Lord AND. LADY TWEEDSMUIR Lord Tweedsmuir, born John Buchan in Scotland, August 2£>th, 1875, the 30: o " Rev. John Buchan. Historian, Novelist, amd Govenor-Gcneral of Canada from 1935 to 19<i0. Called to the bar in 1901. Prom 1927 to 193^ h, was m . . . - of British House of Coramom for Scot Lis! -Universities. In 1935 he was titled "Baron Tweedsmuir". . - ( Author of a number of biographies r.nd historical worlds: I Sir Walter Raleigh Sir Walter Scott Julieus Ceasar Oliver Cromwell I The Massacre cf Glencoe The K ng1 s Jrace Some or his novels we »'e: The 39 Steps Salute to Adventurers The Three Hostages I Memor-r Hold the Door was his autobiography nd one of ais latest works. John Buchan, the first Lord Tweedsmuir died in Montreal on Feb. 19th. 19^0. His librry was bequeathed ] to Queen's University at Kingston, Ont irio. , Lady Tweedsmuir, wife of our beloved Govenor-General has written many plays, children's plays and reminiscences. She was an ardent W.I. member and was made an Honorary Life- Member of F.W.I.O. She advocated that our organization across Canada compile the stories of our local communities and villages. She returned to England Pol lowing the death of her husband.