Anyone intetested In forming a club tor people 70! Germanic backgyoqnd. In 'York County please call Ann Klemmt 889-6437 Now open. Mon, to Fn.‘ H a m to 7 pm. No appointments needed 101208 Yonge St.‘ Apt, 3. Richmond Hill (comer Amold ‘ Yonge) Upstairs Walk-in Please meerly of Cosy Iea Room. Toronto and Markham Rd.. Richmond Hill} Member 01 Electrolysus Assoc. 01 Ontatio & Amencan Electrolysvs Assoc. m 17. It you ate anterested in iomlng a mature Youth Group for the Handl- capped call: DECEMBER 2nd. Sunday. 10-5 pm, Antique Show and Sale. 106 Centre St. E.. (0" Yonge). Richmond Hill‘ 20 Dealers, Balgauns Ga|ore! JEAN ZWARYCH ELECTROLYSIS Hausa parties can ARE you Plegnant and Distressed? Let's talk I! over contidentually. 727-2544 221-2001 00 y0u have a dunking problem7 If so M can help. Write Box 84, Richmond Hull or call 4876591. Irc29 Birthnght 459.1111. 884-8055. 884- 9431‘ "m DO something new - Call Rendezvous Dating Ltd. Local 657-1661‘ mm DEC. 3rd, MONDAY RICHMOND HILL LIONS CLUB MEMBERS WANTED All areas 01 the face and body Day and evening appomtments “‘5 Coming Events I M1133 N0 APPOINTMENT NECESSARY MADAME “ROSELINE†TEACUP & CARD READER VD CONFIDENTIAL DIAGNOSIS & TREATMENT 10350 Yonge St. at Crosby Ave. Richmond Hill $500 JACKPOT MAY BE WON IN 57 NUMBERS THE COUNCIL OF THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK PROPOSES TO PASS A BY-LAW AUTHORIZING: Pursuant to section 446 of The Municipal Act, the Engineering Committee of the Regional Council will, at its meeting to be held at 2:00 pm. on the 8th day of January 1980, at the Engineering Building on the west side of Woodbine Avenue one and one quarter miles north of the Aurora Sideroad, hear any person who claims that his lands will be prejudicially affected by the by-Iaw and who applies to be heard. Anyone wishing to be heard is requested to advise the undersigned prior to the meeting. If any party entitled to be heard does not attend at the hearing, the Committee may proceed in his absence and he will not be entitled to any further notice in the proceedings. â€" THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. November 28, 1979 PERMANENT HAIR REMOVAL DON'T WAIT UNTIL IT'S TOO LATE CALL Plans showing the above proposed work may be seen at the office of Ronald Gee, Planning and Design Engineer, at the Engineering Building, (Tel: 884-1611). DATED at Newmarket this 2nd day of November 1979 889-5958 ROBERT N. VERNON Regional Clerk 62 Bayview Avenue Newmarket, Ontario L3Y 4W9 Telephone: 895-1231 Ext. 35 362-2464 Ext. 35 We Care Tutorial Semces All subjects, all grades CRAFT SALE “2° Personals or bus. 881-3232 SAT. DEC. lst 10 T05 PM. 142 MAY AVE. RICHMOND HILL BINGO 881-3421 1. the stopping up and closing of existing Regional Road No. 14 (Stouffville Road) in the Hamlet of Gormley between the west and east limits of the CNR rightpf-way in Concession 3 of the Town of Richmond Hill (f0rmerly the Township of Whitchurch); and 2. the construction of turning basins on the existing Regional Road No. 14 (Stouffville Road) in the Hamlet of Gormley adjacent to the west and east limits of the CNR right-of-way crossing Regional Road No. 14 (Stouffville Road) in Concession 3 of the Town of Richmond Hill (formerly Township of Whitchurchl. THE-REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK ROSEMARY STOUFFVILLE ROAD CLOSING be ananged CZWZZ (Regional Road No. 14) All persons having claims against the Estate of Nmman Emerson Annmg late of the Town of RlChmond Hill in the Regional Municnpahty of York. who died on Or about the 28th day of september. 1979. are hereby notified to send particulats of same to the undersigned on or before the let day of December, 1979. after which date the Estate will be distributed. with regard only to the claims of which the undersrgned shall then have notice. and the undersigned will not be liable for any person at whose claim they shall not then have notice. DATED AT RICHMOND HILL. THIS let DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1979 MARJORIE MARINOFF, MARVIN MARINOFF AND ROBERT H. BLACK- BURN, EXECUTORS OF THE ESTATE OF NORMAN EMERSON ANNING. BY THEIR SOLICITOR. ROBERT H. BLACKBURN. MESSRS, STONG. BLACKBURN & MACHON, SUITE 206. 10350 YONGE STREET. RICHMOND HILL ONTARIO LAC 338. TAKE NOTICE that HG SPECIALTIES LIMITED. havrng Its registered ollrce at 9280 Charles de la Tour, In the City and District of Montreal. Provrnce of Quebec and having a place oI busrness at 35 Guardsman Road. In the City of Thornhrll. Province of Ontario. intends to amalgamate with HAMLET 8r GARNEAU LIMITED In accordance with the Canada BUSI- ness Corporations Act unless any creditor ol H.G SPECIALTIES LIMITED objects to the amalgamation within 30 days from the date of this To babysit (4 month old). 1 day pel week. light h0usework, refer- ences quuned, 881-4435 0n the eIIective date of the amal- gamation. all of the properties and assets of HG. SPECIALTIES LIMITED and HAMLET & GARNEAU LIMITED wull continue to be the properties and assets ot the amalgamated corporation which in turn wull con- tinue to be liable for the obligation oI H.G. SPECIALTIES LIMITED and HAMLET & GARNEAU LIMITED. in- cluding the IiabIIities of HG. SPECIALTIES LIMITED to Its creditors. Notice THIS NOTICE IS GIVEN,PURSUANT TO SUBSECTION (3) OF SECTION 179 OF THE CANADA BUSINESS CORPORATIONS ACT. 7“ Daycare Wanted DATED THIS 16th DAY OF NOV- EMBER.1979. DAY care given in my home. Toddlers and up. John-Bayview, Thornhill‘ 881-0836. BABYSITTlNG In my home. any age. close to Beverley Acres and Ctosby Schools‘ 884-7458. EN 22 MATURE WOMAN NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTAIE or NORMAN EMERSON ANNING 610 NOTICE TO CRE%IFT0RS HG. SPECIALTIES LIMITED Legal Notices "2 Daycare H.G. SPECIALTIES LIMITED Claude Garneau PreSIdent r \ | ichview Soil Products 11011 Bayvleyï¬yo" Richmond Hill (23W 22 Good growing starts with good soil. DAYCARE given in my home, any age welcome. Beverley Acres School area. 883-5766 ALIERATIONS of all kinds, men's.’ ladles‘ WILL babysit] to 4 year olds‘ HiIlcrest Mall area. 8847793. 8843500 MacLEOD. Velma E. (nee Martin) â€" A! North York General Hospital, on lhursday. November 22, 1979. Velma MacLeod, beloved wife of Rae, dear mother ol John. Douglas and Elizabeth. dear sister 01 Mrs J. A. Martin. A private lamily service was held at the 8‘ E. Ring Funeral Home. 7783 Yonge St, Thornhill. ll desired. donations may be made to the Canadian Cancer Society. SWAN. Cyril â€" Passed away Friday, November 16, 1979. at his home on Yonge Street, Richmond Hill Mr Styan and his wife. Margaret, came to Richmond Hill in 1948. ln 1955 they moved to Whitby, where Mr. Styan was employed as a Blacksmith at the Whitby Hospital lor the next twelve years, The Styans returned to Richmond Hill in 1957 to retire, Mr Styan had been in poor health tor a number of years but enjoyed his gardening hobbyt He is survived by wrle, Margaret, son George Styan ol Coolisville and two grandchildren. Carol Ann and Davrd Alexander Reverend Fred Jackson conducted the service at the Marshall Funeral Home CROWTHER, Thomas ll. â€" Suddenly on Friday Nov. 23, 1979‘ Tom Crowther dear son of Ray and Marg Crowtherl Dear brother at Jim. Patllcla (Mrs. Jr Brooks) Gerdon, Robert. Peter, Barry and Kenneth. Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home, Richmond Hill, Service was held on Monday morning 11 am. Cremation. (Donations may be made to the Star Santa Claus lund or any lavorite charity.) top soil garden mix compost manure BARTLETT, Elmer John. who passed away Dec. 3. 1977. Missed by hlS wife Thelma and hlS familyl WOOD, lohn Heber â€" After a lengthy illness, courageously born â€" passed away at York Central Hospital, on Sunday. November 25. 1979. John. dear husband of Anne. dear lather ol Patrick and his wrfe, Patty of N,W.T.. David and Paul, of Toronto and Kevin and his wrfe, Donna ol Calgary, sadly missed by grandchildren, Stacey and Mellissa. A private family service was held at the B‘ E. Ring Funeral Home, 7783 Yonge St, Thornhill. Cremation. If desired, donations may be made to the Canadian Cancer Society. a dear husband who passed away Nov. 25. 1976. Nothing can ever take away The love a heart holds dear, Fond memories linger every day. Remembrance keeps him near. Ever remembered by Irene and family. 'GUPPY. John â€" In loving memory of "2 Dressmaking ‘55 In Memoriam 7‘2 Daycare curtains, bedspveads. etc. 0 TFCZZ ‘55 Deaths MRS, Margaret Styan, wife of the late Mr. Cyril Styan, wishes to thank her friends lor therr lovely flowers. Sympathy cards, gifts to York Central Hospital and the Canadian Cancer Society Also thanks to Dr. D. F. McGregor, Revs Fred Jackson and the Marshall Funeral Home THE Watts lamin express srncere thanks to Dr. Aiai. Drr Susan and the nurses on Fifth lloor Blue for their great care and attention to Stan To Fathers Schwalm, lacobsen. Sullivan and Moran for their moral support. along wrth many friends whose visits and prayers helped us all. We apprecrated too. the Masses. donations and flowers WAYNE AND JOHN WILLIS. formerly ol 414 Palmer Ave. wish to extend their very sincere gratitude to the good neighbors, friends and relatives for the beautiful flowers, fruit, get well cards, etc. sent to their dad. a patient at York Central Hospital. Also to those same people lor their many kindnesses shown to their mother. especially in providing transportation to and from hospitals. THE York Psychology sponsor group extends its appreciation to Father Schwalm, Mrs. Wilcox and the St, Mary Immaculate Church Parish for malung the Nov. 16 dance benelrt for the Vietnamese refugees possible And. specral thanks also to D J. Colin Cowley Pro Audra Music who donated time and ellort to make the dance a success that it was. 55° Cards of Thanks JEEP DEMOS. 1979 JEEP WAGONEER LIMITED Beautiful Bordeaux finish with matching genuine tan leather interior. Fully equipped including air condi- tioning. OLR 390 1979 JEEP WAGONEEB LIMITED Gleaming sable brown finish with genuine tan leather interior. Fully equipped including air conditioning. OOP790 1979 JEEP CHEROKEE 4 DOOR Beautiful russet finish with matching interior. Fully equipped except for air conditioning. Many extras. NVR 218. SAVE HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS 1979 JEEP CHEROKEE "S" Beautiful sable brown finish with 2 tone matching interior, 360 V8, auto. 4 wheel drive T-Tone, power steer- ing, power brakes, radio 8 much, much more. NXP 916. Gleaming dark blue finish with cor- duroy blue interior. Fully equipped, except for air conditioning. Many extras. OAK 441. ALL VEHICLES ABOVE CERTIFIED 8 COVERED WITH WARRANTY. TOP TRADE IN ALLOWANCES BANK OF COMMERCE FINANCE PLAN IF YOU QUALIFY 1979 JEEP WAGONEER 4 DR. SAVE UP TO $3000oo SAVE UP TO 93000 SAVE HUNDREDS SAVE HUNDREDS SAVE HUNDREDS IT'S EASY TO GET TO The 'I'homhill Canac Kitchen Atom 1’s roared back from a two-goal deficit in the third period Sunday to edge Bolton 4-3 in a York Simcoe league game at Thomhill. TAYLOR. Larry and Patritia (nee Butterworth) are proud to announce the birth of a daughter at 6 am, Branson Hospital. Novv 21. 1979 werghrng 6 lbs 12 01‘ Proud grandparents are Mr, and Mrs. Robert Butterworth and ML and Mrs. Arthur Taylor, Manitoba. MR. AND MRS. ERN "ROGERS are View pleased to announce the engagement 01 their daughter. Lisa, to Lud Sagnovic. son of Mr. and Mrs. John Sagnowc. all 01 Richmond Hill. Wedding to take place August 2. 1980. THE Wintel Carnival Committee of Richmond Hill is pleased to an- nounce the arrival of baby Ookplk. Baby "Luke or Huke" amved on Sunday Nov, 18, 1979 at 1:30 pm iust in time far the Santa Claus parade. You can meet "Flukepik" at the up and coming Winter Carnival. Canacs roar from behind “5 Engagement ‘35 Births Thomhill started out fresh but a hard-checking Bolton club upset the game plan to jump into an early lead. Mike Rusinek opened the scoring for 'I'hornhill assisted by Derek Tum- bull and Marshall Kay but Bolton came back with two straight goals to lead 2-1 at the end of the first period. Bolton moved into a 3-1 lead in the second until Kay broke through Retail stores in Ontario use about 35% of the electrical energy consumed by all commercial facilities. Much of this energy is used inefficiently and wastefully. Electricity use can be reduced in almost all cases without adversely affecting sales and as a consequence you save energy and money. Although retail stores vary greatly in size, use and occupancy, the energy conservation suggestions below will apply to most stores. HEATING This message is brought to you by your Richmond Hill Hydro Electric Commission. If we can assist you in setting up an energy managment program within your organization please contact our ConSumer Service Department at 8844466. 5: RICHMOND HILL HYDRO COOLING LIGHTING HOT WATER Lower thermostat setting during non-working hours Lower thermostat setting in non-occupied areas (Corridors, washrooms, basements, storage areas, lobbies) Have heating system checked regularly Insulate exposed walls Double glaze windows or storrn windows Check caulking around all doors and windows (recaulk if necessary) Keep air grills and heat transfer devices clean Turn off unnecessary lights Use fluorescent lamps where possible, (240 watt fluorescent lamps produce 5360 lumens (units of light) where 1â€"100 watt incandescent lamp produces only 1740 lumensl Reduce or eliminate decorative lighting inside and outside. Where practical, lower wattage of lighting. Maintain a regular fixture/lamp cleaning schedule . After hours, reduce or turn off lighting not requrred for safety and security. Use time clocks for night lighting and outdoor signs to eliminate manual operations. Design lighting for expected activity. Task lighting will help reduce overall lighting levels. Use lighter colour surfaces Turn off cooling in unoccupied areas Raise thermostat setting Turn cooling equipment off one hour before closing the store. The cooling effect will remain in the store for this period. Close drapes or blinds on windows exposed to sunlight. Keep filters clean Schedule regular preventative maintenance checks for cooling equipment. Use outside air for cooling whenever possible. Reduce lighting loads whenever possible. This will reduce cooling loads. nstall/repair insulation around pipes Repair leaking taps -ower hot water temperature to 49°C (120°F) nsulate hot-water heaters HOW TO CONSERVE ELECTRICITY IN RETAIL STORES: 8700 Islington Avenue, 2 miles north of Hwy. 7. 851-2275 REEVES FlORIS‘lS&NURSERY teeVes to score on an outstanding second effort which seemed to spark his teammates. Then it was Greg Havery tying the game from Rusinek in the second and Jason Bishop getting the winner in the third from Shawn Duck- man. Canac lost a 5-3 exhibition game to Oshawa with Kay scoring Here’s a great way to dazzle someone special this holiday season. Send them flowers from Reeves. More touching than a card, flowers from Reeves will be a beautiful display of your affec- tion. One that’s sure to be felt through the en- tire festive season. You can choose from a wide variety of floral arrangements. Like brilliant pionsettias, lovely holly, pine wreaths, fruit baskets. mixed pans and flowers especially arranged for Hannkkah. You'll find our services wide ranging too. So if you want to impress a special someone this holiday season send them a very special greeting. Flowers from Reeves. We're open 7 days a week and deliver city- wide every day including Sunday in December. If you wish, we’ll even deliver world-wide. Gift wrap too. And we have gift certificates to make giving that much easier. All major credit cards accepted. A Christmas arrangement special: $15.00. Your choice of flowers, holly or pine stylishly arranged for the festive season. twice and gaining one assist. The other goal went to Duckman from l ' cmsélfle P/nggubmgks ‘ 5.. m. uso. xNUMIVEU uscmumk Libéral O'FONYUNIVIES Kay and Rusinek. Greg Boose also got two assists as did Rusinek‘ oi. m "- cum!“