with restaurants and swimming pools are springing up along the main highways. Brian Banks Thornhill Christmas Seals and contribute to a good cause Two: At our offices here in the Richmond Heights Plaza we have not one but THREE doors and it could get pretty confusing as to where to leave the cards (and also very messy for the staffers who have to walk all over them lying on the floor). Highways are basically in good condition. The French. especially. left a fine network of modern highways and the present government is making an effort to maintain these arteries in reasonably good condition. I realize that some of you may have just returned from a lost weekend in Vandorf and so I will very briefly go through what is happening one more time. Since my readers are the nicest people in the whole, wide world I have decided to give one of them a Christmas Present! I would like everyone to send me a Christmas Card and all of those received will be put in a big thingamagig from which I will draw the winning entry on December 12. The lucky reader will be the recipient of a Panasonic Portable ‘Pop Up’ TV which in- cludes an AM-FM radio and runs on either household electricity or its own batteries! I can agree that Morocco is a page out of the Arabian Nights and there is still considerable poverty. However. I am in a position to make some comparisons over several decades. The “pestering boys" are. in general, far cleaner and healthier than years ago â€" the number with open sores. lice. and tattered clothing are very much diminished. You may send as many Christmas Cards as you like but each must be mailed separately and all entries must be postmarked no later than Midnight, December 9. By the by. . . I’ll be reading each and every card that you send me and if you say some really nice things, I'll even show them to the Editor. Education is much improved though. as yet, not compulsory. but it is co-educalional and much advanced over the old Kravic schools reserved for boys only; in fact the rule and practice at the Speaking of addresses. . . the corre send the cards is to: BOB RICE CHRISTMAS PRESENT THE LIBERAL BOX 390 RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO L4C 4Y6 Keep those cards coming gang, and I wish you all the best of luck! The 01‘ Millpond Philosopher once said “Anyone who hates little boys and puppies. is a real meeny!" Oh. . . one more thing. Don’t forget to put your address and phone number on the card . . . nothing is harder than trying to find a winner when I don’t know where to 100k. (Photo by Bruce Hogg) Rabat University is 50 per cent women and 50 per cent men in the student body. In many cities, Tangier included. the medinas have been considerably improved re sanitation. fewer open drains. many As in all developing countries, education cannot be made com- pulsory until there are enough persons educated to man the schools. Morocco is striving towards this. Many of the professional guides, well educated themselves. discourage tourists from giving to, or buying from, the “pestering boys" to discourage parents from keeping these lads out of school to be bread win- ners. of the narrow streets paved, but retaining the atmosphere of the eastern bazaars. It is true that in some parts of all medinas improvements have yet to be made. the correct way to Why not have Feb. holiday? I would hesitate to recommend that Tangier be covered by a walking tour. First. because it is extremely hilly, and. secondly, because it is one of the many cities of this world undergoing expansion A few weeks ago. Heritage Canada laun- ched a campaign to have the third Monday of February declared a public holiday. Heritage Day. to celebrate our heritage. There is no official holiday between Christmas and Easter and many people I have By DOREEN LIVINGSTONE Liberal Correspondent International ski champion Jean Claude Killy visited Thornhill last week and I was there. Actually, I was shopping at Sears in Markham Place and he was autographing books and posters at the sports depart- ment. Jean Claude impresses There were two men filming him and since they didn’t resemble anyone from Classicom, I asked where they were from. Unfortunately they spoke French and I didn’t. I found out later they were with Swiss Television and were touring with Killy, filming a documentary for Swiss TV. The documentary “Killy the Business man" is being made to help celebrate 25 years of Swiss TV. Having stumbled on a story, I ap proached two important-looking gentlemen with Killy, told them I was with a local newspaper and started fumbling for my press card to prove it. I didn’t want them to think I was a “ski groupie" who was looking for an excuse to speak to that tall, lean, handsome, athletic-looking Fren- chman. After all there are those who pretend to be newspaper reporters and I don’t have to pretend. Besides, why would a groupie have her husband and kids with her? I was informed the young fellow standing next to Killy was none other than Steve Podvorski, Canada’s ski hopeful for the 1980 Olympics. Terrific, two for the price of one, even if Podvorsk-i only lives in DOn Mills. Killy’s competitive career is over but he still skis “as much as I want toâ€. He is now a businessman, as the title of the Swiss documentary suggests, and Jean Claude Killy ski clothing is sold at all Sears stores. After informing him he was not in Toronto but Thornhill, I asked him what he thought of it and he said “it’s always a pleasure to come to this city, I have lots of friends here.†He has been coming here twice-a-year for the past seven years. Killy is a member of the Sports Advisory Council for Sears. Bésides promoting his sportswear he was also autographing his book “Situation Skiingâ€. The Swiss film crew had been travelling with Killy for the past four weeks and had another 10 days to go, but he didn’t mind because “they are all my friends". He had already visited Edmonton, Calgary, Ottawa and Mississauga. Seafrs is supplying all the outfits for the 1980 Canadian Ski Team (designed by Killy). But we can't neglect Podvorski. Steve doesn‘t train here. The team couldn’t get a visa to train in Russia, although the skiing there is apparently very good. He skis in Europe, in the fall and in the summer he works as a ski technician. Steve started skiing at the age of two in the Collingwood area and as Killy in- terjected “he learned walking on skis". When asked if Killy had ever seen Pod- vorski ski he said he had seen him on television. Apparently all the important races in Europe are televised. Said Killy “it’s part of our life to ski, either going or watchingâ€. 9 “It’s because he has no worries,’ said Jean Claude. Steve is 22-years-old but Killy and I both agreed he looks 17. Knowing very little about skiing I tried to appear worldly but my cover was blown when I said to Steve Podvorski “it will be nice for you to visit Russia next year,†to which he replied, “That’s the summer Olympics, I’m going to Lake Placidâ€. When asked if he was married, Podvorski said no. Killy lives with his wife and family in Geneva, Switzerland. Feeling like an idiot but gaining my composure I commented, “Too bad, Russia would have been far more interesting,†and then took my leave. LIBERAL Naturally, the medinas of all Moroccan cities can only be covered on foot in view of the narrow streets typical of the near east. A.S. Elson 254 (‘hurch South Richmond Hill and covers many square miles spoken to. say they really could use one about mid- February. Many take unofficial holidays in February anyway. so why not declare a holiday and give “Heritage A Break“ at the same time? (‘laire Coates 73 Waymar Hts. Blvd. Woodbridge