LOVELY HOME â€" SUPERB MORTGAOE $66,700.â€"10',4 PER CENT DUE 3 YEARS $99500. Beautifully kept 2 storey 4 bedroom, main floor family room, fireplace, walk-out. 3 bathrooms. double garage, lot 50‘ x 120’. High cedar fence. Hurry on this one! Irene Benoit. 8813232. WEST RICHMOND HILL NEAR YORK CENTRAL HOSPITAL Located in area of fine homes, (2 years old), 4 bedrooms, 3 piece ensuite, separate main floor family room. Delightful! $110,000. Irene Benoit, 881-3232: _. BIRD WATCHER'S PARADISE NEAR BAYVIEW-S'I‘EELES Stunning decor. 3 bedrooms. master with walk-in closet and ensuite, plus broadloom throughout. Privateyard, mature trees on quiet court. close to all schools. $129300. Mrs. Rimmington, 881-3232. L8 -â€" THE LIBERAL, Wednesday, December 26, 1979 0 3 8 4 BEDROOMS ' OAK RAILINGS 0 MAIN FLOOR FAMILY ROOMS 0 3 WASHROOMS 0 2 8. 3-CAR GARAGES 0 FLOOR TO CEILING FIREPLACES 0 HIGH QUALITY BROADLOOM 0 MAIN FLOOR lAUNDRY ROOMS ' OAK CIRCULAR STAIRCASES Libéral 226-5222 1075 A VAIlABLE FOR "CUS TOM †BUIIDING 9 MODES OPEN WEEKDAYS 12 TO 8:30 P.M. WEEKENDS 10 TO 6 PM. \ a ‘ I'uvmhtml-wmmh. oumm sun , av EXCLUSIVE AGENTS wnnssrm cous‘mucnou NATIONAL mus: neuron A.E. LePAGE (ONTARIO) LTD.. from only$96,900 an enjoyable Holiday season and we will be looking forward to serving you in the New Year. luxury Homes Situated On Acres Of Parkland 100 Ft. Lots in Richmond Hill 0“at Beaufort Gardens m: leowooo Améx. 2.000 so. Fl HEAD OFFICE Libéral 883-4506 ishing everyone MANY OUTSTANDING FEATURES â€The-name friends recommend†881-3232 8119 Yonge St., Thornhill 889-9330 Fwinhumï¬ninm. FROM 62 KING RD. BOX 1030 KING CITY 8834488 727-1818 MAJ‘ 5m: igAg 3; HIT: DjMACI :‘a‘w FlF§ AVK New uni; salon Would y0u like to be in your own busmess? Rent a space In a lovely UNFURNlSHED room available coolung faculmes. cable, heat. hydra parkmg Included. Adults only Available January Isl. 884-7000 ROOMS [0! rent. Adults only. $30. weekly and up. Central Richmond Hull 8841000 aftet £99. was EXPERIENCED BEAUTICIANS MOTEL units, telephone 4 piece baths. televismn, weekly. daily rates. gï¬malrMotel. 889-4823. mu 3(83 6 room detached bunga|ow. finished basement. newly decorated. quiet â€3 Rooms For Rent attev 7 pm ‘3‘ Business Opportunities call 'vï¬stourrmus' |1777 ID. } I $67,500. 884-6839 PRIVATE V 775-5500 436-5859“ Real Estate 6‘ Classiï¬eds ‘°‘ Real Estate BRAND new 1 and 2 bedroom apartments, wall to wall broadloam. an~cond|tuoned, large pnvate balcony. excellent secunty system. near shopping and GO tlansut. Overlooking Newmarket Fm un- spectton call 895-1022 or TOIOMO Lune 881-2707 All with option to buy 491-4407. 1-476-2302 4 bedrooms, fireplace, $3754 0n horse farm. Thomhlll $335 monthly. Siabhng available. 1 bedroom waterfront furnished fireplace $325 THREE bedroom apartment. Available Feb. 15!. $380. monthly plus hydtol First and last months. Walk to laulmes. Adults pvelerred. Relelences, 884-7102 Keswick, 3 bedroom home‘ $320. 2 bedroom water front, fireplace, $375: FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT FOR SENIOR CITIZENS 2 bedmom apartments Ran. m1 Feb. INSTANT cash for gcod condition household furniture. appliances. céntents Immediate pickup. 294- 1055 ms TRIMOUNT REFINING & SMELTING INC. 359 ENFORD RD., RICHMOND HILL, ONT 883-1249 DentaI gord, jewelery or any other precious metals. Frrdges. stoves. freezers. furniture Must be clean and working. Need rs desperate hrghest prrces pard. ndge. smve heat light and water upolued 884-2475 164 Cash price for your ' household contents or. individual items TOP PRICES PAID FOR OLD GOLD & SILVER PET VILLAGE GROOMING SALON ADULT BLDG. For further details contact “m Rest Homes Bricers 363-1954 1-478-4175 172 King Township, seiection of 5 building lots starting at $48,900. CALL 884â€"2377. MUST BE SOLD, Owner Transferred, 3 bedroom home, finished recreation room with fireplace, Iarge lot 80’x190'. CALL 8842377. AH blee< 889-6112 THREE BEDROOM APARTMENT Houses to Rent 881-0829 YOU COULD WIN TWO WEEKS IN. HAWAII Watch the travel quiz show GOING. PLACES on GLOBAL TV and play the ['qu HOME VIEWER GAME! FOR FAST SERVICE 225-8682 and Countrye Square YongeSteeles 495-1942 Family Trust representatlves are dlstrlbutlng game cards In selected market areas. 35° Pets Apartments To Rent Cash for Open Sat. 11 AM - 4 PM for your convenience 9993 YONGE ST., RICHMOND HILL 297-1270 or 884-8183 3‘1 Articles wanted 2 ACRE LOTS TFC This weeks winning numbers: $59,900 VACUUM cleaners used Electrolux an_d Knby. Good condition. 889‘ 0827. ml 1‘ TELEVISION. 25" colour console wood cabinet. Excellent condmon. $250. or best offer, 881-02314 TYPEWRITERS. addels. calculatms. sales. semce. rentals. Newmarket Business Machines. 497 Timothy St Newmarket 8957621. was Salem and Black and White All sets guaranteed 60 days. 4 LARGE SHOWROOMS 'i N172 YONGE RT. 924-8408 Above College St. opposne Westbury Hotel. ~1218 KENNEDY RD 759-2234 South of Hwy. 40) '29 DUNDAS ST E. 275-1135 Corner of Hwys S a 10 MISSIssauga 04900 DUFFERIN ST. 667-1170 Between Finch & Steels Warehouse 8. Showroom OPEN ONLY 9 l0 9 P M. SATURDAY TILLB RICHMOND HILL TREE SERVICE Bethesda Rd., neat Gormley 884-7774 01888â€"1166 305 Bed lChesterfields, $228. to $598.- CHESTERFIELD CLEARANCE FRANKLIN STYLE FIREPLACE ‘35 per face cord Delivered CENTRES OVER 900 Chesterfields O x O FIREW D Days 476-4961 Evgs. 4762946 0000 3000 Small. 860. After7 pm USED TELEVISIONS FIREPLACE HARDWOOD PICKED UP FIREWOOD Articles For Sale CASH AND’CAR’RY 0R DELIVERY ARRANGED I lace cord ‘30 1 bush cord 80 '\(l IVFDrn 1" I face cord 50 km JV 2 face cards 90 Siace ends ‘200 1 bush card ‘100 245-7491 HARDWOOD 773-4570 AND â€([7 m 20 All types wanted m tram for a wude vanety of TV Commercuai Productions, For tecorded message, phone Set 3393 anytime TV SOUNDSTAGE. DEAD or crippled farm animals pucked up promptly. 7054392421. Call anytime Ed Peconi & Son. Woodvme. Ont Licence No. 324066. Free Pick-up. Holland Landing Aurora 895-5108 727-9421 Who specualuzes In dealing wlth Chlld- yen who have learning problems Grades 1-8 all sublects Reason- able rates 881-8888 "Sunshlne‘ area. All persons havrng ctarms agamst the Estate of Cyrul Styan. Iate of the Town of chhmond Hill In the Regronal Munrcrpauty of York. who died on or about the 16th day of November, 1979. are hereby notrhed to send particulars of same to the undersrgned on or More the 27th day of December 1979 after which date the Estate er| be drstrrhuted. wrth regard only to claims of whrch the undersrgned shall then have notrce. and the undersrgned Will not be liable for any person of- whose cIarm she shaII not then have notrce.- DATED AT RICHMOND HILL THIS 27th DAY OF NOVEMBER. 1979 MAR; GARET STYAN EXECUTRIX OF THE ESTATE OF CYRIL STYAN. BY HER SOLICITOR. ROBERTH BLACKBURN MESSRS, STONG BLACKBURN & MACHON. SUITE 206 10350 YONGE STREET RICHMOND HILL ONTARIO MC 388 AH white medium length fur De» clawed Neutered. Answers to "Sunshine" » Bedtord Pk. ‘ Yonge Spemahst In preparing boys for BarMutzah 638-2455 Seasone'd Hardwood. Free delivery. Buy now - Save later. Up to 40 lbs (2), $15 each Silver Cross, Formula II StroHers (21.330 each 881-3561 Doors. wmdows, awnmgs, ramngs. Sldmg. soffit system. trough‘ Free estimates. Ron Woods 884-1514. TV COMMERCIALS 305 791 A Good Place To my Fertilizev WholesaIe-Retall 55° Career Training BRADFORD FERTILIZER LTD FIREWOOD 6l0 881-3303 883-4372 883-3150 Ev 630-1930 630 884-1105 - 1106 "4 Gardening &Supplies HIGHLY QUALIFIED TEACHER LOST â€" CAT Ext. 278 Days ASK FOR HARRY Articles For Sale Farm Service 7GB TEACHER Legal Notices EXPERIENCED CAR SEATS Lost 8 Found NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS ALUMINUM Tutoring Days Evgs Evgs CJWZS Edelbrock mtake Accel dual pmnt ilstnbutor Low mileage Can be heard runmng 884-9043 f 354 Power steenng & brakes‘ pat 11am Custotmzed Captain seam, Gom- year steel belted radials AM & FM stereo cassette deck, sun mo! and Hans Excellent condltnon cel- ‘Ihed Askung SL500 Walter's Automotive Lib'éral 1980 MajeIs m Stock Preselso pnces Save dollars McKENllE RECREAHONAL Hwy 7 3118mm 88"5000 â€c“ “33:: & "mes 3500 of! our regular pnce on car am models, Larry Van Dyke, BEIHESDA SALES & SERVICE 888-1166 0! 884~7774 MWGA POLARIS SECRETARIAL setvices, Typiné. photocopying done in my home‘ |.B.M. typewriter. 884-6872. 77} S761. Hols Let's talk if over contid’eï¬flé‘u'yi Burthnght 469.1111, 884.8053 884- 943]. "m Cars & Trucks WANTED FOR SCRAP Top Prices nan nap: 00 somefhung new - Cali Rendezvous gating “d. LOCa’657-1651 ton» 775-6773 RELIABLE for every Reasonable me For 1urther m. lurmatlon call 881-5235 727-2544 22 FT. MOTOR HOME Excellent condmon, $4 500 Quality Used Cars ‘55 Cats 8 Trucks COMMUNT Y CYCLE 340 MOTOR FOR SALE Road! 0 man. 10005 Suflon M. 5‘" Domestic Help Wanted 2ԠSnowmobiles 77 CHEVY VAN Call 895-7027 MANICURES, PEDICURES MAKEâ€"UP CONSULTATIONS 5“ Employment Wanted 883-5242 ALL MEWIIICM REPAIRS AID OVERHAULS DON'T WAIT UNTIL IT'S TOO LATE CALL Q58 mum†230 We Care Tutorial Services All Subjects. all grades YAMAHA 52" Personals \65 Wellnnflon S! E AUROM 889-8553 77 TR-7 ARCTIC CAT Ouoonulllo SNOWMOBILE SNOWMOBILES CARS WAN [ED FOR SCRAP 478-4559 727-3012 Cars Wanted AURORA 727-3661 cleaning woman waMed othel Friday. 889-7929‘ Campers it Trailers Ryan Bros Woodbtne & Nov 7 Hwy‘ 495-0097 FOR RENT lvvu 889-0353 VIEW- 38 u "ll NC 2‘ "CH "C29 "(329 "(.16 Fully experienced, required for busy construction firm in lane St & Hwy. 7 area. Apply by reSume stating experience and expected salary tn ‘ Experienced in ladies coats & dresses. Four days per week. Required in busy Customer Service Depart- ment. Purchasing backgmund an asset. Concord area. Required immediately to handle a variety of duties including switchboard. Typing essential. Hwy. 7 & Keele area. Own transportation necessary. All We require people with their own cars to work in our pro motional department Expansion has created 5 fulltime and 3 parttime openings. Parttime hours - 6:30 - 10:30 pm. No experience necessary. Full com- pany training provided. If you are of legal age, call us to arrange a personal and confidential inter- Required to operate Telex and various office duties. Experience preferred. Car essential. Finch- Dufferin area. SNOWMOBILE REPAIRS CLERICAL PERSON ï¬McLean’s otAu‘iï¬ï¬ AYRES FASHIONS HILLCREST MALL YQRK REQIQN'S FINEST USED CARS 50 OR MORE I’REVIOUSLY OWNED AUTOMOBILES ON DISPLAY AI ALL TIMES SHOP WITH CONFIDENCE â€" SHOP MCLEAN'S North Star Marketing ALTERATIONIST $460 FULLTIME $230 PARTTIME Richview Lawn Equipment 11011 Bayview Ave, Richmond HiH makes. Pickup & Delivery Service v95 vo~c£ smcn scum Aunom onuruo Izr-Muovumn? LET US DRIVE YOU NAPPV' BOOKKEEPER OFFICE CLERK 661-9290 884-5099 CALL MRS. DOWNEY 669-9444 667-1851 884-1361 226-9332 455 CALL GLORIA 2‘“ Snowmobiles CLERK- TYPIST G. WILLIAMS PO. BOX 237 CONCORD, ONT‘ L4K 184 5‘“ Help Wanted Cars 8 Tmcks Ext. 186 Clw?‘ W26