St. Paul's United crafts. 1.30 8: 7.30 p.m. 773-5603. 11lomhill Lodge. B‘nai B‘rith bingo. Thornhill Comm. Ctre. 7.30 pm. 881-3313. Cantabile Chorale. Gallanough Library. 8 pm. 881-1105 Lions Bingo. Centre SL. R. Hill 7.40 p.m. 88-1-4530. Duplicate Bridge. 12125 Yonge. 8 p.m. 884-1689. Thornhill Barbershoppers. Highland Jr. Hi. School. Don Mills 8: Cliffwood. 8 p.m. 663.5209. York Philharmonic practice. R Hill Baptist. 7.30 p.m. 884‘3091 REGULAR EVEN Group Run From Famin Everyone Welcome. 9 3.111. (Lroup Run Fro: Richmond Hill “'olconw. NXJ-ODHI Ricln'alo Lions Bingo 1H Sprucv .\\’enue. Richvale Lions New Year‘s Dance. Richvale (‘ommunity Centre. Tickets: 884-5097. 31 Volunteers give of themselves â€" their time. .heir skills. their energy. their knowledge. their help and their commitment to their community. Often they work behind the scenes. contibuting to the efficiency and ef- fectiveness of an agency or service. Sometimes they fulfill essential front-line jobs on which the very existence of a program depends. In each case they are valuable. to children * tutoring. sports skills, love. to voluntary boards â€" ideas. organizational abilities 3O No“ Year's Dance. Our Lady of (he Annunciation School. Oak Ridges. 3:30 p.m. Tickets: 773- IIOZI. 7731-5K73. (‘onlrtx S) p.m. Tickets: 8X9-170‘i HRH-“2|. 889-5666. to troubled teens â€" understanding direc tion. t . .to acknowledgethe gift of Christmasthal volunteers give all year round . . . to the handicapped â€" support. a helping hand. to seniors â€" patience, genuine interest. genume interest to probaiioners â€"t‘riendship, guidance. to hospital patients â€" a cheery smile. sympathetic concern. The RICHMOND HILL VOLUNTEER BUREAU would like to thank the VOLUNâ€" TEERS of the community for their precious gifts. and to invite others to join in such gift- giving by calling Lillian Silver at 883-2235. 'l‘hornhill Lions New Year's Dnncv. Thornhill (‘ommunity Your community needs-2 you The Japanese have enjoyed communal bathing for centuries. as Mollie Rothman and her husband enjoy the Hot Tub This time of year, when you are trying to gather yourself together after the holiday season, relaxing in a Hot Tub might just be the answer to your problems. MONDAY SUNDAY THE TACK UP COMPLETE OUTFI'ITERS FOR HORSE 8 RIDER 144 MAIN ST. 297-3243 UNIONVILLE Hot Tubs soak your cares away From Family Y. Hiâ€. Everyone HELPMATE INFORMATION COMMUNITY CALENDAR :m p.m Legal Aid Clinic. 7-10 p.m. 884- 9148. R. Hill Aquatic Club practice. Centennial Pool. 5.30 p.m. Mon. Fri. 884-8003. R. Hill Library. pre-school story hour. 1040.45 a.m. Preâ€"register. 884-9288. Thornhill Comm. Ctre Library story hour. aged 3-5. 1.30 pm. Pre-register 881-5668. RCSCC Patriot Sea Cadets. St. Mary‘s Anglican. 7.30 p.m. 88-1- 3630. Navy League. R. Hill United. 6.30 p.m. 883â€"4182. Oak Ridges Brethren In (‘hrisl ('Illll‘t‘ll. .\ (‘hrislmas (‘antalzL (blue to the Mangvr. 10:30 a.m. Richmond Hill Lions New Year's Ball. Richmond Hill Lions "all. x p.m. lo l 3.11). N0“ Year's Dance. Lake Wilcox (‘ommunily Centre. Tickets: xx?- 3933. ()ak Ridges Lions Ne“ Year‘r Dance. Bond Lake Arena Tickets: 773-4285. Ne“ Year‘s Dance : llvinlzman House Tickets: MED-5043. MONDAY TUESDAY Dance and Dinner December Libéral Hot TubS. North American tradition, are wooden tubs, con- structed of one~inch thick wooden staves, put together in a tongue and groove fashion to insure a water- 883-2234 did the Romans and Greeks, but the idea is relatively new to Canada. which they have installed at their chalet just north of Barrie. January p. m YCAMR Floor Hockey League Crosby Hts. School. 6.30 p.m. 884- 9110. York Choral Society rehearsal. Our Lady Help of Christians School. 8 pm. 8344532. CGIT. R. Hill United. Thornhill Community Band practice. Thornlea Sec. School. 7 p.m.. beginners: 8 pm. concert baï¬d. 889-9620. 5971 Yoga. R. Hill United: 7.15 p.m. beginners: 8.30 p.m. in- termediates. 884-2671. (hu- Parent Families Association (imwral Meeting. 8 p.m. (‘rosby Heights School. Mothers Break. 93041.15 a.m. R Hill L'nited. 884-4294. Our Lady's (Build Meeting. 7:45 p.11). Our Lady of the Annun- ciation School. Bond (‘resc.. Oak Ridges. (mldelf Era (‘lilb Euchre. Patricia Kemp (‘ommunity Centre, ('uncord. 8 p.m. Info: 669â€" IXSI. o l|.\l’|’\' N EW YEAR TUESDAY era] Section C @mflmzymï¬ï¬y May not apply during holiday season. Phone first 7_Vy_€;d_r1e$§iay, December 26, 1979 Both are used by Mollie as showrooms, for her new endeavor called Sugar Bush Hot Tubs. She offers anyone interested, the op- portunity to try Hot Tubbing. “It will just'melt all you} cares away“‘ she said. So far the Rothmans have a Hot Tub installed at their Thornhill home, outside on the patio, as well as inside their ski chalet north of Barrie. She and her family were so taken with Hot Tubs, described as the latest fad â€" THE thing to do, that now she is in the business. In fact, Mollie's enthusiasm borders on religious fervor. at about 110 degrees fahrenheit Ito give the benefits of both a sauna and whirlpool. They are ï¬tted with benches. jet sprays am} pupblers. Water is kept tight tub. and sized anywhere from four to eight feet in diameter and four feet deep. Counterwéight. R. Hill Library. 7.30 p.m. 255-442]. AMOat R. Hill United. 9.30 - 11.15' a.m. 884-9722. Seniors euchre. 1.30 p.m. 10149 Yonge. 834-3674. (‘unadian Progress (‘lub. York Central. 7 p.m. Info: 826-9372. “'heelhouse Senior ('itizens (‘luh Parent Concern meeting. 8 p.m Call Joyce. 884-3503. Thornhill Lions Bingo. Thornhifl Comm. Ctre. 7.30 p.m. 881-3813. National (‘ouncil for Jewish \\'omen-('0flee and Conversation. 9:30 to “:30 a.m. at 28 (iretman (‘rescu 'I‘hornhill. Info! 889-0210 or 493-8753. Thornhill Comm. Ctre. Library story hour. 3-5 yrs. 10.30 a.m. Pro-register. 881-5668. Hilltop Operetta Society. St. Mary‘s Anglican Church. 7.30 p.m. 8844831. WEDNESDAY St. John Ambulance Training session. Richvaie Community ('onlro. lounge. 8 p.m. Info: 884â€" 1201. Wheelhouse Senior Citizens (‘lub Afternoon Euchre. hill) p.m. Info: 7721-5394. Register for Pre-School French. ’I‘hornhill Village Library. Xxl- x299. Ten sessions. WEDNESDAY 26 R. Hill Lions majorettes & drum corps practice. Lions Hall. 7 p.m. 88-1â€"6745. Yoga. R. Hill United. 8 a.m begiï¬ners: 10.15 a.m. in termediates. 884-2671. ('ivic Improvement Meeting ’l‘mm Offices. 8 p.m. Pre-school story hour and French classes. R. Hill Library. 2 p.m. 884-9288. R. Hill Legion bingo, Legion Hall. 7.35 pm. Gallanough Librari. 7 pm. 889- 5320. Duplicate Bridge. 12l25 Yonge. l p.m. 884â€"1689. Ihgrnhill Village Artists. W & \\' (Widowed People) Meeting. Victoria and Grey Building Richmond Hill. 8 p.m. Info: 832â€"1484. “It‘s just not the same as having that extra touch of someone checking your oil and pumping your gas. I can‘t say I She couldn't pass up the opâ€" portunity to repeat what she said she has heard many times. Those drivers who frequent self-serve stations tend to have their cars depreciate much quicker than those who use regular stations, she claimed. Block Parents Association meeting. York Region Police Station. Major Mackenzie Drive, Richmond Hill. 7:30 p.m. Info: “If there‘s a reason for me to use one of these stations I have to get dressed up in mechanic's overalls for fear of getting a dirty old hose wrapped around me," said Councillor Alma Walker. Richmond Hill Lions Meeting. (3:250 p.111. Lions Hull. (‘entre Street. Richmond Hill. Info: 884- 1'“ m. Richvale Writers (‘lub. 79 Donham Drive, Richmond Hill. Info: 889-6703. Owners of the gas station at the corner of Bayview Ave. and Romfield‘ Circuit have made application to convert their modest operation into one of the self-serve variety. The com- mittee recommended to council the plan be approved. but not before the principle of drivers pumping their own gas was debated. HAM" .\dull Coffee House. St. Mary Immaculate Church. Rich- mond Hill. 8 p.m. Info: 884-1784. While motorists are driving to the beat of the self-serve gas bar. Markham‘s Planning Committee was unsure last Tuesday if ap- proving another one for Thornhill is a good idea. 'l'hornhill (‘ommunity Centre Library. puppet show. ages 3 and up. 2 [HI]. Register XXI-5668. “‘hm‘lhousc Senior ('itizens (‘luh games and euchre. 7.30 p.m. l2 Kilig Sidm'oatl. ()ak Ridges. THURSDAY THURSDAY Self-serve gas for Thornlea Plaza 1O m- Duplicate Bridge. 12125 Yonge St 8 p.m. 884â€"1689. Maple Leaf Accordion Band. MacKillop School. 7-9 p.m. 884- 0899. Air Cadets. male 8: female. 13-19 yrs. Legion Hall. R. Hill. 7 p.m. 8844521. 8873 R.HillYouth Concert rehearsals. R. Hill recycling depot. Elgin 7 p.m. St. Joseph‘s School. 884- Mills & Leslie. 10 a.m.-noon. Thornhill recycling depot. Bayview & Green Lane. 7-8.30 p.m. 884-1355. _ “The reason these locations are doing so well is partly because they provide cheaper gas but also because those precise services are no longer provided by_gas station attendants. And to a point. I don't blame them. What's the use of having a $500-a-week mechanic come out and check your oil or wipe your wind- shield?" he asked. Planning Chairman Tom Gove wondered if a combination self- Wheelhouse Senior (‘itizens (‘luh. ('rafl and Work Day. 1:30 p.m. Info: 773-4195. Ron Dancey put forth an argument in favor of self~serve stations. Register for Creative Recreation. children aged 7-12. A 10-week program. Famin $884481]. Thornhill ('ommunity (‘entre Library The proposal meets all the planning requirements. except for a deficiency in the setback from Bayview Ave. A representative of Waksbra Investments Ltd.. the holding company which owns the plan, said his firm would be appearing before the committee of ad- justment to seek a variance to the 120-foot setback. At present, the design provides only 106.5 feet between the main structure and the road. ('harlos (‘unnor Library. Films for all ages. 2 p.m. pre-register: .lanuary Story Hour. Register for pro-school French. ages .‘ ’. 889- “‘heelhouse Senior (‘itizens Club. I: King Side Road. Oak Ridges (‘I'afl and Work Day. 7734495. “'heelhouse Senior (‘itizens (‘luh craft work day. l2 King Sideroad. (ink Ridges l.30 p.m. Singalong with Sharon Morley. 'l‘hornhill (‘ommunity (‘entre Library. 2 [MIL Ages 2! and up. Register XXI-5668. 'l‘hornhill Community (‘entre Library. register now for agree with the proposal â€" I have taken my business from two stations that have made a changeover and so have all of my friends.“ 3mm FRIDAY FRIDAY Royal Trust YHE SIGN mu SELLS ROJALTRUST CORP. OF CANADA Thornhill recycling depot Bayview 8: Green Lane. 10 a.m.‘ noon. Seniors euchre, 10149 Yonge. 1.30 YCAMR bowling league. Newkirk Bowl. 2-4 p.m. YCAMR Teen drop-in Thornhill Baptist Church. 7.30 pm. 889~ 0536. Final Refundable Bottle ('olleclion for PeeWee A Hockey Team. 9:30 a.m, to 3:30 p.m. Ilomo pick up and drop off centre behind Safeway Plaza. serve and attendant station was possible for the Thornhill location. Ron Femson noted the Shell station at Bayview and Sheppard Aves; tried it but had to close a number of its pumps for lack of business. Richvale Library. Fantastic Film Festival. 10:30 a.m. to noon. 389-2817. (‘oncord ('uh and Scout Bottle Drivv. Leavo bottles at bottom of (Iriveuay. 669-2131. ’l‘hornhill Community (‘entro Library program for children. in the auditorium at 10.30' a.m. “Fantasy Films". ()nv Parent Families Association Dance at Richvale (‘ommunily Centre. 8:30 p.m. Info: 883-4516 or Mil-2687. .\Il Welcome. The Richmond Hill resident has been in- volved in the winter carnival since its in- ception. Mr. Ruttle received this award from his employer, Dominion Stores Limited, in the way of a plaque and an amount of $500. which he had donated to his favorite charity. Richmond Hill Winter Camival Chairman. Bill liultle, received recognition for out- standing personal service to his community recently. Carnival chairman honored SATU R DAY lst in homes 1st in service SATURDAY 881 3232 12