PREFACE (By Mrs. David Gordon) Not only the descendants of the present members of the BRIGHT W.J., but future citizens of this Community will bless the wife of a former Governor General of Canada Susan, Lady Tweedsmuir, herself a keen W.I. worker, whose passion for history led her to encourage her fellow workers in each and every Branch to obtain from the pioneers who were still with them a complete history of the farms in their various districts. Right here we should like to pay tribute to perhaps the best loved among all the members from the Head Office at Toronto who came among us as guest speaker at Area and District Conventions, Miss Viola Fowell, who never failed to exhort us to get this information for Historical Research. However, Lady Tweedsmuir went a little farther and asked that the stories we obtained be incorporated in books to be known as THE TWEEDSMUIR VILLAGE HISTORIES. Down through the older settled parts of this great Province of ours, settlers have erected Cairns to show that a particular farm has been cleared at least I00 years. Histories in those cairns show that in many cases the present owners can show the original deed from the Crown to an ancestor. This settlement of ours can not build those yet because it was not until 1679 that the Townships were surveyed and thrown open to the Homesteaders. We hope, however, that our grandchildren and our great grandchildren may find in this volume the information they may need to erect these cairns on the corner of each and every farm now in the hands of the families represented by the present Institute members. We are indebted to the many pioneers and others down through the years who have given information and pictures for our Tweedsmuir Village History.