MY. Pelliccione‘s inaugural address stressed the rapid-growth of separate school population in the area last year; and that funds for capital projects must keep pace with that growth. He noted that Education Minister Dr. Bette Stephenson is faced Frank Kelly of Georgina was elected vice-chairman over Kathleen Taylor of Newmarket. He was unanimously re- elected as chairman for 1980 at last week's board meeting. York Region Roman Catholic Separate School Board trustees seem content with their chairman, Larry Pelliccione of Markham. .-\s a result of an operation on a brain .umor three and one-half years ago. 22-year~old Rosemary became paralyzed down one side Pelliccione is returned as chairman Rosemary Ball. who .ravels everywhere in a “heelchair herself. is looking for other han- dicapped youlhs who would be inleresled in joining a social group in .he ’I‘hornhill~Richmond Hill area, Rosemary Ball from Richmond Hill has no trouble putting the finishing touches on her Christmas tree, even though she is confined to a No barriers New club needs helping hands up 11 per cent over MINI-SKOOL 54 Avenue Rd. MlNl-SKOOL is a warm 8 happy place offering the best in total child care for children from 6 weeks to Kindergarten with a new program.for school- age children before and after school hours, P.D. days and holidays are included. Transportation will be provided if needed... Call us for an appointment to come and meet our professional staff. BRING YOUR CHILD AND COME AND SEE OUR FINEST CHILD CARE CENTRE 881-0710 or 881-0711 The management committee will be headed by Jack McDermott and will consist of Leo At the same time, he announced his new committees for 1980. Mr. Pelliccione con- siders his first year as chairman as a learning experience. with provincial govern- ment restraint, but stated, “We must fight for our share of the funds that are being reduced every year". Rosemary. and a few lriends similiarly han~ dicapped. are aware of programs in the city. where members enjoy films. participate in But. her handicap has not limited her zest for life and interest in par- .icipating in community events to the fulleélt ex- tenlt of her body and ‘is now confined [0 travel in a wheelchair. OF W CARRVILLE GHWfl 7 leéral MINI-skoolf 54 AVENUE RD. THORNHILI. HILLCREST MALL A CHILD'S PLACE Jack McDermott, June Mallon and Elio Bellon will make up the per» sonnel committee. The education com- mittee is as follows: Frank Kelly, June Mallon. Ernie Nyitrai, Pat Burzillo, Dan DiRocco, Rita Zanatta, Father Don MacLean and Tim Byrne. Wigglesworth, Tony Diodati, Con Thompson. John O‘Mahoney, Elio Bellon and Kathy Taylor. Films are available which attempt to m0tivate a handicapped individual .0 enjoy skiing or horseback riding. despite their handicap. by showing others in action. What Rosemary has in mind is a similiar group. in ihis area. formed i0 indoor games. such as howling or cards. or lake par. in outings lo the .heat re or shopping. wheelchair. Rosemary is attempting to set up a social club for young people similarly han- dicapped. (Liberal Photo by Bruce Hogg) ï¬ll. 16iHAVE “I‘m sure any helping hands can be used.“ she said. Mrs. Bamford en- courages any han- dicapped youths in (he communin [0 contact Rosemary al 8895858. and she also urges anyone who would be willing to volunleer in the way 'of offering Iransporlation for outings or helping to serve ea or coffee. lo come forward. a. York (‘enlral Hospital. applauds the idea of a local social group and said she is willing to help 0m in any way she can llnlil .he group gets on Us feel enjoy each or any of these activities. Barb Bamford. an Hegupgl ional Therapist As we enter a new decade, House of Brougham celebrates its 10th anniversary. 10 years of satisfying the increasing demand for superbly Crafted, early Canadian solid pine furniture. ‘ The Manager 8 Staff at the Thornhill store of The House of Brougham extend warmest best wishes to our many friends 8 invite you to drop in early in the New Year and see the newest additions to the widest selection of Early Canadian Pine Furniture. , ~ BAYVIEW & MARKHAM RD., RICHMOND HILL Our tradition contlnues. Our sqlection continues. 7775 YONGE ST. THORNHILL, ONT. L3T 284 - 889-2700 \Vally‘ as he has always been referred to. will establish a securin system for the Magna In: ernal ional (‘orporal ion in Toronto. but he and his wife .lune are not going [0 “I will regret losing him. bUI he cannot turn down such a good op- porlunily". “hen asked why. the chief answered. “I had worked with him in Metro. and always knew him as an excellent worker. and uhal‘s the kind of man I needed“. When Police (‘hief Bruce (‘rawford headed up the fledgling York Regional Police Force in .1971. he asked Wally llarkness no work for him. He became a constable in 195:3 and joined the delecnve branch in 1961. “I‘m not going out the door with a great bravo. you know." The «15-year-old Deputy (‘hief has been a policeman since he was 17 years old. when the became a cadet with The \lolropolilan Toronto Police Force. He. continued. "It's going [0 take quite a bin of adjuSImem. l‘ve spenl more than half my life as a cop. and il will 'be hard :0 change.“ “l have an opportunin I!) enter private en- .erprise. and l lhink lhe lime is righ. Allencourt In an interview last week. Mr. Harkness explained his decision [0 leave. York Regional Police (‘hief Bruce (‘rawford accepted with regret. last week. the resignation of one of his top men; Deputy (‘hiel Wallace llarkness. The man hailed as “super policeman†and once looked on as heir apparent lo the Chief has resigned from the York Regional Police Force and will begin a new career in private en- terprise. move to the big city. He says. “We are happy here. and have no in tentions of moving". Mr. Harkness went on. “We are both a bit apâ€" prehensive about the change. but the opâ€" portunity is just too good l0 turn down". He has always had a good, rapport with his fellow workers and with criminals. "I still get Christmas cards from quite a few 25 years as cop, Deputy Chief resigns from the management 8 staff of Ringing in wishes for a super year ahead. Hope it is! canal.» n.†om". surge/wâ€, OM-Io As to who will lake over as the new Deputy Chief, Mr. (‘rawford said. “It's no! mo soon to (hink about il. bu1 it's too early to make .he decision“ “l Slill gel Christmas cards from quite a few people in prison. I never lried I0 cheat (hem. and as long as you‘re fair with .hem Hhe criminals). .hey'll respeCI you for it“. he conlinued. INSURANCE AGENCY LTD. 10255 YONGE STREET SUITE 205 RICHMOND HILL ONTARIO TELEPHONE: 884-1529 Mon‘, - Fri‘ 9 am‘ - 5 p.m. Sat. By appt. 9 am. to noon He has always had a good rapporl with his fellow workers and with criminals. STATE FARM Insurance Companies BRIAN MATHER mull MCI ’VA'I I‘ll See me Shoppon' Worid Albion Shoppen' Wofld. Brampton Hlllcrnl Moll â€" Albion Rd. at Kipling Hwy‘ 10 an Stock. Avo Yong. St. Richmond Hm 742.1025 7 451-1625 884-5440 CARRVILLE Rm ï¬shy; E a; 0 Gift Wrapped Boxes - Personal Er Corporate 0 Cheese Trays 0 Try our weekIy specials Happier New Year savings on. . . Fine China, Porcelain, Stoneware Sets & Serving Pieces; Crystal Stemware; Tea/(wood; Cutlery: Norwegian Pewter: Housewares; and mac!) more. e very one lrkes a bargain N0 BINGO DEC. 20th BINGO RESUMES WED., JAN. 2, 1980 CONSOLATION JACKPOT $500.00 MUST GO Price $50.00 per couple, includes served full C1 dinner at 9:30 pm. with wine, dessert 8 party favours CANADIAN El- IMPORTED CHEESE BOB DeANGELIS DANCE BAND RESERVATIONS 889-5668 889-1702 889-4421 MAKE YOUR RESERVA Tia/VS NOW FUR A IUI." UIIUIUU "I PLO" CANDLE HOLDE $1 or foronly... I Special Feature Bonus InunnmlLL LIUNS “BINGO \T/ AT THE THORNHILL COMMUNITY CENTER BAYVIEW AND JOHN ST. DECEMBER 31 ST 9:00 PM-1:30 AM :40 pm. Earlybirds EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT plus extra 10% on Sale Priced Items y Dec: 27. 28 . 29 STOREWI 1 0% to 70° usmmcs Your Choice of $2.50 THORNHILL COMMUNITY CENTRE ‘ THORNHILL LIONS NEW YEAR'S DANCE WITHIN JACKPOT $1,000.00 Thur. Fri. Sat. DAYS John St. and Bayviewf Ave., Thornhill with each purchaao of ’10. maximum 4 per customer THORNHILI. LIONS CHEESE THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. December 26. 1979 â€" A-3 THE CHEESE’STOP 889-9791 9104 YONGE ST., THORNHILL STOP THE (beside Travel - Your Way) 8:00 pm. Regular Games NUMBERS STOREWIDE course roast beef COMPARE OUR PRICES