Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

Richmond Hill Liberal, 12 Dec 1979, B9

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fm first class dmmgroom Pen manent DOSltlon Must be area tesudent with mm transponatuon Income Tax preparers requured. T0p wages PLUS COMMISSION. STABLE FARM HELP REQUIRED For Metro. 34 00 pet hour Contac Io walk hom [me to [lmE (mattered Accountant at v( chem locations Must have tlanspmtahon PLEASE SEND RESUME IO Three people to h busmefis Requued by Dry Cleaning plant. Experience an asset. Far parttrme work In the food services area. Prewous ex- perience an a related held preferred. Must be flexrble as hours vary. Please apply in pe'rsonto: Waitresses/ Waiters 134 DONCASTER AVE .UNIT6 THORNHILL, ONT. KARBIN SALES APPLY IN RERSON-9 A.M -2P.M Box 547. Thornhill Ontario. L3T 4A2 REQUIRED Hair Care Centre 833-5831 MMURE Secretary. For but estate olflce In Richmond HII telephone manners and essentIaL Some evemng‘ Saturdays. Gall Pam MacKay, Real Estate Ltd, 884-011) YORK CENTRAL' HOSPITAL PARTHME ACCOUNTANT and/or BOOKKEEPER FOOD SERVICE ATTENDANTS REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY 884-4417. 889-8555 DELIVERY DRIVER COUNTER PERSON Preparers EXPERIENCED EXPERIENCED HAIRDRESSER CARAMOU NT STATIONARY LTD 10210 YONGE ST RICHMOND HILL 881-2121 A PARTTIME SALES PERSON COUNTER HELP CALL MR1 JACOBS 5"“ Help Wanted 727-9322 URGENTLY NEEDED 727-2965 Fuil Time MISTER DONUT 10 hench 81.. Richmond HI“ PERSONNEL DEPARIMENT requues FULLTIME Tax ome evenings and M CZW‘ typing mcoe 3000 running nrdev must «9” $1 as vs 773-5310 75 Monte Carlo. Certified 75 Dodge Van. Certified. 74 Cougar. Certified. . . . 881-8353 Tmrqd I s; a)!‘ conq PS. ‘P 8‘ rear tiesmflm OVEI’SITOUU 2door V-S, automatic powev steenng & brakes good condmon Certmed $595 884-0249 1969 3a Ton Ford 360 four speed 3800 1969 Pontiac Parisienne Just paunted: cemhable Best offer oyer$600 4-dool. good motm. radio and tires Custom Intenot Needs body walk" 428 Cobra Albelta ca: 3350 orbestofler Muslsell. Runs,we|l. Interior excellent un cerhhed‘ Best offer ovet $100 chew-0H5 “McLean’sde 1 male N 0! Bond Head '7 mvle east on Com: 8 Wes! Gwllhmbury U861 Cars am hucks Bought and Sold FREE TOWING GALAXY CONVERTIBLE All powel Needs lop Olbestolfer Muslse'll 70 CHRYSLER Top Prices 775-6773 889-0353 66 FORD WAGON Cars & Trucks WANTED FOR SCRAP 71 Volkswagen BEETON IRUCK & AUTO WRECKERS LTD Walter's Automotive 883-1975 $200 1966 PONTIAC V-8 Quality Used Cars 71 DATSUN 510 ‘55 Cars 8 Trucks m 884â€"7657 YORK REGION'S FINEST USED CARS 50 OR MORE PREVIOUSLY OWNED AUTOMOBILES ON DISPLAY AT ALL TIMES SHOP WITH CONFIDENCE â€" SHOP McLEAN'S 895-2063 ANYTIME 1974 Plymouth Fury ll 72 COUGAR Phone 775-6534 71 GALAXY 884-2562 881-9000 67 COUGAR 884â€"1763 ‘5‘ Cars Wanted 69 CHEVY ALI. MECHANICAL REPAIRS AND OVERHAULS As Is. Must sell 884-3425 884-3425 NEWPORT CARCONE'S AUTO RECYCLING [JARS WANfED FOR SCRAP 65 FORD 889-7710 165 Wellington St.‘E AURORA mm Uncettuhed FISHER‘S‘N0WFLOW§ B.J.'s ENTERPRISES Mt PR 727-3012 Ryan Bros Woodbine & No. 7 Hwy 495-0097 Hours: 12 noon - 12 Elm XR7 BELAIR 460 Elgln Mills Rd. E., Unit 12, Richmond Hill 8"?“ v scum AURORA ouumo 7273“: o: 591-2172 LET US DRIVE YOU HAPPVI 883-5289 SALES & SERVICE NOW AVAILABLE AT PAID Io: scrap WE BUY USED CARS Pele M $250 38 [in $350 SN” under warranty, Must be seen Excellent condition. 14.700 mules Fully equipped. Immaculate condition. $2,200. Call Bryan. Rebuuit moto: WI“ tlade to: best Van oHered 226-1232 3.995 Heavy duty New paint. Certified 4 door automanc. 6 cyl.‘ powel steering 28.0001mlles $1.200. ‘2 Ton Automatic Low onglnal mxles No rust Certified 82.60000. Air-conditioning. Roof rack. Trailer hutch Many extras Immaculate condition. $2.300, Call Blyan. - ---89&4535 V-‘8 302‘ standatd transmissmn, CEI- Mled A-l shape ‘2,300. 0! best offer, Call after 6 pm, , 76 FORD GRAND TORINO 307 Power steenng. power btakes snow tnes on urns. Certlhed $1500 302 standard Fmd Cap. best offet 75 CHEVROLET Power steenng 72 VOLKSWAGEN 73 TOYOTA 74 MAVERICK 889-7323 SUPER CAB MLPOWER WILL CERHFY 889-7323 1977 ASTRE LATE 1974 FORD 1/2 TON PICK-UP 889-5397 Evgs 884-4171 ‘55 Cars 8: Trucks Call 727-3775 75 PONTIAC 75 FordFIOO 884-4125 STATIONWAGON CATALINA 1975 CHEV 1973 NOVA 72 PLYMOUTH 72 FORD 1/2 TON 476-5777 640-5993 Certihed or make offer 727-8506 tandard. $375 as Is 1977 V.W. RABBIT 884â€"6593 74 GMC 727-3140 days Evening 73 FORD For Parts 3100 F100 RANGER 939-2869 895-2733 884-2464 After 5 p m GRAND FURY well. $225 as Is nng and makes tad 000 miles 31 295 3/4 TON 773-5778 Leave message ‘2.695 ‘l.850 ‘ 800 CZWZJ Days Days Evgs Evgs Evgs $500 0" our regulat pnce on cer. tam models. Larry Van Dyke, BETHESDA SALES 8. SERVICE 888-1166 or 884â€"7774 Mel/Jew: Ftom $200 ea‘tfh OI make offer Double snowmobile trailer and 20 In chain saw Call'722-6044 after 6 pm. or ask for Walter at 898-1234 EVEN'NGg POLARIS I980 Models In Stock. Preseason pnces Save dollatsA McKENZ|E RECREAHONAL Hwy 7 and Sam" 8813000 m” “9st was ‘ffe I seatel 7,000 km Wlth 8 month warranty left ‘8.900 4 cylmden standatd. this Is an Immaculate one owner ca} wuth only 20.000 miles ' Vefy good condition Asking $5 000 OI take over payments COMMUNITY CYCLE 78 DODGE COLT Good condition. low mileage. reas onable 889-8821 354 Power steenng 8. bvakes. par- tIall'y customuzed Captain seats. Good» year steel belted Iadlals AM 8. FM stereo cassette deck sun root and Hans Excellent condition, cer- ‘Ihed Asking S4500 V-8 automatic Power steering and makes 4 (1001 49 000 [WIBS $2 600 ms 884-7875 W Fully Ioaded rust-proffed 44 000 mules One ownex Asking $5 700 Make oHer Phone 1-519925 6857 Concoms good condmon fom doo: PS PB A M F Mstereo Shack custom unteum rear wund0w defogger radials Best otter 895-6462 2 door. 8 cylinder. altrcondmoned Excellent condition. $4.500 Power.sreenng and brakes, root lacks, AM/FM radio. heavy duty suspensuon. 45000 miles excellent condition $4.200 After 6 pm 884â€"3263 Repair dl makes 10665 Sutton Rd. Ounmvfllo New mes A-l condmon [med $4,600 or best offer 5 SNOWMOBILES 77 CHEVROLET 1970 ARCTIC CAT PANTHER 2‘" Snowmobiles Before 11 a m or atte: 9 p m TMMMM TWO DOOR SEDAN CALL JIM GROSKORTH at 72731138" 1977 CHEV. NOVA Call 478-4531 1 TON CREW CAB 1"2 TON PICK-UP 76 FORD LTD Evgs Well looked after $600 YAMAHA 78 FORD LTD 889-2232 ARCTIC CAT SNOWMOBILE. 1977 OLDS ROYALLE 88 73 ARCTIC CAT ‘55 Cars 8 Ttucks 77 CHEVY VAN Call 895-7027 883-4702 478-4559 PANTHER 400 78 VOLARE 79 VW BUS 884-0029 SNOWMOBIlFS 476-3970 1-8390903 elvemngs 9 a m to? 30 p m AURORA 727-3661 832-8785 1979 CHEV 76 FORD ll WAGON IMPALA After 4 p m Evgs (Ill "Ell SECRETARIAL semces. Iyplng photocopying done In my home I.B.M_ typemiter. 8845872 773 576 That UGO-Holdings mom in- tends to dissolve by filing articles of dissolution Wlth the Ministry of Consumer and Commercual Relations. our suant to the Busmess Cou- porationsAct. . DATED THIS ,12TH DAY 0 DECEMBER. 1979 0F NORMAN EMERSON ANNING BY THEIR SOLICITOR. ROBERT H BLACKBURN MESSRS STONG. BLACKBURN & MACHON. SUITE 206. 10350 YONGE STREET. RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO MC 388 - R82 DATED AT RICHMOND HILL THIS let DAY OF NOVEMBER 1979 MARJORIE MARINOFF‘ MARVIN MARINOFF AND ROBERT HE BLACK- BURN. EXECUTORS OF THE ESTATE All persons-havrng clarms agarnst the Estate of Norman Emerson Annlng late of "the Town ol Richmond Hrll, rn the Regronal Munrcrpalrty of York. who dred on or about the 28th day of september. 1979. are hereby notrlred to send particulars of same to the undersrgned on or before the let day of December. 1979‘ after WhICh date the Estate wrll be drstnbuted, wrth regard only to the clarms ol whrchthe undersrgned shall then have notrce. and the undersrgned wrll notbe liable for any person at whose clarm they shall not then have notrce ECRETARIAL Libéral 505'KENTDRIVE NEWMARKEI (Off Mulock Slderoad - East of Yonge St» Single snowmobile trailer. aluminum canoe: 13' COISaIf House Traxler sleeps 'our: 18' Box Trailer, Tent Trailer, 71 Ford Meteor. Two table saws; One band saw, pmtable. Ace- teleyne welder: one dull, Hydfaullc bottle Jack. (2530 tons), One Ialge an compressm. Rivets 01 all Innds: Mzscellaneous. Iraller hitches 2 used fridges: MISC hand tools. Copper tubing MISC Manufactunng Materials. ‘ Auctioneet Harold Johnston Terms Cash Estate Sale of contents and equnp- ment of But Trailer REOBI'S ~ (formerly operated by the late Bob Holllday) Reasonable rate For fulthev 'Ormahon call 881-5235 22 FT. MOTOR HOME Snowmobiles All makes. Pickup & Delivery Service Richview Lawn Equipment 11011 Bayview Ave., Richmond Hill Trailer $1,600 for package SNOWMOBILE REPAIRS INDOOR AUCTION SALE 565 1977 SKI D00 ‘5' IMHE [SIAIE 0f NORMAN EMERSON ANNING 610 76 Moto Ski 340 76 Moto Ski 300 ELAN 24 h p Like new, $57500 SATURDAY, DEC. 15th 12 NOON 222-6695 ‘ TAKE NOTICE 230 309 Employment Wanted NOIICE IO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS 727-1178 Campers & Trailers FOR RENT Auctions EVGS 884-1361 2‘“ Snowmobiles 384-89 Registered ’4. 9 months old. Can be purch’ased together 0: separately. PUPPIE Registered halt udmg horse In ARABIAN MARE Ever other week‘ Central Richmond HIII Good wages, Please call \ MATURE PERSON 3- Mail Coupon Now!-g ARABIAN COLT 791 MATURE RELIABLE WOMAN RENT FREE HOUSE |N MAPLE moshion (FflSfi%n INSTlTUTf King vev'sl BASSET HOUND PUPPIES A DIVIsaon' of Shaw COWd Do something The exciting world of fashion awaits you Become a fashuon co: ordinaior, consuHanl buyer, merchandiser. Move quickly to the top Join the Shaw Fashion Merchandising sOudenvs‘ Get the basic training you need Take trips. Learn first hand Turn that_ dream into beaufiful profHable “reality ‘essary BOX 96 THE LIBERAL”, c/o BOX 390, RICHMOND HILL L4G 4Y6 5"“ Domestic Help Wanted TV COMMERCIALS career FM12RL Education Age. P Name Address 2436 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario MAP 2H4 481-6477 YES. I want a (ashson career GROOMING SALON 56" Career Training OfCfiHfiDfi CLEANING LADY WANTED ES. 515 Mothev -part Hound hepherd, Medium sue dog 351 884-6998 Don’t just dream abouta Farm Service 889-5583 350 225-8682 889-2383 884-9067 o cave for elderly lady any 2 days a week. nse requued. Refetences Livestock 30F Phone No 0 years old. good m: \oy 1er 3 month phone 964 >UNDSTAGE teele 1t Available to help with Formerly of Cosy Tea Room. Toronro and Markham Rd.. chhmond Hill; House DBIIIES can be arranged Member of ElecttolySIs Ontano 8. American Elect JEAN ZWARYCH ELECTROLYSlS Now open. Mon to FM. 11 a m. to 7 p m No appomtments needed 101208 Yonge St, Apt, 3. Rlchmond Hall (comer’ Avnold - Yonge) UDStBIIS Walk-In Please ade ARE you Pregnant and Distressed Let's talk it over confidentially Buthnght 469»! 1 l 1. 884-8055. 884 9431. "£29 00 something new - Call Rendezvo Datung‘Ltd Local657-1661. m DO you have a drinking problem' |f so AA can help Write Box 84 Richmond Hull or call 487-5591 VD CONFIDENTIAL DIAGNOSIS & TREATMENT 10350 Yonge St at Crosby Ave Richmond Hlll Wed 7-9PM7Thu154-6PM 884-1133 727-2544 For 212-5 year olds Half days, mornings or afternoons Winter sessions starting January 1980 Limited enrollment available. FOR REGISTRATlON CALL 883-3013 ' ST. GABRIELS CHURCH, CROSBY & BAYVlEW AVE RICHMOND HILL Beautiful gray farm team Party room available. Winter trail rides, Closed Monday &,Tuesday, 530 Will your fireplace be safe this winter? Prevent chimney fires and improve the draft by having your chimney swept now. $30. for most fireplaces. THIS CHRISTMAS GIVE YOUR CHILD A GIFT WHICH WILL LASTA LIFETIME All areas of the face and body Day and evening appomtments ELEMENTARY TEACHERS SUNNYDAYS NURSERY SCHOOL N0 APPOINTMENT NECESSARY BOLTON COMMUNITY ENTERTAINERS At The Albion Bolton Community Centre ROCKlNG HORSE RANCH MADAME “ROSELINE” TEACUP & CARD ‘ READER PERMANENT HAIR REMOVAL December 17th & 18th HIGHLY QUALIFIED TEACHER ‘eaallzes In dealing DON'T WAIT UNTIL IT'S TOO LATE CALL 881-8888 We Care Tfltonal Servnces All sublects. all grades SLEIGH RIDES - Reserve Now Lost Er Found 708 881-5235 881-3421 Tutoring CHIMNEY CLEANING A CHRISTMAS FANTASY THE CHIMNEY SWEEP co. 221-1462 IN FOUR ACTS WITH ENTRACTES ADMISSION ADULTS $2.00 CHILDREN $1.00 Enroll your pre-schooler at 112 615 52° Personals th ch Nursery School Chlld Coming Events TiME 7:30 THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. December 12 11815 Yonge'St Richmond Hill alte mothev of Kimberley-and Timothy. dear daughter 0! Cecul and Pa! King, of Richmond HIII, also squed by her blOIhElS and Susters. Rested at LAVENDER, Sharon Elizabeth Suddenly. as the result of a molar acadent, on Fnday. December 7, 1979. Sharon King, beloved rule of Dawd Laxender of Keswuck. deal 884-3292 At Countly Place Nursmg Home on December 10.1979, Hulda Barfoot, beloved mien! the late John Robert Gaskell. dear motive! of Hilda (M's. Dean QUIMOH), of Maple, deal grandmothet of Donald Robert and Ian Stuart Resting at the Marsha" Funeral Home. 10366 Yonge St., Richmond HI”. Semce Wednesday 1 30 pm. Cremation. GASKELL, Hilda Day we wanted. Jammy old Chlld Centre - Vonge. HI” Evgs 884-3871. 'emele Requued weekdays 3 30 pm. - 5 pm Occaswnaly all day 0: evenlng BABYSITTER for 2 children. 3-5 pm at 45 hayborn St, Weekdays . 8834578 889-9289 BABY John MATURE BABYSITTER Centre St Reward male 714 555 In Memoriam LADY'S ENGRAVED BULOVA WATCH Eves HILLCRF 832-1460 €30 HITER, two '2 days weekly 8. Bayvuevi atea, leferences Daycare Wanted 728 “5 Deaths th ofElgm Mul Lost 8 Found 88417135 or 223-8469 Miscellaneous terment .mg LOST CAT LOST weval ng hau Neuterec smce Nov 12th «In Richmond HI“ weld Monday Elgm Mulls )E Evg llelpmate lnformation would like you to meet Lillian Silver, the new coâ€"ordinator of Rich- mond Hill Volunteer Bureau. Sharen Smith the previous co- ordinator is going back to school to finish her degree and Mrs. Silver who has just com- pleted the community questionnaire pro- gram for Richmond Hill and Thornhill area Family Services, is free to carry on the volunteer program. Co-ordinator for H e l p m a t e l n - formation. Rhelda Stockall, said it is still not certain the volunteer program will be able to con- tinue, because of limited funding. but if the United Way campaign is successful and if the community will offer help. Rich- mond Hill Volunteer Bureau will survive. (Liberal Photo by Bruce Hogg) The St‘ George Lake (‘onservalion Area borders the park on the east and north. Access is via Bayview Avenue and the Bethesda Sideroad. Initial work on the 14.4 acre (5.8 hectare) property will include beach improvement. additional parking space, construction of a pavilion and refreshment con- cession and installation of picnic facilities. $25, 000 Ontario grant for Park LAMB Blue and Manon (nee Boom by) are happy to announce the arrival of twnn SIStelS tor Enc, on Decembel 9, 1979. at York Conny Hospital. Newmarket Kathryn Susan, 6 lbs. 13015,. amved at 9 27 and Catolyn Elizabeth, 6 lbs, 4 015 . at 9:30 am. PIOUd grandparents are Ken and Phyllis 800thby and BIH and Ruth Lamb Gleat glandmothels May Hunt and Gevhude Lamb Richmond Hill‘s Sunset Beach Park on Lake Wilcox will undergo extensive improvements with the assistance of a $25000 ()ntario grant, Natural Resources Minister James Auld has announced. $30 TREE REMOVAL revent chimney Ines Have your hlmney swept today Most fireplaces ’ Clean-up setvice Garagesfbasements. attics Odd jobs & What Have You THE CHIMNEY SWEEP C0. Handyman 883-4625 638-6808 221-1462 “5 Births CALL GARY 2. 1979 â€" 8.9 tlmates ‘rmahor |W24

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